***Edit: Didn't see that there was a specified area for these types of posts, until after i published it... can a mod possibly move it there?***First time using a multi-train railway. First time using the forum to ask for help on this...First time attempting to use rail signals...I tried some tutorials...but that doesn't help with...*this* intersection i have planned out here.
Trains are set to act as shuttles.
[Attachment below]
I cannot see, how I can help with this, without making more trouble.
No, one thing you can to is to set a second signal right above the first. So that you have signals on both sides of the rails. And then repeat that with the upper rail exactly above.
Basically you need to understand, how blocks work in Factorio. Basically you need to set up more signals. But also learn, how trains find their way and how signals work.
I recommend to reduce the setup to two trains only in the first and then learn, how that works. If you find a problem there, we also can help easier.
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Without seeing the rest of the track it is hard to know for sure,
but I think the only solution for that one is to reduce the track down to one lane or connect every possible connection and use 12 normal signals
2 signals one each way on the exit paths and no signals in the middle of the junction, so the junction is just one signal block.