BUGFIX: 02MAY2016: Version 0.1.56
Resoves issues with loading games with minimized icons and with previous version of PeaceAndProsperity
UPDATE: 29-Apr-2016 : Version 0.1.5
- GUI is slightly more verbos
- GUI can be minimized to a small 16x16 icon on the LEFT SIDE of the players screen
- *Should* now now support ores from 3rd party mods (tested with BOBS ores and it seems to work ... let me know if it does not work)
Peace And Prosperity
- Name: Peace And Prosperity
- Version: 0.1.5
- Factorio-Version: 0.12.29
- Description: Just a simple mod to toggle peaceful mode and spawn resources
- License: use it change it do whatever the heck you want with it
- Release: 2015-04-22
- Download-Url: https://github.com/joranbeasley/Factori ... 0.1.56.zip
- Website: https://github.com/joranbeasley/Factori ... Prosperity
- FactorioMods: http://www.factoriomods.com/mods/peace-and-prosperity
- Dependencies:None ...
- Category: Convenience
- Tags: Optional. Resources, Peaceful, Enemies, Little tiny bit cheating