Name: KeepInv
Description: Lets you keep your inventory on death in multiplayer games. However to balance things, you lose items in your quickbar and guns. (I might add option to select which to keep)
Code is BETA, I did not try to do anything unexpected. I only tested normal gameplay with 3 people. If you can find bugs, post them in this thread or on github.
Friends were always complaining why they lost everything when they died...
Release: 2016-04-20
Tested With Factorio: 0.12.30
Category: (Multiplayer)
Tags: Inventory, Multiplayer, Misc
*Should* Be compatible with inventory altering mods, if they use the same table as the vanilla inventory, but I do not guarantee that since each modder has its own ways to save the inventory.
Planned features:
Option to choose to keep Inventory, Quickbar and Guns on death.
Option to choose to drop chest with inventory on death.
Singleplayer respawn system?
Want to contribute to the mod? Send me a PM and I'll allow you to push on the repo, or just make a fork yourself, since its public domain.
Long description