Name: Water maze
Description: Changes the distribution of water and land at the start of a new game
License: MIT
Author: swni
Version: 0.0.9
Release: 2016-03-15
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.14.16
Category: Gameplay
Tags: terrain, water, land
See page on for information. This information may not be up to date.
- This mod behaves poorly if enabled before loading a save where this mod was initially disabled (it stops generating water). In future versions I will print an alert to notify the user of this problem if it occurs. Unfortunately I can't print an alert to let the user know if they forgot to enable the mod before loading a save. Alternatively this problem could be solved by just deleting data.lua but this will create minor artifacts in resource generation (including trees / rocks / biters / etc.). Example artifacts
- As of v 0.12.30, automatic synchronization of configuration files in multiplayer is now impossible.
You must synchronize your configuration manually. A workaround is to have the host create a new game with the desired configuration, save and close the game, reset your config file to defaults, open the game, and then invite other players to join.