Name: Logistics Mining
Description: Adds Logistics Mining Drill and the Logistics Mining Hub, which can automatically create and coordinate mining for a large area
License: MIT License
Version: 1.0.1
Release: 2016-05-08
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.33
Category: Gameplay
Tags: Mining, Logistics
Download-Url: ...
Long description
After researching Battery-2 and Logistics-2, players unlock the Logistics Mining Drill and Logistics Mining Hub.
Logistics Mining Drill
A battery powered drill that inserts mining contents directly into an internal active provider chest. Any nearby logistics robots will take away the mined ores and bring it to where they are needed. Battery power is consumed after about 2 minutes, and must be recharged. Most useful with the Logistics Mining Hub.
Logistics Mining Hub
When placed near an ore deposit, the mining hub begins coordinating construction of logistics mining drills on the ore deposit via construction robots. As mining drill battery power runs out, it will automatically deconstruct them and replace them with any available charged logistics mining drill. Never bother laying down tedious electric mining drills or conveyer belt systems again.
Charged Batteries
Regular batteries can be charged in assembling machines. Charged batteries and electric mining drills are needed to create a Logistic Mining Drill.
Charging Assembling Machine
A specialized assembling machine that can super-charge batteries very quickly, at very high power usage. Unlocked with Automation-4
Logistics Mining Drill
A battery powered drill that inserts mining contents directly into an internal active provider chest. Any nearby logistics robots will take away the mined ores and bring it to where they are needed. Battery power is consumed after about 2 minutes, and must be recharged. Most useful with the Logistics Mining Hub.
Logistics Mining Hub
When placed near an ore deposit, the mining hub begins coordinating construction of logistics mining drills on the ore deposit via construction robots. As mining drill battery power runs out, it will automatically deconstruct them and replace them with any available charged logistics mining drill. Never bother laying down tedious electric mining drills or conveyer belt systems again.
Charged Batteries
Regular batteries can be charged in assembling machines. Charged batteries and electric mining drills are needed to create a Logistic Mining Drill.
Charging Assembling Machine
A specialized assembling machine that can super-charge batteries very quickly, at very high power usage. Unlocked with Automation-4
Version history
Contributions welcome.Version history
- Version 1.0.1
- Fix rare bug causing a container to be left behind when a player manually removes a logistic mining drill
- Version 1.0.0
- Some code cleanup
- Version 0.2.5
- Remove dead code that caused errors when removing logistics mining hubs.
- Version 0.2.4
- Fix bug where removing mining logistics after a scan could cause a scripting error
- Version 0.2.3
- Fix bug where removing mining logistics before the scan completed left the overlay around
- Fix bug where more mining drills were requested than available
- Version 0.2.2
- Fix bug where placing a Mining Logistics Hub without nearby power would cause a script error
- Decrease the energy requirements of the battery-charging-assembler slightly
- Increase the length of time logistics mining drills can operate by 50%
- Decrease the mining speed/power of logistics mining drills by 30%
- Version 0.2.1
- Mining Logistics Hubs only request as many logistics drills as are available, and not more than is possible
- Version 0.2.0
- Added automation-4. Automation-4 now unlocks Charging Assembling Machine
- Charging Assembling Machine requires 4x speed-3 modules instead of 4x efficiency modules
- Added data-updates.lua. Ensures mods like Dytech are still compatible with Logistics Mining.
- Version 0.1.3
- Fix typo in migration script
- Version 0.1.2
- Fix rare lua scripting error reported on the forums
- Super-charging batteries no longer requires sulfuric acid
- Version 0.1.1
- Fix misnamed path to icon
- Some code cleanup
- Version 0.1.0
- Added Charging Assembling Machine
- When placing Mining Logistics, the ore area is highlighted in red
- Radius of Mining Logistics doubled from 25 to 50
- Some performance improvements
- Note: All mining logistics have to be picked up and re-placed to continue working.
- Version 0.0.1: Initial Release