Tool strength vs different things.

Things that we aren't going to implement
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Tool strength vs different things.

Post by Nirahiel »

I think that we should be able to have different tools with different strengths against different things.
For example, a hammer is great to disassemble machines but sucks at mining resources, some tools might be awesome to cut trees, but useless to get machines or resources.

Also It's easier to mind sand with a spade.

Also : ... f=6&t=1997
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Re: Tool strength vs different things.

Post by Coolthulhu »

That sounds like pure unnecessary tedium to me.
We'd be better off with no picks and just manual mining speed upgrade research.

When was the last time anyone though anything pick-related that isn't "my pick broke, time to make another" or "I can now make a steel pick"?

Unless those tools were expensive for their stage (comparable to equivalent modular armor in price) and appropriately powerful, I see no reason for their existence. Doubly so if they were to occupy the only available tool slot instead of having a separate tool slot each.
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