- Name: Tanks! For Bob
- Version: 1.4.1
- Factorio-Version: 0.12.x
- Description: Adds research and vehicles (Tanks) to make players more effective to kill biters while driving a tank. I am balancing this mod to be played with "Bob's Enamies" and "Natural Evolution Expansion" mods.
- License: Free to share and edit, no warranty, credits go to all involved developers/testers/players/artists
- Release: 2016-5-7
- Download-Url: https://github.com/LCruel/tanks_for_bob ... _1.4.1.zip
- Website: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=21788
- Dependencies: (Recommended) Bob's enemies, Natural Evolution Expansion, Cheaper rail and concrete (https://github.com/LCruel/cheaper_rail_ ... _1.0.0.zip)
- Category: SimpleExtension
- Tags: Vehicles
Images of tanks in action
A tank mod that adds additional tanks and tank/vehicle features to factorio.
- Auto cannon tank, fast conventional tank with two tiers
- Flamer tank, fast flamer tank with two tiers
- Super tank, heavy all round tank
- Rocket tank, Fast mobile range rocket launcher (under going redesign)
- Recall to tank teleporter tokens
Tank guns
- Auto cannon, will pass through objects like butter
- Battle cannon, stronger explosive shells
- Flamer, flame-thrower with two modes of fire
- Artillery, slow, high damage and long range shells
- Rocket launcher, fast and long range rockets
- Mine layer, faster way to deploy mines
- Machine gun, stronger then vanilla
- Cannon turret, a flame-thrower turret (under development)
This mod can be used with vanilla only, however it is balanced to play multi-player with "Bob's Enemies" and "Natural Evolution Expansion". This mod might be overpowered for vanilla Factorio.
- Added recall teleporter token, for speedy return to your tank of your selection
- Added gun turrets (under development) allows you to arm turrets with tank ammo. Atm I disabled all turrets except flame-thrower.
- Rebalanced: Artillery tank gun, now shoots less far and accurate. Now launches 4 shells.
- Recommendation, create backup save if you already had a game in progress. This update contains a lot of balancing changes in damage and production.
- First public release
I have not been able to succeed to build a rocket playing this with two people with "Bob's Enemies" and "Natural Evolution Expansion". Around 80% evolution it starts to get really rough.
This mod formerly also included a mod to increase concrete and rail production. This has been split into its own mod that you can download from:
https://github.com/LCruel/cheaper_rail_ ... _1.0.0.zip