but all i'm curious as to right now, is if there's a reason it doesn't already exist.
yes, there's some Mods around that have exactly this Inserter (though they include ridiculous things like L Inserters, K Inserters, and freeform grid Inserters), not the point.
to get an idea of why this seems to be 'missing' to me, what i'm trying to do:
at this Outpost, the intention is to have Trains come up, be loaded with Oil Barrels, and have empty Barrels unloaded.throwing the barrels in the Train is fine, but taking them back out would require a Smart Inserter to only take the empty Barrels and not take the Oil Barrels back out.
so this seems to only be able to be solved with a Smart Inserter, but i have the Train only on the outside for security reasons, except that means i need a Long Handed version.
i could redesign my entire rail network, and have trains with one extra car than they have now - but the Inserter type that seems to be 'missing' doesn't seem like an issue to me.
again, just wondering if there is a reason why it doesn't exist.
if i run into enough need for it i'll see about doing something about it myself. for now i've compromised security slightly and added Turrets to (probably) cover the problem.