Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by indjev99 »

I did not quite understand weather there is going to be any difference between having bought only the basic package and having bought the higher tiers? Currently I have the second one (Furnace Attendant), I do think that the scenario pack should be available to everyone after the launch, but I was wondering if it is going to be as if I had just the basic tier?

TL;DR Is there going to be any bonus for higher tiers?
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Brambor »

Hi, I'm an youtuber as well :) I have to say that you made a great game! Now, is there said an exact release date? Is that the 25th I saw here?
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Theace98 »

Steam on the 25th? I guess I need to start putting together word docs for guides of the game to help the new players. And think of a good review to write as after losing a lot of time already to Fortress Craft Evolved Factorio is going to need all the help to go big on steam.

And the bonus screen is a nice addition as it means I no longer going to have stare at the research screen to figure out which bonuses I have.

Can't wait to see Factorio on steam.
I typically play Factorio, Minecraft, Rimworld, Starsector, Prison Architect and Stardrive 2. Oh and add XCOM, FTL and Homeworld. And Transport Tycoon...

Quite frankly, it's a miracle I get anything done.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Brambor »

Don't get me wrong. I was asking if it was 25th. Now I read it again and it is not, unfortunately I do not know the release day.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by crazybmanp »

I'm so happy to see this great game release on steam and with it, they are doing the keys the logical way with website-members having access to both (that's the big thing that bugged me with KSP)
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by CorrettoSambuca »

"Do you like robots, mashines, and fings that move?"

Sorry, I just found it hilarious to watch that old trailer again :D
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Loewchen »

Brambor wrote:[...] unfortunately I do not know the release day.
The 25th of February is the steam release day.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Maelstraz »

Yay, news about steam release, time to first post. After a lo-o-ong time of silence, yeah.

And about unpaid users problem. They had a chance to buy game in the past to get this fancy status, just like everybody else, but didn't do it. Oh well~
Btw, not even sure about fancy status. Will there be any other functionality for premium account at main site except loading game? Well, maybe for beta releases or something.

PS: Get ready to write good review, everybody. Our lovely timesinking monster is totally worth it.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Woehler »

Please do what you can to promote the factorio guide. Especially in the places that people can buy the game. maybe even make a bundle that include the guide. although I know that it is not you, the developers, that is creating it.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by AssaultRaven »

I paid for the scenario pack but I still definitely endorse making all content available to everyone in the same package. People who paid more can get, I don't know, free Golden Inserter DLC? :D

I remember reading you saying that there won't be DRM, does that mean the Steam version will also be DRM free? According to a developer of Good Robot, Steam actually doesn't require DRM; it's only at the developer's discretion. Is that true?
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by sillyfly »

Kalanndok wrote:Sounds all nice, however I feel a bit cheated by the way the "furnace attendant" gets treated.

I bought that package BECAUSE of the exclusive content (scenario packs mainly) just to learn that with 5 bucks less I could have gotten the very same. Just doesn't feel right to me. :(
I have to admit I had some of the same feelings. Not that I regret supporting the developers, but my natural thought was that now that the scenario pack becomes base, and the soundtrack becomes the "extra", those who bought "Furnace Attendant" or "Mining Drill Operator" should get the soundtrack (And the difference in price would go to the composer? Or however they want it to work).
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Drury »

AssaultRaven wrote:I paid for the scenario pack but I still definitely endorse making all content available to everyone in the same package. People who paid more can get, I don't know, free Golden Inserter DLC? :D

I remember reading you saying that there won't be DRM, does that mean the Steam version will also be DRM free? According to a developer of Good Robot, Steam actually doesn't require DRM; it's only at the developer's discretion. Is that true?
Pretty sure that's true as I own a couple Steam games that work even if Steam isn't running at all.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Hamster »

Great news, I can not wait to activate Factorio on my steam account. :P
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by grimfate »

Awesome :D I love keeping track of how much time I spend on games (badge of pride to see I've spent 100 hours on a game haha) so having Factorio on Steam will be great for this reason! I've already played something like 20 hours, but unfortunately Steam doesn't remember the play time for non-Steam games :(
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Brambor »

Loewchen wrote:
Brambor wrote:[...] unfortunately I do not know the release day.
The 25th of February is the steam release day.

Thanks I appraise it. For those who want to get something for buying scenario: I bought it too, I do not care if I paid more than some as long as I will still have it and the price I paid is basically what it will cost, so I just paid it earlier. The soundtrack. Well it would be nice, I will use it in Factorio vids, but I will probably just buy it. It will not cost more than a few euros :)
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by Nova »

You have to give the higher tiers something exclusiv. You never did make this "developer polls", like you said in the indiegogo campaign. Now you want to take the exclusivness of the scenario pack away from the higher tiers?
It's no big problem, don't get me wrong, but still feels slightly off. ^^
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by general_lex »

I hope you do something about the fact that when you download the game. When you open it and it ask to login and you just click to ignore.
And you can play the game fully without ever login.

I also hope there is a security check if one or more people open the game with same login.

I love your game, been playing since version 10.3 (paid of course) I hate to download good games from torrents and not support developers.
BTW i would have bought the game even at 40$. espicialy with the mods support system.

Anyway just wanted to suggest to rethink the security login system and make it more secure
Yeah yeah of course always hackers do their stuff, but this the way it is now is too easy.
I click ignore and can play the full game

just telling.....
thx for this great game
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by HanziQ »

Drury wrote:
AssaultRaven wrote:I paid for the scenario pack but I still definitely endorse making all content available to everyone in the same package. People who paid more can get, I don't know, free Golden Inserter DLC? :D

I remember reading you saying that there won't be DRM, does that mean the Steam version will also be DRM free? According to a developer of Good Robot, Steam actually doesn't require DRM; it's only at the developer's discretion. Is that true?
Pretty sure that's true as I own a couple Steam games that work even if Steam isn't running at all.
The game will require Steam to be running, but that's about it.
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by JMBarbarossa »

On one hand I don't care that everyone gets the scenario pack. When you pay for early access, part of it is making sure the game gets made. It is being a patron of the arts and an investor taking on risk. That said, I agree we should at least get the soundtrack for free or something else possibly.

Also, on a completely different note. If different minerals/metals etc were added to the game, there are ways to not confuse beginners. You do it already, it is what you did with oil. You put it behind a research wall. Not only that but in order to research in Factorio requires learning the game, it usually does not in other games and often you can research things you aren't ready to implement. The metal could be deep metal that must be found/sensed with equipment so that people don't even know it is there.

I am super pumped for the steam release. I hope a lot more people will have the game and I can play some epic multiplayer!
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Re: Friday Facts #124 - Steam Status I

Post by DjTeo »

I hadn't see the first trailer until now. Wow huge difference but it have most of the things, like flying UFO (robots),btw I liked the texture of the car :D
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