this mod just gives you a recipe for a trashcan it requires no tech .... but 200 plate ... but i figure if you want a trashcan,200 plate is probably an OK build cost .
- Name: Trashcan
- Version: 0.1.3
- Factorio-Version: 0.12.29
- Description: Just a simple mod to give you a trashcan ... stick stuff in it all you want ... it just poofs away instantly ... theres no undo if it eat something you didnt mean to put in ... well yeah there is its called saves
- License: use it change it do whatever the heck you want with it
- Release: 2015-04-23
- Download-Url: ...
- Website:
- FactorioMods:
- Dependencies:None ...
- Category: Convenience
- Tags: Optional. Trashcan, Item Disposal
I'm sure that someone has made a mod out there like this ... but really I just had way too much stuff and everything is automated so .... :/
0.1.2 fixes a crash that occurred when you removed your cans