"Smart" Cables

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"Smart" Cables

Post by Joefesok »

As usual, long and short are as follows:

A block can be researched which can be placed next to or on a power conduit, including substations. This allows the player to read the cable's connections, and see useful data such as inbound/outbound power flow and requirements. Additionally, the player may choose to link up the cable to their circuit network, and can use variables involving power measured by these mechanisms.

A block is researched which can be placed near a power conduit, including substations. From here they can see a detailed layout determining inbound/outbound power flow and maybe a measurement of requirements on each end. This can also be moderated by the player, who can choose to shut down connections without disconnecting power lines. This may also link into the circuit network as a new set of variables. Finally, the block can be used on its own, by comparing the power output of two lines similar to a circuit network.
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Re: "Smart" Cables

Post by Joefesok »

I'm gonna bump this because I really want to see this in the game.

So, thoughts?
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Re: "Smart" Cables

Post by Klonan »

Electricity doesn't really 'flow' in the game,
So theres not really a way to measure inbound/outbound electricity

And there is a power switch coming with version 0.13, and accumulators will be able to be read to gauge power
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Re: "Smart" Cables

Post by Joefesok »

Well, there isn't flow yet. But "flow" could really just be a function of the net energy loss from anything connected to certain connections. This could also be measured via gained energy.
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Re: "Smart" Cables

Post by ssilk »

Please read viewtopic.php?f=80&t=15546 Cable resistance / Non-looseless Power transmission
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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