Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Then you'd need to implement barreling every fluid in vanilla first 

Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Just some thoughts.
I think restricting types of items it can accept would go against the whole previous experience of how transportation works in factorio. At the moment anything can handle any type of cargo, with one single split between liquid and solid. inserters can handle with equal efficiency both coal ore and another inserter arms. you do not really even have to think about it, every machine interacts equally.
The balancing needs to come from production costs, running costs capabilities of the item, and importantly, size.
The production costs are self explanatory. The more expensive, the less used it would be early on. In late game, this will no longer be an issue, which is fine, by that time you have presonal roboports and blueprints, it is just as easy to slap down a blueprint for cargo handling, as it is to slap down one of these.
Running costs: Obviously electricity. Inserters consume electricity, I see no reason the loaders should run for free. I also like the idea of spin up spike, that would force you to build extra power plants, just to cover for the spikes. Late game this becomes a non issue. Again, that is fine, as the late game is all about large scale planning anyway. Lube. This is an interesting idea, but like Koub said, it would be a nightmare to supply your mining outposts. The only way this could be done is with barrels of lubricant, supply one, and it will be slowly consumed by the machine a bit like coal for furnaces. That way, the train that comes around can always bring a few barrels of lubricant. This would be a heavy running cost, since with barrels, you would have to design a whole sub system for delivery, from loading the train all the way to the loading of the barrels into the loaders.
Capabilities of the loader: I do not have any strong feelings on this. Any and all interactions could be justified if the previous costs are balanced. The game should be fun, not a chore. Having one single item in the game that can only interact with wooden box and nothing else is weird. I personally like the idea of it having in-build storage area, or having it simply load into, but not out of containers. Speed of the item would also have to be balanced.
Size: Many people argue that on infinite map, size doesn't really play a big role. From my personal experience, i would like to disagree. The map might be infinite, but very soon the floor of your factory is covered with belts and machinery. I found myself many times cursing at the screen, just because I needed that one extra row for a new conveyor belt, that one extra tile for a power pole. Having the loader 2x2 would make it very bulky, and in that sense, expensive. You would quickly learn to design around this problem though, but it would still prevent you from using it in certain situations, where trying to design very compact layouts.
I think restricting types of items it can accept would go against the whole previous experience of how transportation works in factorio. At the moment anything can handle any type of cargo, with one single split between liquid and solid. inserters can handle with equal efficiency both coal ore and another inserter arms. you do not really even have to think about it, every machine interacts equally.
The balancing needs to come from production costs, running costs capabilities of the item, and importantly, size.
The production costs are self explanatory. The more expensive, the less used it would be early on. In late game, this will no longer be an issue, which is fine, by that time you have presonal roboports and blueprints, it is just as easy to slap down a blueprint for cargo handling, as it is to slap down one of these.
Running costs: Obviously electricity. Inserters consume electricity, I see no reason the loaders should run for free. I also like the idea of spin up spike, that would force you to build extra power plants, just to cover for the spikes. Late game this becomes a non issue. Again, that is fine, as the late game is all about large scale planning anyway. Lube. This is an interesting idea, but like Koub said, it would be a nightmare to supply your mining outposts. The only way this could be done is with barrels of lubricant, supply one, and it will be slowly consumed by the machine a bit like coal for furnaces. That way, the train that comes around can always bring a few barrels of lubricant. This would be a heavy running cost, since with barrels, you would have to design a whole sub system for delivery, from loading the train all the way to the loading of the barrels into the loaders.
Capabilities of the loader: I do not have any strong feelings on this. Any and all interactions could be justified if the previous costs are balanced. The game should be fun, not a chore. Having one single item in the game that can only interact with wooden box and nothing else is weird. I personally like the idea of it having in-build storage area, or having it simply load into, but not out of containers. Speed of the item would also have to be balanced.
Size: Many people argue that on infinite map, size doesn't really play a big role. From my personal experience, i would like to disagree. The map might be infinite, but very soon the floor of your factory is covered with belts and machinery. I found myself many times cursing at the screen, just because I needed that one extra row for a new conveyor belt, that one extra tile for a power pole. Having the loader 2x2 would make it very bulky, and in that sense, expensive. You would quickly learn to design around this problem though, but it would still prevent you from using it in certain situations, where trying to design very compact layouts.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Nope, NO barreling for every fluid...! The amount of additional items would be ridiculous (one for each barreled fluid type) and even more so for mods adding additional fluids. I'd rather get rid of the damn barrels in the first place.Koub wrote:Then you'd need to implement barreling every fluid in vanilla firstSupercheese wrote:Barrels.Koub wrote:The lubricant consumption is only something that some people proposed to limit OPness of the (un)loader as it was presented in the FFF. I personnally don't think it is mandatory if the base item is not unbalanced. Just imagine how the hell you'd be able to get lube to your outposts, where it would be mostly needed ?
Instead I would implement tank wagons as a general solution which can be filled with any fluid. At least they have been planning to do that for more than a year now.
Really... In 2 years I haven't crafted a single barrel yet because of how I don't like the concept of it. As long as there are no tank wagons for trains I will continue to use underground pipes.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
What if barreling was improved? There would be only two recipes, namely "barrel fluid" and "unbarrel fluid". The first makes a barrel with whatever fluid is connected to the assembler, the second takes whatever fluid is in the barrel and puts it in the pipe.MeduSalem wrote:Nope, NO barreling for every fluid...! The amount of additional items would be ridiculous (one for each barreled fluid type) and even more so for mods adding additional fluids.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Which wouldn't even prevent to add a real tanker wagon, for carrying fluids over outpost to base distances.Zeblote wrote:What if barreling was improved? There would be only two recipes, namely "barrel fluid" and "unbarrel fluid". The first makes a barrel with whatever fluid is connected to the assembler, the second takes whatever fluid is in the barrel and puts it in the pipe.MeduSalem wrote:Nope, NO barreling for every fluid...! The amount of additional items would be ridiculous (one for each barreled fluid type) and even more so for mods adding additional fluids.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Koub, aren't you supposed to tell people not to derail threads? 

Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Ahem *coughs*
Well people, back to the topic please, this is a poll about the loader subject, not a topic about lubricants and how to transport loads of them (ew that looks dirty
Well people, back to the topic please, this is a poll about the loader subject, not a topic about lubricants and how to transport loads of them (ew that looks dirty

Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Since the loader is just a ramp for belts, to tip stuff into chests/trains, I don't see why it should be expensive, require anything to run, or be late-research. If you think you can really feed a Factory of loaders all running full tilt, then I tip my hat to you. Makes sense that assemblers cannot accept a dump of iron plates and gears into it - it needs them to be inserted into the correct place. Train wagons can easily input or output lots of throughput and chests can just be filled up so those two areas seem logical to be the only type of items that can interact with loaders.
I don't see how it'll be over-powered - if you really can produce that many items and shift them, then there might as well be a method to use that bandwidth effectively.
I don't see how it'll be over-powered - if you really can produce that many items and shift them, then there might as well be a method to use that bandwidth effectively.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Exactly!_aD wrote:Since the loader is just a ramp for belts, to tip stuff into chests/trains, I don't see why it should be expensive, require anything to run, or be late-research. If you think you can really feed a Factory of loaders all running full tilt, then I tip my hat to you. Makes sense that assemblers cannot accept a dump of iron plates and gears into it - it needs them to be inserted into the correct place. Train wagons can easily input or output lots of throughput and chests can just be filled up so those two areas seem logical to be the only type of items that can interact with loaders.
I don't see how it'll be over-powered - if you really can produce that many items and shift them, then there might as well be a method to use that bandwidth effectively.
I think people are just way too conservative and scared of any new item in the game. There's no way this would be too overpowered.
Piping lubricant to them? What? How would that in anyway be useful anymore
Sure, make them use electricity, cause that's what inserters do. Other than that, just make them late-game research I suppose. It's just great to have more items that promote use of transport belts.
Roboports are way more OP than the Loader could ever be.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
People spent hours perfecting overcomplicated inserter setups, and now they don't want other people to have it easier.Tankh wrote:I think people are just way too conservative and scared of any new item in the game.
I remember some were actually against fixing the slow belt corner bug a while ago, same thing.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Actually, even splitter was considered cheaty, as it can be achieved by circuit network.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
One more reason to ignore "x is overpowered"kovarex wrote:Actually, even splitter was considered cheaty, as it can be achieved by circuit network.

Noone would want to have their splitters taken away now.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
That's not the case. People actually welcome new items (even more so than the devs themselves do) if... IF said items expand/improve the gameplay in a reasonable way.Zeblote wrote:People spent hours perfecting overcomplicated inserter setups, and now they don't want other people to have it easier.Tankh wrote:I think people are just way too conservative and scared of any new item in the game.
The problem I see here is that many people fear that once Loaders are a thing that there will be only little usage scenarios left for Inserters beyond putting stuff in/out of Assemblers/Furnaces because with everything else the Loaders will have the clear advantage because they are convenient (easier contraptions) and have higher performance (no bottlenecks like Inserters) in an all-in-one 2x1 item. You have to admit that this IS a very drastic change.
Rather than adding to the gameplay the Loaders are about to eliminate a lot of the gameplay for the sake of convenience and performance. So while designing the Loaders we should also be keeping in mind what happens to the Inserters and what their place would be with the addition of Loaders.
In my opinion if loaders are really going to be added they should add more depth to the gameplay rather than making it more shallow just for the sake of convenience and throughput. Otherwise we turn the Loaders into a meaningless affair that doesn't add any fun but may destroy the current Factorio experience.
When there are good suggestions on how to add depth to the Loaders without just relying on the same old tricks I am all for it. And with old tricks I mean the following WON'T work exclusively:
- Make it late game
- Make it more expensive
Some people already expressed suggestions like containers or boxing/unboxing and portal cranes and whatnot to help with some of the existing problems while adding new experiences to the game.
Or even Hoppers and Unloading stations for ore:
Ore Loading and Unloading
It's all been expressed multiple times over in the Ideas & Suggestions board. Why not pick up a few of these and see if there can be something fleshed out to a more fun experience somewhen in the future.The slow belt corners were an obvious bug or at least a detrimental shortcoming with Belt Rebalancers being a temporary workaround, granted that it took a long time to actually fix the underlying problem. So I fail to see how that is the "same thing" as fundamentally changing or shifting the gameplay.Zeblote wrote: [...]
I remember some were actually against fixing the slow belt corner bug a while ago, same thing.
One of course could say that but the splitters at least didn't kill off a lot of usage scenarios for Inserters just for the sake of convenience.kovarex wrote:Actually, even splitter was considered cheaty, as it can be achieved by circuit network.
If half the community is complaining it wouldn't be wise to just "ignore" the feedback. Don't forget we are talking here about a serious change in gameplay behavior that will probably have a lasting impact.Zeblote wrote:One more reason to ignore "x is overpowered"
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
There is no doubt, that 95% of inserters would still be used the same way, as it would be very impractical to use the loader on common places, like smelting setups, assembler setups, etc. To use the loader as input for assembling machine, you need to split the belt line, and use a loader, that is 2X1, using 1-3 inserters is clearly easier.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
I think if implemented wisely, they won't take away all or even most of the inserters' usecases.
Talking about things that eliminate elements for the sake of convenience and performance:
1. Electric miners vs Burner miners - who uses burner miners after the first 10 minutes of the game? Why were electric miners added if they simply take over burner miners, just to make the game easier?
2. Faster belts - once you have red belts on mass production you hardly bother thinking about yellow belts. Maybe there should be only the slowest belts, so players need to come up with smart designs using only yellow belts?
3. Bots - They completely take over belts. Where is the creative or intelligent process of slapping a requester->assembling machine->provider blueprint over and over again?
4. Splitters - the exact same thing can be done with inserters and some logic wires, why spoon-feed the players? Think of the magnificent designs we would have if you'd have to split a belt with inserters, keeping track of how much each side got, and having full compression, of course.
5. Underground belts - Surely we can just use long-handed inserters for this. Or even better - a smart chest with crossing smart inserters with logic wires.
6. Medium power poles - Seriously? Just a totally OP power pole? Having them cost steel and require green research is clearly not a solution.
Talking about things that eliminate elements for the sake of convenience and performance:
1. Electric miners vs Burner miners - who uses burner miners after the first 10 minutes of the game? Why were electric miners added if they simply take over burner miners, just to make the game easier?
2. Faster belts - once you have red belts on mass production you hardly bother thinking about yellow belts. Maybe there should be only the slowest belts, so players need to come up with smart designs using only yellow belts?
3. Bots - They completely take over belts. Where is the creative or intelligent process of slapping a requester->assembling machine->provider blueprint over and over again?
4. Splitters - the exact same thing can be done with inserters and some logic wires, why spoon-feed the players? Think of the magnificent designs we would have if you'd have to split a belt with inserters, keeping track of how much each side got, and having full compression, of course.
5. Underground belts - Surely we can just use long-handed inserters for this. Or even better - a smart chest with crossing smart inserters with logic wires.
6. Medium power poles - Seriously? Just a totally OP power pole? Having them cost steel and require green research is clearly not a solution.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
You have a point there. It makes me rethink the entire topic from a different, more practically oriented perspective:kovarex wrote:There is no doubt, that 95% of inserters would still be used the same way, as it would be very impractical to use the loader on common places, like smelting setups, assembler setups, etc. To use the loader as input for assembling machine, you need to split the belt line, and use a loader, that is 2X1, using 1-3 inserters is clearly easier.
What are the actual uses of the Loader depending on their capabilities? I tried to think about it (also incorporating proposed ideas from the poll):
1 - If Loaders can only be used directly with chests
2 - If Loaders can only be used directly with chests and train wagons
3 - If Loaders can only be used directly with train wagons
4 - If Loaders are able to feed Assemblers and Furnaces
5 - If Loaders should only be able to feed OR pull from chests
That is if the Loaders don't require Lube like some people recommended. With lube the layouts would probably become a lot more difficult and it would restrict the usage of loaders even further to applications where there is actually enough space to do such a thing.So you might actually be right kovarex, there might only be a fraction of applications that might get superceded with Loaders. Now I am more concerned that there are actually not enough applications to justify the Loader in the first place.

Ironically some of which have been pointed out in the balancing board too I might add, so it is not all out sarcasm. Two of them I have been pointing out myself:sillyfly wrote:Talking about things that eliminate elements for the sake of convenience and performance:
1. Electric miners vs Burner miners - who uses burner miners after the first 10 minutes of the game? Why were electric miners added if they simply take over burner miners, just to make the game easier?
2. Faster belts - once you have red belts on mass production you hardly bother thinking about yellow belts. Maybe there should be only the slowest belts, so players need to come up with smart designs using only yellow belts?
3. Bots - They completely take over belts. Where is the creative or intelligent process of slapping a requester->assembling machine->provider blueprint over and over again?
4. Splitters - the exact same thing can be done with inserters and some logic wires, why spoon-feed the players? Think of the magnificent designs we would have if you'd have to split a belt with inserters, keeping track of how much each side got, and having full compression, of course.
5. Underground belts - Surely we can just use long-handed inserters for this. Or even better - a smart chest with crossing smart inserters with logic wires.
6. Medium power poles - Seriously? Just a totally OP power pole? Having them cost steel and require green research is clearly not a solution.
1. Electric Miners/Burner Miners problem... addressed that one in the "obsolete items" thread: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6169
2. Fast/Express Belts... talked a bit about the problem in the latest FF #128 thread: viewtopic.php?p=131099#p131099
Last edited by MeduSalem on Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
True, I also think some of these are actual issues, that the game could benefit from being addressed. I still think loaders can definitely be implemented in a balanced way, and could certainly bring a lot to the game. I much prefer them to, say, even faster inserters, or multi-armed inserters, which people in the FFF#128 thread seem to suggest over and over again instead of loaders.MeduSalem wrote:...Ironically some of which have been pointed out in the balancing board too I might add, so it is not all out sarcasm.sillyfly wrote:...
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Wait, what even is your current plan for loaders? Based on the blog post I never thought they would connect to assemblers.kovarex wrote:There is no doubt, that 95% of inserters would still be used the same way, as it would be very impractical to use the loader on common places, like smelting setups, assembler setups, etc. To use the loader as input for assembling machine, you need to split the belt line, and use a loader, that is 2X1, using 1-3 inserters is clearly easier.
(That doesn't even make sense, dumping a conveyor belt of stuff in the assembler and somehow not jamming it)
Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
Why not have a very special limitation for loaders. It may seem like a speciality at first, but if you think about it, it makes more sense.
Loaders/Unloaders require a single item filter.
As in, if the belt side of the loader has a wrong item, it will just sit there and block the lane.
If the container side of the unloader has wrong items, they won't be picked up.
Now you can't just feed everything through the one belt and get it sorted (without a big container such as a cargo wagon).
You wouldn't want to use them for assemblers unless you really want a lot of input, and the more inputs, the more loaders and belts sprawling from the assembler, the more work to do.
Mix and match some of the suggestions with this one, you might find one that works for you.
Loaders/Unloaders require a single item filter.
As in, if the belt side of the loader has a wrong item, it will just sit there and block the lane.
If the container side of the unloader has wrong items, they won't be picked up.
Now you can't just feed everything through the one belt and get it sorted (without a big container such as a cargo wagon).
You wouldn't want to use them for assemblers unless you really want a lot of input, and the more inputs, the more loaders and belts sprawling from the assembler, the more work to do.
Mix and match some of the suggestions with this one, you might find one that works for you.
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Re: Loader Poll - Trying to get an idea of what the opinions are
they would still be usable for train stations as you'd only need half the amount of inserters and the rebalancing setup can be simpler. In fact you can reuse existing splitting and merging designs with just 1 extra tile of extra width needed.MeduSalem wrote:1 - If Loaders can only be used directly with chests