- Force view.
- screen2.png (283.22 KiB) Viewed 24329 times
Factorio Version: 0.12.x
Tags: Utility, Multiplayer
License: MIT License
This mod permit to manage forces and diplomacy between them.
This mod is inspired on pvp control and sandbox, but here the goal is far beyond, it permit to have complete control of forces and the diplomacy between them.
In factorio, forces are teams and this mod permit to add forces, to move players in these and setting diplomatic rules between forces.
This has 2 main views :
This mod is inspired on pvp control and sandbox, but here the goal is far beyond, it permit to have complete control of forces and the diplomacy between them.
In factorio, forces are teams and this mod permit to add forces, to move players in these and setting diplomatic rules between forces.
This has 2 main views :
- Force view : permit to create forces, join to them and merge a force to the current force. You can also change other players by clicking on their name then doing as you would for you.
- Diplomatic view : permit to set other forces as ally or enemy, for this, you can also change other forces diplomacy by clicking on their name then doing as you would for you.
- Presets : Would permit to rapidely select how player are repartited (each player has a force, players in a fixed number of forces) and what diplomatic rules to use by defaut (peaceful or pvp)
- Administration : would permit to lock modification for everybody based on some rules
- Force admin : Only them would have the permission to modify the diplomacy of their forces
- Player settings : would permit to modify player color.
- Nations : would permit to temporary switch to another force if the rights are given by the other force.
- Advanced diplomacy : Engaging war or making peace would have a cooldown.
For bugs and suggestions please go here!- Player view.
- screen1.png (197.6 KiB) Viewed 24329 times
- Force view.
- screen2.png (283.22 KiB) Viewed 24329 times
- Diplomacy view.
- screen3.png (149.63 KiB) Viewed 24329 times