Well that is pretty clear. He described it as "pretty random" and not random though which was a bit confusing and was missing exactly the detail that I was asking about. But I'll stop asking then since it seems impossible to get a definite answer.daniel34 wrote: Conclusion: It takes all the incoming items from the input belt and puts it on the output belt, splitting it 50:50 unless one output side is blocked. If the output is partially blocked so that the input is filling up then it takes from a random input side.
I have an interest in using this mod, if it actually replaces an input balancer. Since I'm pretty sure now that it takes items randomly from input and not alternates like a splitter build, I know it is not for me.daniel34 wrote:You were pretty aggressive towards OP trying to clarify this misunderstanding. Why are you even trying to clarify it anyway, as you don't seem to have any interest in using this mod?Qon wrote:I just clarified a misunderstanding in how OP interpreted someone elses question. Are you saying I should download the mod and try it out and read the source and explain OP's mod to the one who originally asked because the mod author doesn't want to do describe what it does himself?Are you actually proud of making the mod author remove the download link, just because the description set by the mod author and his replies to this thread were not explanatory enough for you?Qon wrote:Also, Razorin, how sure can you be that I don't already have it or even want it? q:
I didn't make the author remove the link. He operates under his own free will and I did not suggest anything like it. But I'll let that slide if you don't want to push it.
I was suprised and disappointed that he removed it, hence the comment. I thought it was silly to remove it and showed him that it wasn't me who was hurt by the link removal, but his fans.
And why would I be proud that he removed it? That is not what I meant at all.
Being frank isn't the same as aggressive. I never insulted anyone, even if I might have stepped on some toes. Which I do apologise for. But if you read it that way I can tone it down.daniel34 wrote: @Qon
Don't make posts that are aggressive towards the mod author in the future. Although most people would prefer it, he is not under the obligation to answer every little question you have about the mod. Asking questions is fine, but don't get upset if the answer isn't as detailed as you'd like.
Of course he isn't obligated to answer it, but if he does answer then I assume he has an interest in explaining it. And if his explanation isn't clear then I at least have to tell him that so he can clarify the parts that are confusing. It doesn't mean I'm upset, it means I don't understand his explanation and that I'm requesting clarification.
He said "my mod is described enough", does that mean the same thing as "I don't want to describe it further"? I didn't extrapolate that far, wasn't obvious to me that it meant that he didn't want the mod described in detail. I interpreted it as "I think everything is crystal clear to everyone" which wasn't true for me.
And I'm not upset that he called me lazy or shitty. I just pointed out the flaws in his logic when he started with the insults, not because it hurt, but because it was factually incorrect and logically fallicious.
@Razorin. I'm sorry for calling your explantion "worse than useless", I will search for a nicer way to describe explanations that I find confusing. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just writing what I felt in words that I didn't consider enough how it would sound to the reader.