[12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

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[12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by CmdrKeen »

I Had roboport's set to a large construction/logistic area (4000 each) via a base edit to lay down a large blueprint (~400k entitites). laying the existing blueprint worked fine (if slow), but trying to create a new blueprint of ~8000 entities crashed the game, as shown below in a screenshot.

removing the custom roboport settings fixed the error.
Crash from blueprint creation attempt.
(7.61 KiB) Downloaded 520 times
Crash when trying to make a decent size blueprint.
Crash when trying to make a decent size blueprint.
crash-bp-mem-leak-12-20.jpg (410.16 KiB) Viewed 16646 times
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by kovarex »

Well 400k entities is really a lot, I don't have idea what could happen with the lua. The crash itself might be related to something we fixed in 0.12.20, so please update to 0.12.21 before reporting it again.
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by CmdrKeen »

repeated the crash on create blueprint with 12.21:
high memory crash-12-21.jpg
high memory crash-12-21.jpg (584.55 KiB) Viewed 16585 times
the offending lua script piece appears to be a custom roboport I made for personal use with a large logistics_radius:

Code: Select all

    -- per one charge slot
    charging_energy = "200kW",
    logistics_radius = 4000,--The offending code
    construction_radius = 50,
    charge_approach_distance = 5,
    robot_slots_count = 7,
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by Rseding91 »

CmdrKeen wrote:repeated the crash on create blueprint with 12.21:

the offending lua script piece appears to be a custom roboport I made for personal use with a large logistics_radius:

Code: Select all

    -- per one charge slot
    charging_energy = "200kW",
    logistics_radius = 4000,--The offending code
    construction_radius = 50,
    charge_approach_distance = 5,
    robot_slots_count = 7,
Could you upload your save file and mods (if any)? I'd like to see if I can reproduce this on my computer.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by CmdrKeen »

Here's the save and the mods used. since data/base was edited for this base, the edited files are in another zip.

the save point is below the structure that I tried to copy and caused the crash.

the data/base overwrites should be all you need to create this crash.
data/base overwrites
(20.38 KiB) Downloaded 298 times
mods folder
(284.43 KiB) Downloaded 332 times
Save file
(43.11 MiB) Downloaded 364 times
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by Rseding91 »

I looked at the crash and from what I can see it's eating all the video memory and dyeing. Because you've set the roboport radius to 4000 it's trying to render the selection data for every entity within 4000~ tiles of your player * count of roboports in the blueprint (77~?) * the number of roboports and entities you have in the world. All that is *way* more than a standard video card can support and even mine with 4 GB of video memory capped out and died.

So, this stays in the "won't fix" - but at least you know why it happens now :)
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by CmdrKeen »

yea- figured it'd stay in the won't fix category. It might be worth it to have a limit to the value that can be put there- like the AI search radius limit of 100 units.
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Re: [12.20] Crash on blueprint creation

Post by kovarex »

Yes, we should limit the value to something reasonable.
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