Name: SignPosts
Description: Adds signs with text
License: CC BY 3.0
Version: 0.3.7
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.35, 0.14.1
Category: Item
Tags: Miscellaneous, Entities, Buildings
Download: Attached.
Long description
Allows research and creation of sign posts and map marks.
When you place signpost, a gui appears in which you can type message you wish to display ingame. When you click 'place' message appears above the sign.
You can also store a bunch of text lines that are only seen in gui.
Robots can't mine them.
They're invincible. They almost not collide.
You can open edit\remove gui by mining pole.
Map mark is actually a fancy train stop, which can be placed without rails.
They are invincible and non-colliding as well.
What can happen when they are placed near rail I don't know.
When you place signpost, a gui appears in which you can type message you wish to display ingame. When you click 'place' message appears above the sign.
You can also store a bunch of text lines that are only seen in gui.
Robots can't mine them.
They're invincible. They almost not collide.
You can open edit\remove gui by mining pole.
Map mark is actually a fancy train stop, which can be placed without rails.
They are invincible and non-colliding as well.
What can happen when they are placed near rail I don't know.

Version history
0.1.0 Initial release.
0.2.0(17.10.2015): A trivial update to 12.11
0.3.0(26.03.2016): A major overhaul, new gui, map markings, console commands.
0.3.1: Quickfix to tech icon size.
0.3.2 FIx of migration typos.
0.3.3 Robots can't touch this again
0.3.4 Robots can build sign posts and deconstruct those ever untouched by player. Signposts are now blueprintable, their text is not transferred though.
0.3.5 (12.06.16) Fixed a sign deconstruction bug
0.3.6 update to 0.13 was skipped as an exercise for a reader
0.3.7 (27.8.16) Update to 0.14.1
0.2.0(17.10.2015): A trivial update to 12.11
0.3.0(26.03.2016): A major overhaul, new gui, map markings, console commands.
0.3.1: Quickfix to tech icon size.
0.3.2 FIx of migration typos.
0.3.3 Robots can't touch this again
0.3.4 Robots can build sign posts and deconstruct those ever untouched by player. Signposts are now blueprintable, their text is not transferred though.
0.3.5 (12.06.16) Fixed a sign deconstruction bug
0.3.6 update to 0.13 was skipped as an exercise for a reader
0.3.7 (27.8.16) Update to 0.14.1
Bugs and problems
The messages don't look very nice, and higher zoom levels make them look even worse. There's not much that can be done about that currently as this is the best the game has to offer.
Console commands
The mod provides a pair of console commands to destroy undesired flying texts in case of glitch.
First command:
Will print coordinates of all texts that are in 10 tiles around you. Then you use second command to remove a particular offending entity:
where number 9 should be replaced by index of entity to be deleted as printed by previous command.
Using these functions to delete texts added by other mods might or might not cause problems.
First command:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Using these functions to delete texts added by other mods might or might not cause problems.
Get involved
Polishing is tedious and not very exiting, so I don't delve much into those. If you want to lend a hand in completing locale files or making a better grapics feel free. (it'd be interesting if map marks had a set of randomized sprites, like trees, but making sprites in not my cup of tea.)