Factorio Version: 0.12.x
Tags: Utility
License: MIT License
For bugs and suggestions please go here!This is decorative with usability, while with grass floor, you can keep a natural look without bothering about biomes; with concrete, you have an integrated gridSander_Bouwhuis wrote:Is it only the decorative stuff? Or do you also remove forests/trees and such?
Also, what do you mean with 'concrete over water' ?
Yes you can, set water to starting area and starting area to none, then when ingame, select concrete and TADA ... the word will be all concrete.Sander_Bouwhuis wrote:So I can start a world where the whole world has a concrete floor? (quicker walking and easier to see what you're building).
At some point, you can't use it on old save, because it does it's trick by referencing chunks when generated, , on old save, cunks are already generated, if I remove this error, the mod could only apply to new chunks. It already fixed for me, but not pushed, L will looks for lightweight solutions to reference generated chunks.Nicker wrote:Can I use it somehow on my old save? What are the terms for that working? When I try to use it on my old save I recieve this error: https://gyazo.com/e2815d63e07bf14983db229f3e25a8d9