Modular 571 Refinery

Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput.
Involving: Belts (balancers, crossings), Inserters, Chests, Furnaces, Assembling Devices ...
Optimized production chains. Compact design.
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Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput
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Modular 571 Refinery

Post by Rob76 »

I'm on my second game and decided that I needed to make a neater job of my oil processing. I found out about the 5:7:1 ratio of refineries to light oil processing and heavy oil processing and decided to make a neat block (25 x 18) that I could use. As a side effect of optimising the footprint I figured that I could make it modular by extending the pipes vertically from the block so that new blocks could simply be placed above and below.

With the addition of a simple manifold, blocks can also be added to the left with a 180deg rotation of the blueprint with a one block overlap and to the right by a 180 degree rotation and by moving down by two blocks, also with a one block overlap.

The extreme left column (1) is the PG output, column 10 is the HO output, column 11 is the LO output, column 17 is the CO input and column 18 (extreme right) is the water input. Although there is enough processing power to convert everything to PG a simple pump seems to be enough to draw off enough HO for Lubricant production and I assume that the same is true if LO is needed.

Hope you find it useful.
Oil Refinery Modular 571 4f.png
Oil Refinery Modular 571 4f.png (875.66 KiB) Viewed 3924 times
I think this is the correct blueprint string but I've not been using the mod long so it would be great if someone could test it.

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Re: Modular 571 Refinery

Post by sckuzzle »

Pretty cool. You can also leave three spaces when tiling and a beacon fits in there nicely.
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Re: Modular 571 Refinery

Post by BlakeMW »

That's impressive for your second game. There are slightly more compact designs (including the one I link to in my sig) which are the result of collaborative/competitive efforts to create the most compact and optimized refineries possible.

I would say the only real flaw with your design is there are no obvious places to put small pumps to control light oil cracking, a small pump can be placed on either the water or oil line to cut off input supply but since your water and light oil lines are all tangled up there would be no real way to switch off light oil cracking.
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