Server security

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Burner Inserter
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Server security

Post by Soulassassin »

Hi guys, hope you guys have been enjoying the short weeks lately :)

Firstly I am brand new in this forum and I have searched for this but got no clear results to satisfy my curiosity :)

I wanted to check if there is a way to set up a password on my server? Just cautious about people joining and trolling our server and maybe compromising our hard work.

Again, i apologize if this is a repost.

Kind regards,
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Re: Server security

Post by daniel34 »

Currently there is no way to set a password for the server (maybe in 0.13).

But you have some options:
(1) don't give out your IP, people who don't know your IP can't join your server
(2) change the port you are running on (default is 34197), same reason as (1)
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Burner Inserter
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Re: Server security

Post by Soulassassin »

daniel34 wrote:Currently there is no way to set a password for the server (maybe in 0.13).

But you have some options:
(1) don't give out your IP, people who don't know your IP can't join your server
(2) change the port you are running on (default is 34197), same reason as (1)

Thanks Daniel34. Another stupid question, can I specify this using a switch when I start it up? I don't seem to have a config file anywhere? I have looked in AppData\Roaming\ but nothing.
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Re: Server security

Post by daniel34 »

The config file should be in %appdata%\Factorio\config or in the same directory where Factorio is installed in \config and is named config.ini.

You can specify a port by using the --port N switch (only 0.12.28 and newer).

Other switches:

Code: Select all

General options:
  -h [ --help ]                display help
  --version                    show version information
  -c [ --config ] PATH         config file to use

Running options:
  -s [ --map2scenario ] arg    map to scenario conversion
  --apply-update arg           immediately apply update package
  --create SAVE                create a new map
  --start-server SAVE          start a multiplayer server
  --mp-load-game SAVE          start Factorio and load a game in multiplayer
  --mp-connect ADDRESS         start factorio and connect to address
  --load-game SAVE             start Factorio and load a game in singleplayer
  --benchmark SAVE             load save and run benchmark
  --benchmark-ticks N (=1000)  number of ticks for benchmarking. Default is 

Server options:
  --latency N                  multiplayer server latency, in ticks
  --latency-ms N               multiplayer server latency, in milliseconds
  --autosave-interval N (=2)   server autosave interval, in minutes
  --autosave-slots N (=3)      server autosave slots
  --disallow-commands          disallow use of the command console
  --peer-to-peer               use peer-to-peer communication
  --no-auto-pause              don't automatically pause when no players are 
  --port N                     network port to use
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:03 pm

Re: Server security

Post by Soulassassin »

daniel34 wrote:The config file should be in %appdata%\Factorio\config or in the same directory where Factorio is installed in \config and is named config.ini.

You can specify a port by using the --port N switch (only 0.12.28 and newer).

Other switches:

Code: Select all

General options:
  -h [ --help ]                display help
  --version                    show version information
  -c [ --config ] PATH         config file to use

Running options:
  -s [ --map2scenario ] arg    map to scenario conversion
  --apply-update arg           immediately apply update package
  --create SAVE                create a new map
  --start-server SAVE          start a multiplayer server
  --mp-load-game SAVE          start Factorio and load a game in multiplayer
  --mp-connect ADDRESS         start factorio and connect to address
  --load-game SAVE             start Factorio and load a game in singleplayer
  --benchmark SAVE             load save and run benchmark
  --benchmark-ticks N (=1000)  number of ticks for benchmarking. Default is 

Server options:
  --latency N                  multiplayer server latency, in ticks
  --latency-ms N               multiplayer server latency, in milliseconds
  --autosave-interval N (=2)   server autosave interval, in minutes
  --autosave-slots N (=3)      server autosave slots
  --disallow-commands          disallow use of the command console
  --peer-to-peer               use peer-to-peer communication
  --no-auto-pause              don't automatically pause when no players are 
  --port N                     network port to use
Thanks again. Case closed. For now ;)
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