Name: Spawn Gear
Description: Spawns/Respawns the character with a set of equipment
Version: 0.1.5
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.30
Category: Helper
Tags: gear, armor, weapons
So basically it sucks in a MP game when you die and respawn... and you start with nothing
This mod gives people stuff when they spawn/respawn.
Theres a config with a few option, but if you really want to change things, open up the control (all players must use the same item lists)
If you want, you don't have to load it as a mod, but just move the config and contril lua to a and it will work just fine.
For MP servers, exactly the same, move control and config into the savegame zip, that way people wont need to download the mod.
Video Demonstration on Youtube
Let me know your thoughts, feedback, bugs etc.