Trash and (chemical) waste

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Trash and (chemical) waste

Post by vanatteveldt »

I thought it would be interesting (and logistically challenging) to add a "trash" category of items, i.e. items that are produced by workshops that you don't want but need to get rid of to allow the work to continue.

For example:
- smelting could produce "tailings". waste rock, that need to be dumped somewhere in a cheap but large structure that is filled up at some point, maybe in total a quarter the size of the original ore spot (i.e. 10k-50k storage per tile?). This would incentivize players to smelt in the outposts or build trash dump outposts to avoid having it in their base.
- A lot of ordinary production could produce generic "trash" that can be thrown in a landfill, compacted, (recycled?), or incinerated
- Some production, e.g. plastics production, blue chips, high-level modules, could produce chemical waste, a fluid that need to be contained in expensive storage, or dumped or burned, generating pollution.

Destroying a container with trash or tailings should scatter the junk around so it is really ugly in your base. Destroying a container with chemical waste should produce a lot of pollution (and preferably a big bang). Bonus points if dumping the chemical waste in alien bases has cool side effects.

Logistically, an assembly plant that produces trash can either automatically dump the trash to one location (like a mining rig does), or you can have special "trash inserters" (extractors?) that are like smart inserters that only do trash.

(I guess this could be done in a mod, maybe I'll try to build it if I get bored...)
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Re: Trash and (chemical) waste

Post by ssilk »

Hm. There are tons of suggestion about handling waste/trash or whatever. I need to make a frequently suggested idea out of it.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Trash and (chemical) waste

Post by vanatteveldt »

Sorry for posting a dupe. I checked the "frequent suggestions" post and did a forum search for trash, and neither gave a (quick) result...

I guess it was too obvious :)
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Re: Trash and (chemical) waste

Post by ssilk »

It was not thought to blame you. And it is not a dupe. :)
It is quite difficult and time wasting to find matching suggestions. And without deeper knowledge of the game you won't eventually find the right keywords.
It was just a hint for other readers, that there is much more stuff.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Trash and (chemical) waste

Post by Peter34 »

ssilk wrote:Hm. There are tons of suggestion about handling waste/trash or whatever. I need to make a frequently suggested idea out of it.
I can only remember one such suggestion, given before the one in this thread.From user hizu or something like that.

I quite liked his suggestion, and I came up with some ideas for how to improve it and make it more playable, but I ended up deciding not to post them since he got so much flak.
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Re: Trash and (chemical) waste

Post by ssilk »

Peter34 wrote:I can only remember one such suggestion, given before the one in this thread.From user hizu or something like that.
If you can remember only one that doesn't mean, that they are others not there. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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