Terrible Lag in Single Player

Anything that prevents you from playing the game properly. Do you have issues playing for the game, downloading it or successfully running it on your computer? Let us know here.
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Terrible Lag in Single Player

Post by awesomealex9 »

Specs: Apple MacBook Pro
2.66 Core 2 Duo

Granting you now the fact that my computer is old, but the below situation makes me think it's a problem other than my computer.

Bought the game today, ran it for the first time, it all ran completely smooth. Saved game, turned game off, put computer to sleep, returned three hours later and the game suffers ridiculous lag upon loading in my save. What gives? I've tried fiddling with vSync, lowering graphics settings offers minimal improvement.

Thoughts, or forums you can direct me to that I haven't already read?


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Re: Terrible Lag in Single Player

Post by Koub »

Can you provide your factorio logfile please ?
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Terrible Lag in Single Player

Post by scipion99 »


I also have a Mac with more or less the same specs... I encountered the same problem at first but I found the cause: the fullscreen mode.

By default (on my machine), factorio started in a window, not full screen. So what I first did was to press the green button on the top left of the window to make it fullscreen. Somehow, this created a huge lag. So huge that I wasn't able to play. It turns out that you can turn the fullscreen mode in the in-game option menu. If you do that, the game won't lag so much anymore...

I hope it helps!
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