Question for the devs regarding late game plans

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Question for the devs regarding late game plans

Post by axefrog »

I've looked hard through the forums but can't seem to find anything that really answers this question.

Getting to what is currently "late game" is a pretty straightforward, though probably takes me 20-30 hours. I play with default resources but with the absolute maximum alien settings possible. Once I get to a point we're I'm starting to build my first trains, I've generally got power armor mkII with multiple roboports and exoskeletons, so I'm able to run around very quickly and build stuff easily, including rapidly laying down multiple laser outposts and wiping out large amounts of alien infestation as needed. By this time I'll usually only have a few items left to research, and the need for trains becomes somewhat debatable given the fact that I could just lay down very long blue conveyor belts as I expand to new resource patches (depending on how far away the resource patches are).

The problem is this. I reach this point and it feels like the fun and enjoyment I'm just now starting to have in starting to put together complex train networks, now that I've earned this ability to really start expanding, is a little pointless because there's not much else left to spend resources on. I have read some comments from people saying that "the fun is in getting to this point" and I don't disagree, but I think that's like saying the fun in reading a novel is in getting to the middle of it. Well no, actually it's an unfinished story, and that's how I feel about the game right now.

Obviously I realise this is still alpha! I really do get that. So my questions are as follows, and I'm hoping a developer, or someone who has spoken to them, can answer:

1. Are there any plans to develop later game resource sinks that will suck up thousands and thousands of resources per product produced? I know there's the rocket silo, but that's kind of boring because it doesn't give me anything other than an end-of-game condition. I'd like to be actually answering the challenge of things I need to build by being forced to build huge extensive train networks to strip mine the land for miles around me. If I'm just mining materials "just because", it kinda feels hollow and pointless.

2. Are there any plans to add a bit more variety in both enemy type and difficulty and with respect to distance from the starting base? Expanding out to get more resources becomes pretty grindy when there is no variety in what you're clearing. I can imagine as you expand out perhaps you might start to encounter more exotic enemies, or come across bigger hives and maybe queens, flying creatures, etc. This would be a lot more interesting than just the same random scattering of the same aliens with the same statistical coverage, no matter how close to or far from your base you are.

3. Are there any plans to make it so that tower creep is not the only viable expansion strategy for maps with a non-trivial number of enemies? Tower creep is fun and all, but it gets boring when it's the only way to expand. I end up finding that tanks, cars, combat robots, combat additions to the power armour and so forth are all pretty much pointless given how ineffective they all are as compared to tower creep. Sure you could say "just make it challenging for yourself by not using that strategy!". I'm playing the game because I want it to present me with challenges to solve, and in doing so, force me into situations that I need to figure out how to automate my way out of. Arbitrary self-assigned handicaps aren't the answer.

Disclaimer: Factorio is still probably my favourite game ever, even if it does start to become somewhat unsatisfying right when it could be getting *really* interesting.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Question for the devs regarding late game plans

Post by axefrog »

I totally missed this thread.
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Re: Question for the devs regarding late game plans

Post by Koub »

Tbh there has been quite a number of discussions going on on this subject for years.
You found, indeed, one of the latest ones :).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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