Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

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Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by ShadowXV5 »

Quick suggestion.
Add a confirm dialog when I click the close button.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close

Post by ssilk »

You mean the quit-button? There is already a confirm if you haven't saved shortly. Or what do you mean?
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Re: Confirm dialog on close

Post by ShadowXV5 »

Apologize for the confusion.

I meant when you click the X button on the top right on the window.
There's indeed already a message for the quit button, but not when trying to close the window.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by daniel34 »

I've actually started to see that not as a bug (or problem) but as a feature. Especially when writing/changing mods it's the easiest way to exit Factorio, much more efficient than going through all the menus.
If such a dialog was to be implemented it should have the same behaviour as the quit-button, only showing a dialog if you haven't saved for some time.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by ShadowXV5 »

I understand how this can make it easier when moding, but there's also the case where you can end up closing the game immediately without a save prompt, which can be frustrating.
Not a big deal though, since the autosave usually does quite a good job.
However, it could be added as an option.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by bobingabout »

A lot of games do open a prompt asking you you want to exit if you press the windows close button, I see no reason why it can't be added to Factorio.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by TuckJohn »

bobingabout wrote:A lot of games do open a prompt asking you you want to exit if you press the windows close button, I see no reason why it can't be added to Factorio.
Agreed. As long as you can hit the "Yeah, I meant to do this" button with enter, it should not be too much of a problem.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by mexmer »

hmm, when we get this? :cry:
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by Factoruser »

Should be implemented. It doesn't disturb modders either. They are more tortured by loading the game when they are starting and quitting factorio again and again.
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Re: Confirm dialog on close in windowed mode

Post by <NO_NAME> »

There still can be option in settings to turn off the dialog, just to not upset modders.
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Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by Lav »

When closing window via Alt-F4 on Windows, Factorio will instantly terminate without prompt, even when there's a lot of time passed since last save.

Would be nice if the game checked how much active game time has passed since last save and prompted the player to prevent progress loss.


Cause I just lost 1.5 hours of gameplay due to accidentally pressing Alt-F4 twice and will have to lay signals all over my railway network again. :evil:
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Re: Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by bobingabout »

I know when I was programming with SFML that when you press the X in the corner, all it does to the app is send a "request to close" command, at which point you can do anything, I mean, you could cause the app you're working on to maximise, or change to fullscreen when you press the X, or use it as an input button. Of course I know they're not using SFML, but that shouldn't matter.

So... I don't see why the devs can't program the game to ask before closing.
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Do not close on exit button in window mode

Post by TheRaph »

Please make a instant save or message box to confirm to exit the game, it one click on that red "X" in top right corner of a factorio window.
I often play in window mode (for various reasons).
Sometimes the technology window open in game and my hand try to close it with that "X" (reflexive without using brain) - shutting down the entire game. If there would be a final save before closing (like in MC) it would not be that thing, but so I have to wait until the game loads and then need to replay the last few minutes.
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Request confirmation on close-window

Post by rcobbe »

I don't know if this is a suggestion or a bug report; if it would be better for me to post this as a bug report, please let me know and I'll happily repost it in the appropriate forum.

Could the devs please consider asking for confirmation when the user hits cmd-Q or alt-F4? I find myself accidentally doing that with some frequency, and it's pretty irritating. I have autosave set to the default of once every 5 minutes, so I don't generally lose that much work, but it's still quite jarring. (I'm not quite sure why my fingers jump to this keybinding as frequently as they do; I think it's more likely on MacOS than on Windows as Q is used for other things in the game, so if my thumb happens to be in the wrong place, I'm hosed.)

I found a discussion of this on the forums at viewtopic.php?f=6&t=48571&p=281342, but that thread is almost 2 years old by now, and I can definitely attest that the terminate-with-extreme-prejudice behavior is still present in 0.16.51, at least on MacOS -- I got bit by it 10 minutes ago.

I acknowledge that, in cases where one needs to force-quit Factorio, it's a bit inconvenient to open Task Manager or Activity Monitor, or to open a shell and run pkill. One of the really nice consequences of Factorio's impressive stability, though, is that force-quit is not a very common operation, at least in my experience.

I've been able to find a workaround, at least on MacOS: since I happen to be running Better Touch Tool ( for other reasons, it was quite easy to add a factorio-specific keyboard binding to remap cmd-Q to "no action." Better Touch Tool isn't free, though (~$20 for a lifetime license), and it'd be nice to have a solution that doesn't require third-party tools.

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Re: Request confirmation on close-window

Post by Koub »

rcobbe wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:19 pm I found a discussion of this on the forums at viewtopic.php?f=6&t=48571&p=281342, but that thread is almost 2 years old by now, and I can definitely attest that the terminate-with-extreme-prejudice behavior is still present in 0.16.51, at least on MacOS -- I got bit by it 10 minutes ago.
[Koub] Merged both topics with the same suggestion. (side note : don't fear being accused of necro when you have a suggestion that matches an old one, feel free to add your voice to it :)).
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Re: Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by Rseding91 »

We're not making alt + F4 prompt to close. Don't press alt + F4 if you don't want a program to close instantly :P
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Re: Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by rcobbe »

Rseding91 wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:43 am We're not making alt + F4 prompt to close. Don't press alt + F4 if you don't want a program to close instantly :P
I'm merely suggesting that if a player hits the keybinding accidentally, terminating the program without allowing them to save progress is perhaps not a very friendly response. It's also perhaps worth pointing out that Factorio is an outlier here; most other programs (even Notepad!) that I use on a regular basis provide at least some degree of protection against this sort of thing.

I am disappointed that the official response seems to basically be "WONTFIX because go away;" I'd hoped that the developers might be a bit more receptive than that. "Yes, good idea, but not our highest priority" I can understand. I can also understand "we'd like to fix this, but it turns out to be really hard to do that because ..." or "fixing this would have certain consequences you might not have expected, like ...."

But continuing this conversation seems about as useful as ordering the tides to stop, and I have a workaround, so I'll leave it there.
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Re: Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by steinio »

Accidently... hoooowww?
Fall asleep and hit all keys at the same time?

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Re: Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by invisus »

steinio wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:11 pm Accidently... hoooowww?
Fall asleep and hit all keys at the same time?
Alt+F4 seems much less likely to be an issue than Cmd+q on a Mac.
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Re: Confirm quit game when closing window

Post by ratchetfreak »

Another option is to show the prompt after the first alt+f4 but if alt+f4 is pressed again quit anyway. (or any other generic close window message from the windowing system)

This lets you still quickly close without saving if you double tap alt+f4.

It's the same mechanism that I see in firefox when you try and close the tab and the website has a "don't leave me" dialog.
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