Let Wind wheel be basic building available from start. It can cost 10 iron plates, 4 cogwheels and 6 copper wires, it would produce very variable power (wind changes) of 1 to 20 watts.
This would allow player to use the windmill to supply the single electric mining drill mining _slowly_ to get materials needed for steam engines (that would be made a bit more expensive), boilers, pumps, pipes, electric poles.
Player would have a choice of using burner drills to either get materials for windmills or for much faster mining of materials for steam power plants. Ballanced so that little bit of work on burners = much faster start, but not needed if player doesn't want to.
As many people want water pump require electricity, this windmill would be later used to start steam power by pumping water, mining coal and inserting it into boilers before steam engines take over.
Later in game, player can research modern air turbine, giving him building that can generate 5-100 watts day and night, but still very variable - another choice to solar plants.