TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

This is the place to share custom user maps, scenarios, and campaigns.
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TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by Kithoras »

Hey Guys! I've just updatet my Factorio Project I posted a long time ago:

A large, story-led Scenario, like the ones in the campaign (I guess I was the first user doing such thing! ;) ).

Story: Your ship was shot by an human(!) rocket-tower. As you awake some really weird things might happen.
So you try to survive and make yourself a way to the human city (to "the City").

Some stuff you should now:
-You need version 0.12.10 to play it (I guess higher versions would also work; maybe even some lower ones)
-My english is not the best (I'm bavarian from germany), so the story (available in Deutsch and englisch might be a little bit totally cruel to read. I did my best, but please tell me, if there are some serious mistakes ;)
-The map begins very easy, but turns harder with time; as soon as you have advanced equipment (better weapons and some capsules) it might be easier; but this won't help you through the final mission :P)
-Please follow the story and do not explore regions far away from your actual location until you're told to; the map eventually won't work then and this may be very frustrating!
There is an Readme.txt (in "") for installing the map.
-You don't need mods!

Sooo, good luck and have fun with my map (if you can ;) )

-Kithoras Carzyl-

------------------------------ GERMAN TRANSLATION - DEUTSCH --------------------------
Hallo Leute!
Ich habe endlich nach langer Zeit meine Factorio-Map geupdatet.

Es ist ein großes, durch eine Story geführtes Szenario, wie die Missionen der Kampange (aber epischer :P )!
Ich vermute, dass ich der erste Spieler war, der sich an so etwas herangemacht hat!

Story: Dein Schiff wurde von einem menschlichen(!) Raketenturm abgeschossen. Als du wieder erwachst, passieren einige seltsame Dinge; deshalb musst du versuchen zu überleben und die Menschenstadt zu erreichen (To "the City").

Was du wissen solltest:
-Du brauchst Factorio 0.12.10 um die Map zu spielen. Mit anderen Versionen habe ich es noch nicht getestet. (Höhere werden sicher funktionieren; niedrigere weiß ich nicht)
-Mein Englisch ist nicht das beste; falls ihr auf Englisch spielen wollt, seid gewarnt (verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch und Deutsch).
-Solltet ihr irgendwelche Fehler finden (Map oder Text), sagt mir bitte per PM bescheid!
-Die Map beginnt sehr leicht, wird schnell anspruchsvoller bis mittelschwer; sobald man bessere Waffen und vl. auch Kapseln hat, wird das Spiel wieder einfacher, wobei man alles, was man für die finale Mission braucht auch so bekommt (für den Weg dorthin NICHT)
-Bitte folgt der Story und greift ihr nicht vor (erforscht keine Orte, die weit von eurer aktuellen Position wegliegen; es könnte sonst sein, dass etwas nicht funktioniert, was für Frust sorgen könnte)
-Lies die Readme.txt (in "")

Sooo, viel Glück und Spaß mit meiner Map!

-Kithoras Carzyl-

------------------------------ DOWNLOADS -------------------------- ...

------------------------------ HINTS FOR YOUTUBERS AND OTHERS ------------------------------
-You may make videos as you want.
-You may change the map as you want. If you want give me credit; I don't really need it.
-Feel free to change the map as you want, as long as you change some things that dramatically that your map isn't just a copy of mine (if you want to make it public).
-You may steal and use all of my ideas on this map; it's just a game btw! :D
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by judos »

Hi there,

Just came across this yesterday and started playing it. This is definitely fun. Thanks for sharing your scenario :)

/edit 1: almost finished the scenario. However I don't get any further when it says "Reach another city-gate". I found the train heading to Nikktrona and stood near all city entrances that I could find. Where am I supposed to go ? :)
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by Kithoras »

judos wrote: /edit 1: almost finished the scenario. However I don't get any further when it says "Reach another city-gate". I found the train heading to Nikktrona and stood near all city entrances that I could find. Where am I supposed to go ? :)
Oh; that's my failure. You should destroy the powerline, before you try to go another way. The powerline is on the left side before the secure fortress.
I added a new mission to destroy the powerline, before the mission to reach another gate.

Now everything should work fine, if you follow the missions. ;)
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by freyr_666 »

Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:5: attempt to index global 'game' (a nil value) when try to start a new game in factorio 0.12.11
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by Xerrass »

freyr_666 wrote:Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:5: attempt to index global 'game' (a nil value) when try to start a new game in factorio 0.12.11
yeah if you are reading the friday facts you woud know that all mods are broken ! and has to be changed to work with 12.11+
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by franksun »

I'm fascinated by your Custom Scenario, and really wanted to play. I'm wondering if you can make it playable for 0.12.26?
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by daniel34 »

It's really easy to make this mod work with 0.12.11+ (including 0.12.26):
Open the file TheCity\control.lua and change the word game to script on line 5 and 410.
(if you don't have line numbers, just search for game.on in notepad)

Code: Select all

old line 5:   game.on_init(function()
new line 5:   script.on_init(function()

old line 410: game.on_event(, function(event)
new line 410: script.on_event(, function(event)
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by franksun »

Thank you!!!
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by michaelcdf »


I try to load your map on steam and after changing the game on with script on lines
I still have this error
..Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:1: unexpected symbol near char(239)

thanks for your help
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by franksun »

Did you accidentally changed some character? Copy and paste the first 15 lines of the file, and I can check your file with mine.
michaelcdf wrote:hello,

I try to load your map on steam and after changing the game on with script on lines
I still have this error
..Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:1: unexpected symbol near char(239)

thanks for your help
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by ClpHewitt »

[quote="franksun"]Did you accidentally changed some character? Copy and paste the first 15 lines of the file, and I can check your file with mine.
Im not OP but i am having the same problem, below are my 15 lines of code
thanks for the help xoxoxox gossip gef

require "util"
require "defines"
require "story"

global.story = story_init()
game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled = false
game.evolution_factor = 0
game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.enabled = false

local recipe_list =
recipe_list["iron-plate"].enabled = true
recipe_list["copper-plate"].enabled = true
recipe_list["stone-brick"].enabled = true
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by franksun »

I looked at your first 15 lines or so, nothing is different. So, I did some research around char(239), one of the things that I'm suspecting is the language setting of your computer. In ASCII code, 239 is for acute accent. So, I'm thinking that when you edited the control file, your computer changed some character because of your language setting of your computer. You might have to play around with your setting, redownload the file, and try again!

Good luck!

Edit: I did a little digging around on the Internet, one of the suggestions when this kind of error occurs is that to make sure your files are saved in ANSI format, not in UTF-8 format. Try it!
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by simset »

how do i put it in ANSI format?
i finally did it but there is no missions there is just the world, what do i have to do?
please help me
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by TheMandalorian »

I made an account JUST to reply to this thread! I was having the same error that's been described here and wanted to say that your "save as ANSI instead of UTF-8 fix worked for me!

Simset, you just need to open the control.lua file (I opened mine in notepad) then do a file -> save as. Immediately to the left of the "Save" button there is a drop down menu called "Enconding:" Mine defaulted to UTF-8 so I had to manually switch it to ANSI. Once I did that I rebooted Factorio, loaded up the scenario and BAM, loaded up with no error. Didn't play more than about 1 minute but previously it had immediately crashed on launch, after saving as ANSI it loads up and seems to run fine.

Thanks for your help, hopefully this helped you out too simset.
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by NotABiter »

I've just finished playing through this scenario. It was OK, though some stuff was broken and even without the breakages it was far too easy for my taste (in resources, combat, and "puzzles").

Some feedback:
Some broken things:
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by simset »

yes i did it but when i open the scenario i can play it but without any missions
factorio version 0.12.26
edit: i did everything again from the start and now it works, thanks!!
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by Montilio »

michaelcdf wrote:hello,

I try to load your map on steam and after changing the game on with script on lines
I still have this error
..Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:1: unexpected symbol near char(239)

thanks for your help
I Play factorio since a Few days.

I try to get m First scenario Working, nur After changing The Lines i get The Same error Message . Pls help.

Das ist mein erstes scenario aber ich bekomme die selbe Fehlermeldung.
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by skycoder »

Hi! I enjoy your scenario, but hm... i think, you expected that it's diffucult to get there :D
Secret Center
i had to replace in control.lua

Code: Select all

game.on_event(, function(event)

Code: Select all

script.on_event(, function(event)
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by UberWaffe »

skycoder wrote:i achieve this result by connecting my electicity network to the enemi's network and overload it(simply disconnect my sources of power).
As a result also, I have broken scenario by this: first i take MK-2 and then destroy powerline.
That is freaking ingenious. :D
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Re: TheCity - Custom Scenario for 0.12.10

Post by feng »

In case you have edited the control.lua like skycoder said, be sure you have saved the file as "utf-8". And double-check that the encoding is saved WITHOUT the Byte Order Mark (BOM). Otherwise factorio will fail to load the scenario with an error message like "unexpected symbol near...".

So use Textpad or any other text editor that allows you to choose the character encoding when saving.
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