Name: Research overhaul
Description: Completely changes the way research is done in Factorio. Please read the long description for details.
License: Public Domain
Version: 0.0.1
Release: -
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.20
Category: Overhaul
Tags: Research
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Long description
Background: purpose of this mod
I estimate that I spent about 1500 hours with Factorio so far, building numerous factories, both small and big ones. Recently I started to feel that the way research is solved in Factorio is bothering me more and more with every playthrough. I always thought that the idea of progressing science by "studying" existing items by crafting / collecting them and turning into science packs is brilliant. However, now I can spell one major problem that I have with this system: providing resources and items to assembling machines that produce science packs usually consumes about half of my factory. Instead of building "fun" stuff, I was stuck with maintaining supply lines for research. Worse, once all technologies are researched, half of my factory becomes useless. I could simply start with all technologies researched, but I don't want research to be completely gone.
The idea
The idea is rather simple: let research be a separated system, not connected to production lines: production lines for science packs don't require any resources used in the "normal" part of factory, they have their own recipes with their own materials. At same time I didn't want it to become too easy, so I added another layer of complexity to this new system, as explained below.
New science packs
There are 12 different science packs in this mod. 4 of them could be called "base science packs" - they are equivent to science packs from vanilla Factorio. 8 new science packs are "specialized science packs". Their role is explained in the following table:
Notice that all new science pack have to be crafted in new Assembling Machines called "Research Stations". You can't craft them in hand nor in normal Assembling Machines anymore.
This screenshot shows how it works in practice (in very simple case). Research labs are researching Turrets technology, which requires 1x Military Science Pack and 1x Basic Science Pack.
1. Ballance! I will have to play two or three complete playthroughs with this mod and adjust probably all the numbers
2. Better graphics, both for Research Stations and new Science Packs.
As this mod changes everything related to research, it will most likely make any other mod that adds new technologies unplayable!
I estimate that I spent about 1500 hours with Factorio so far, building numerous factories, both small and big ones. Recently I started to feel that the way research is solved in Factorio is bothering me more and more with every playthrough. I always thought that the idea of progressing science by "studying" existing items by crafting / collecting them and turning into science packs is brilliant. However, now I can spell one major problem that I have with this system: providing resources and items to assembling machines that produce science packs usually consumes about half of my factory. Instead of building "fun" stuff, I was stuck with maintaining supply lines for research. Worse, once all technologies are researched, half of my factory becomes useless. I could simply start with all technologies researched, but I don't want research to be completely gone.
The idea
The idea is rather simple: let research be a separated system, not connected to production lines: production lines for science packs don't require any resources used in the "normal" part of factory, they have their own recipes with their own materials. At same time I didn't want it to become too easy, so I added another layer of complexity to this new system, as explained below.
New science packs
There are 12 different science packs in this mod. 4 of them could be called "base science packs" - they are equivent to science packs from vanilla Factorio. 8 new science packs are "specialized science packs". Their role is explained in the following table:
Notice that all new science pack have to be crafted in new Assembling Machines called "Research Stations". You can't craft them in hand nor in normal Assembling Machines anymore.
This screenshot shows how it works in practice (in very simple case). Research labs are researching Turrets technology, which requires 1x Military Science Pack and 1x Basic Science Pack.
1. Ballance! I will have to play two or three complete playthroughs with this mod and adjust probably all the numbers
2. Better graphics, both for Research Stations and new Science Packs.
As this mod changes everything related to research, it will most likely make any other mod that adds new technologies unplayable!