For 0.14 and 0.15 mod info, please see the mod portal entry
Type: Mod
Name: Flow Control
Description: Adds new valves, pumps, and limited-connectivity pipes for better fluid layout and control
License: No rights reserved
Version: 1.1.2
Release: 2016-04-25
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.30
Category: SimpleExtension
Download: Mod Portal Older Versions
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This mod adds three valves, a new pump, and three rotatable pipe shapes that do not connect on all sides.
The valves and pump are unlocked by researching Fluid handling, the pipes have no research requirement.
Non-return valve
Also known as a check valve

Allows full-speed flow in one direction, indicated by the green arrow.
Can output its fluid level to red/green wires.
Recipe: 1 steel plate, 1 iron gear, 1 pipe
Overflow valve

Allows flow in the direction of the orange arrow, but only when the input pressure is above 80% (i.e. the attached pipe or tank is 80% full). The maximum flow rate of the overflow valve is less than a regular pipe. Useful as an outlet for excess production, for example cracking excess heavy oil when lubricant supply exceeds demand.
Can output its fluid level to red/green wires.
Recipe: 1 electronic circuit, 1 steel plate, 1 iron gear, 1 pipe
Top-up valve

Allows flow in the direction of the white arrow, but only when the output pressure is below 80% (i.e. the attached pipe or tank is less than 80% full). The maximum flow rate of the float valve is less than a regular pipe. Useful for topping up or acting as a reduced-priority fluid input. Note that a small amount of fluid will remain in this valve when the pipe is emptied.
Can output its fluid level to red/green wires.
Recipe: 1 electronic circuit, 1 steel plate, 1 iron gear, 1 pipe
Small pump

The small pump you know and love from Factorio. Included here to show its new icon (to match the others). No changes apart from the icon.
Express pump

A high-speed, high-pressure pump for your high-speed, high-pressure pumping needs. Five times faster than the regular small pump, but uses only four times the electricity. For an example of their speed, two of these (one each side of the track) can fill a rail tanker in 10 seconds. Say goodbye to oil barrels forever!
Recipe: 3 small pumps, 4 steel plates, 1 pipe
Elbow, T-junction and straight pipes, that only connect in appropriate directions. Each pipe is crafted from one normal pipe, and when mined drops a normal pipe.
Non-return and overflow valves have large fluid icons in the information overlay (Alt-key). This is because they are modified storage tanks, and the icon size is hard-coded. Can't fix, sorry.