Ancient alient ruins are scattered around the map. You have to activate them all, by feeding resources, to win the game.
Hi, and thanks for this awesome game!
Let me briefly explain this idea: around the map, pretty far from the starting location, are randomly placed some alien ruins: temples, machines, you name it.
- This buildings are inactive when you find them, but you can feed them resources to reactivate their functionality.
- The resources requested are randomly generated and you can see what you have to feed a ruin to begin the reactivation process. The player should put a considerable effort in creating and sustaining an adeguate infrastructure for reactivation.
- You don't know how many resources you have to feed them: you just see a bar incrementing when feeding the right resources.
- The high reactivation time and costs, distance and creeps should be a problem. Players should be encouraged in building specialist outposts around the ruins.
- Resources could be balanced by rarity - it is much easier to obtain and transport Coal than, say, Sulfuric acid. So coal would be needed in much higher quantities. Game mechanics could be similiar to research.
- Maybe resources requested are hidden, and a research option pops up the first time you discover the ruin, researching it reveals you what resources are needed.
- Once reactivated, the ruin will give you a global bonus if connected to your electrical network: reduced production costs for copper plates; increased damage of ammo produced; increased speed of factories; bots-only bonuses; and so on.
- But this upgrade is not permanent: it is only up for a limited time. When this time ends, you have to reactivate the ruin to get it again. And if you want it to be permanent, you have to permanently feed the ruins the resources they require.
- An engame win condition could be to have some or all the ruins active at the same time. A one man colonization victory =D