I always liked the idea of launching many rockets. They might make something offscreen, I don’t really care, as long as it gives meaning to those launches. And that led me to the idea of simple orbital station.
Core ideas:
- EDIT (needs emphasizing): whole station is offscreen, you just see its stats
- remake win condition to “send S.O.S. message to Earth”, achievable with 10 or less launches (so everyone can “win”, but also feel like he did something useful)
- number of launches enables more research (you get experienced with space stuff)
- some research / orbital modules will make rockets cheaper (like productivity modules: investing a lot resources to make more efficient factory in the long run)
- modular station that can grow infinitely
- station requires refueling so you need to launch rockets (say at least once per 10 hours), else it deorbits
- - revealing all explored areas + ability to look anywhere (where you’ve revealed map). Large factories are slow to travel around, so you can “pay” for remote supervision (player action shouldn't be allowed I think)
- beamed power: solars are more efficient in orbit + never shaded, so you can invest in really expensive and really reliable and space saving power source
- ion cannon: logical extension of beamed power + to make late game expansion easy and fast
- - New recipes (partially dynamic, based on research) and research (tied to number of launches)
- Orbital station would have some simple overview showing it’s fuel / energy / ports (for docking and modules).
- “Observer” mode would have some button on the global map and would show you selected area - basically what YARM does (for selected mining site).
- Ion cannon would be tied to observer mode, and would in the simplest version just wipe all entities in one chunk, maybe with some modified beam animation.
I think only one implementation is desirable, for many reasons, but I don’t know . . . Say what YOU think I appreciate any comments - they will be helpful for me if I try to make it myself