What do you guys think?

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What do you guys think?

Post by Happiej »

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to this forum and to the game. I love it though and have already spent a few nights untill 3:00 o'clock expanding my factory. "I'll just add this or that, then I'm off to bed"... And that goes on for a few hours. Sure some of you recognise thise :)

Anyway, I have been watching quite some videos on youtube from other players, mostly tutorials, which brought me to this moment in time where I was wondering if I should make a video aswell to show of my factory, or just post a few screenshots and see what feedback I get from this community. So here it goes: (please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere :roll: )

First an overview of the bigger portion of my factory. To the right you can see my copper and iron mining and smelting operations. Everything is running on steel furnaces. I decided not to go electric as right now my entire system is build to be fuelled by coal or solid fuel, and right now coal is far from getting depleted. Plus steel furnaces and electric have the same crafting speed, so no difference there.
Factory overview
My iron mining operation. Had this setup from the very start as I wanted to work with the central bus line, which I saw in a youtube-tutorial by Negative Root.(https://www.youtube.com/user/RootNegativeGaming) Pretty basic setup. I like to get my iron ore and coal on the same line if possible, as it keeps it nice and clean. Plus when I was setting this up I did not have the long handed inserter yet so I couldn't run a coal line next to the ore line. Only recently had to upgrade to red belt.
Iron mining and smelting
Then the first automated production lines. As you can see on the right I have my normal and red belts being produced. Limited the chest for normal belts at 6 stacks, red belts at 2 or 3 stacks. In the center are the gears being produced for red science packs, and a little to the left from there belts again and inserters for green science packs. Top-left there are also miners being produced because I got sick of having to craft them everytime. Chest obviously limited to 1 stack. If I clear that stack out of the chest it really asks alot from my central bus and the throughput will barely be sufficient :roll:
Not much to say about this one. Was working on my oil setup and got really sick of crafting those pipes. especially because when you have 50 normal pipes (more than enough) and craft 5 underground pipes (next-to-nothing) you can start with the normal pipes all over again while I really would have sworn I had more than enough! :?
More Production
I have about 4-6 of these chunks troughout my factory. Green cicuits are easy to make and you always need them. So I stole this idea (Negative Root again) and used it quite some times. Works perfectly ans spits out those green circuits like your dinner after a night of heavy drinking. You get the point. :D
Green circuit build
Same set-up as my iron mining operation pretty much. As you might have already noticed at my iron firnaces I work with buffer chests. First of all because I'm told that is easy when upgrading to logistic robots, but also when there is suddenly a high demand on my bus line, my inserters can compensate without being limited by the smelting speed of the furnace.
Copper mining and smelting
Here is how I got my green and red science sorted out. You can see the iron gear wheels coming down as they were already produced north of the bus line, and another belt with copper plates is running alongside there. Little to the left there are the belts and inserters coming in which were also produced north of the bus line. Put them together on 1 belt to make it easier for myself. As you can see, both green and red science have a nice backlog so no capacity problems there. Then there is some REALLY ugly sulfuric acid setup going on there and some of those green circuit chunks.
Red and Green science
And the blue science packs. Really ugly advanced circuits build going on there. Could have done with some better planning there, but it works! :D Those 4 'empty' assemblers were working on making me some solar panels. However, I forgot to limit the chest, plus my steel production wasn't yet working 100%. So it didn't take long before all my steel was gone, chest was 80% filled, so I figured it was time to turn those off for a while. Planning on putting down some solar panels soon, as I haven't done so yet.
Blue Science and Solar panels
Here I got some engine builds going on, and electronic engines aswell. Slowly but steady I am working my way to my first logistics/construction robots there. As soon as I got my battery production back on a decent output, robots are next. Also got sick of crafting turrets so I put down a quick turret build at the bottom there. Then I destroyed some nests. Just drove over them with my tank while shooting the biters, then returning to my turret array with those biters on my tail so my turrets could finish them.
Engines and turret builds
So this is my steel smelting operation. One of my first priorities should be to get a new flow of ore coming in from somewhere. Might use trains for that to bring in the ore from 2 or 3 different mines to the east. Not sure yet though. Anyway, Very easy setup again with steel furnaces. Got no desire to go electric. Right after melting the steel I add another line to my central bus with the steel. Got some chests with fast inserters from which I change the direction every now and then. depending on the production and demand.
Steel smelting operation
Now, my oil setup used to be really messy, as I had no clue how to effectively run the pipes trough the refineries and checmical plants. Luckily, after watching another youtube video (not sure if this was Negative Root aswell) I did have a pretty good idea. So I destroyed EVERYTHING I had and started fresh. I only kept the crude oil storage and drilling towers. The light oil storage in the middle is also a remainder of the old system. I want to clear that out before destroying the storage tanks so I don't waste too much resources. I made Lube a priority so my electric engine units could start being built.
Oil Operation
So once you know how to run the pipes (not so hard after all.. just gotta think of it) it's possible to set up the refineries right next to eachother. And it even looks good! Converting some light fuel to petroleum there. Who need light fuel anyway? ^^
Oil Refineries
And the last one, basic production of sulfur and plastic. Currently this is running al the way to the left on transport belts. I hope that I will be able to get enough troughput with logistics robots for those items soon.
Sulfur and Plastic Production
So as I said, I am still working on re-building the oil processing part, so that will become more efficient shortly (I hope 8-) )

Well, I am really looking forward to hearing your feedback and what you guys think of my factory, the way I built and organised it and if you got some tips&tricks I would love to hear them!

Last edited by daniel34 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fixed images
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Re: What do you guys think?

Post by DOSorDIE »

You have forgotten the images ...
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Re: What do you guys think?

Post by Happiej »

Yeah I edited the post because the spoiler tags makes it easier to read without having to click the images every time.

So, am I doing something wrong here? as I can see the images without a problem on both my PC and mobile..?

Please someone confirm? ^^

(Next time I'm just making a video and will post the link. much easier as it turns out xD)
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Re: What do you guys think?

Post by daniel34 »

Happiej wrote:Yeah I edited the post because the spoiler tags makes it easier to read without having to click the images every time.

So, am I doing something wrong here? as I can see the images without a problem on both my PC and mobile..?
postimg.org does some strange things when you try to hotlink their images (directly use them on another webpage), some users will see them and others won't.
I learned the hard way when I changed a post because the images weren't visible to me, then it suddenly wasn't visible to other people.

I've changed your post to load the images directly from the forum and advise you to use a more reliable imagehoster next time (or upload them to the forum yourself, it's under 'Upload attachments').
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Re: What do you guys think?

Post by Happiej »

Thanks for fixing it! Still kind of a freshman on forums in general even xD

Will keep in mind to use the attachments function next time :) Thanks :)

Now let's stop talking about pictures and let me know what you guys think about my factory :D I'm dying for some feedback here :mrgreen:
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Re: What do you guys think?

Post by LogicalOre »

Looks nice and orderly compared to the factories I've created so far!

Nice job!
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