My suggestions - mostly UI, tooltip and such.

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My suggestions - mostly UI, tooltip and such.

Post by Nioxic »

Hello guys!

I've been playing this awesome game this weekend, though i've not reached "late game" yet, and i'm not too much of a fan of the "combat"... just holding down C seems kinda.. meh. gimme a dedicated shooting button and a dot that shows which direction i'm aiming (maybe an upgrade that adds a laser sight)

Anyways.. i have some suggestions, and i did check the previous suggestions but i have something for many kinds of categories so it's kinda hard to find.

Quality of life improvements:

A timer on the currently constructing stack of items. Say, i'm making 100 pieces of red belts. then i need like hundreds pieces of cogs. during that time i cannot craft other items, but how long time does it take? how long is left? can i go afk for a few minutes? a simple timer on the icon could solve that

The same can be used for the research. the game should calculate how long time it takes, at all times. And if i add additional Labs and put science packs in them, it should update the timer. The tooltip in the research window of course has a timer that i can use to calculate it... but 30 sec times 150 packs.. and then i have to take into consideration that i have 7 labs and upgraded research time as well.. it becomes a bit annoying.

Multiple tooltips are not very helpful at all. This includes both the stuff in the research window and various craftables, materials and such. of course the tutorial explains a lot but a tooltip reminding you every once in a while wether i needed a refinery or chemical plant would be nice. i'm new to the game and i crafted several wrong items so far, because i just guessed which one to use, the tooltip was either of no help, if there even was a tooltip. a good example of one of the first item people craft is..

the burner inserter.

the game gives you this info: crafting time and mats - health and power consumption and the total amount of time to craft.

but it does not say that it runs on coal, how many pieces of coal per minute (or some other form of measurement), it's grabbing speed, or even.. what it does. You have to know, in order for it to not matter that the tooltip sucks.

But of course this is like that all over the game. why would i craft the red belts over the yellow ones? the tooltip doesn't show the speed it moves at.

I can add to the tooltips, that stuff like guns need a bit more info. i see the shots per second.. but how much dmg does a shot deal? how much benefit is there between the shotgun, flamethrower and rifle, apart from the spread and such. i'd just like some more stats to compare between.

the night is way too dark - and the whole day/night cycle is too short. i feel like i'm walking around in complete blackout constantly. This is fine at later stages when you can build lamps, but in the early game when you got nothing it's a pain.

Also i'd love things like:

weather effects (mostly rain, fog, sand storms in the desert)

some RPG elements - i read this in a suggestion and i'd love to see some sorta system added.

a bit more clear system to show how much pollution i'm causing and at what point i'm at risk of being attacked - i dont think this should be stuff that the UI just tells me, but rather, maybe some modules on the radar, or a seperate building could add the info.

some inserters that can hand stuff left or right, instead of just in the opposite direction.

That's all for now.

again, i love this game. and i just want it to be better.
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Re: My suggestions - mostly UI, tooltip and such.

Post by ssilk »

Please read viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3394 Read this OR be ignored!
Such kind of mixed suggestions is difficult to discuss. It's much more useful to find the right threads and make a comment there or create own topics for each of your suggestions.

Your suggestions with the keys: It's difficult to search for that. But we already had a lot of suggestions about the keyboard-layout. You can configure your own layout.

viewtopic.php?f=80&t=13094 Draft: Better Crafting Infos ... 67&t=10222 Improvement of crafting queue

viewtopic.php?f=80&t=14645 Research-queue and -progress Visualizaton

Tooltip: It's more or less part of the game to find our yourself how things are working. The plan is to have training levels to learn that more effiicient.

Game-info: Well, that is improved with each version.

Night is too dark: Part of the game. Try to craft night-vision.

Weather effects:
viewtopic.php?f=80&t=342 Epic: Events (Environmental disasters)
search.php?keywords=weather&t=183&sf=msgonly Events (“Againts all odds”. Free-play, global task.)

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7 Role playing direction

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3762 Peace with Aliens

Available as mod: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=13525 Side Inserters
Cause the handling with the inserters is part of the game I would wonder me, if that comes into vanilla.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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