Steamships, tank flamethrowers, PVP, and a few others

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Steamships, tank flamethrowers, PVP, and a few others

Post by epictrollzor »

I would like to propose ideas for future updates in order to provide more possible content and activities.
over all this is an amazing game. whenever I close my eyes at night, I see conveyor belts running every which way. needless to say, im addicted to it like crack.

*first of all, steamships. either for exploring the seas or transporting cargo. naval guns wouldn't be a bad idea either

*craftable vehicle machine guns, and vehicle flamethrowers.

as I understand it, the rail system is already being improved upon. however, placement of train stops on either the left or right side of a track shouldn't dictate direction. I propose simply rotating it would do the trick.
ive had this game for 4 days now and have about 40 hours into it. multiplayer system works pretty alright. creating a server seems to be tricky for some people however.
no, I haven't gone all the way and haven't done everything so im pretty satisfied with the amount of content already.

*lastly, I would like to propose a pvp mode, which would probably need a whole different server setup, and ultimately a possible big pain in the ass for developers. players build factories on opposing sides of a finite map and battle for control of resources and must take the other teams 'HQ'. (also, manufacturing of fighter droids would be pretty BA for this)

I know 1.3 Is already a pretty big update and I don't know if any of these are already under consideration, but im sure you appreciate feedback of any kind.
a steam link with friends wouldn't be bad, and formation of multiplayer lobbies could be much simpler.
thank you for your consideration
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Re: Steamships, tank flamethrowers, PVP, and a few others

Post by Koub »

You really need to make one topic by suggestion. Multi-suggestion topics quicly become a great mess where every body is discussing different points, and id one of your suggestions is implmented, another one becomes "nope, never", and the third one stays open, what will become your post ? :).

1) Steamships : boats and alike are a frequent suggestion
2) some vehicles (one in fact) already has weapons. the other hasn't. There are mods that add guns on trains, and more generally all this gun subject is frequently discussed.
3) pvp mode : same thing, regularly discussed, partially filled with a mod for now, but I guess devs will give it some attention in the future, because there is demand (even if pvp is not the primary goal of Factorio).
4) MP lobby is expected to appear in 0.13
5) More generally, combat is also reworked in 0.13, so maybe some of your first suggestions may come into game - or not, we don't know yet exactly what's all that rework.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Steamships, tank flamethrowers, PVP, and a few others

Post by epictrollzor »

Thank you for your correspondence.

on the topic of vehicle weapons i would like to clarify this suggestion. although vehicles do come with weapons initially, my idea was weapon interchangeability. thus the crafting of vehicle weapons becomes feasible. swapping out the machine gun on a tank, for example, with a flamethrower. i am not concerned with arming trains, they seem to get along just fine without them.

on the PVP. although it is not the main idea of factorio, it would be a fun way to incorporate the aspect of competition into the game. also, it may appeal to a wider potential radius of steam users, resulting in more people buying the game.

i would also like to apologize for my multi-suggestional post.

i am interested to hear your thoughts on the different levels of terrain; such as hills, mountains, and valleys as well.
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Re: Steamships, tank flamethrowers, PVP, and a few others

Post by Koub »


Different terrain levels, allowing to add bottlenecks, natural impassable walls, or even strategical advantage by setting weapons on top of hills has its interests, especially if you look towards the RTS aspect. However, my personal feeling is that it's not in the core aspect of Factorio. I feel in a game about automation, there shouldn't be too much RTS elements. You should maybe add your voice to the RTS directions topic here : viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6. First posts are very old, byt it's still alive, and has been somehow revived with the afflux of new players with Steam release :).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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