Teamspeak communication

Arrange meetings with other people to play MP, announce your servers.
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:32 pm

Teamspeak communication

Post by nak0604 »

Hello fellow factorio players! I currently have a Teamspeak server with expandable slots, I welcome any english speaking factorio players to come play with friends and or me. Once you connect you will be in the global welcome channel, this Teamspeak is not only for factorio but not very many people connect anyway. Please let me know if you will be a common player, if so we can make you a channel with a password.

My teamspeak server ip is as follows:

A few rules to follow:
1. Any suspicious activity that could harm the server is NOT allowed
2. Respect other players and staff
3. Don't create drama with whining or any other childish behavior
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