Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by SkylineCVC »


just bought the game a few days ago.

Now I'm spending every free minute with the game and YouTube tutorials..... Yesterday I played till 3am...
Can't get away from it. :shock:

This game is just brilliant. Thank you for programming such a great game for just 15 € !!!

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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Anomoly2012 »

Creedless82 wrote:Hey there,

i'm not a fan of big words so i'll keep it short and simple:

Thank you for making such a lovely game!
Thank you for countless hours of pure gaming fun!
Thank you for making it so very customizable via mod support!
Thank you for not pushing things too fast!

Well, thank you and keep up the fantastic work!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Arucard »

Perfect way to lose an entire day. I find it pretty impressive to change the landscape from a pristine forest, swampland or desert into a shining, smoke spewing outdoor factory. Even if I only grasp maybe about half of the more technical stuff, it feels really good to set up auto crafting and research and watch it whir away at creating all your toys.

I wasn't sure if I could even play this at first, so I want to also say that the demo is absolutely fantastic! It does the job perfectly, shows you just what you're getting into, and leaves you salivating for more. When that demo ends it's very hard not to immediately come here and purchase, so very well done there. It also doesn't promise more than it will deliver or deceive you into buying with a bunch of wild claims. Just shows you what the game is about, with a nice bit of story in there, and slowly adds on more layers to show the progression. Something could be learned from this in the mainstream market where it's thought revealing a game needs a trailer akin to big-budget action movies that the actual game will never live up to.

Finally, I want to add how much I love when devs of any stature add modding support, or at least make it easy for modders rather than purposefully difficult. This isn't as much of an issue these days, but mod tools used to be pretty scarce as the devs were afraid modders would make the game better and the original would be obsolete or something. Being open like this leads to a ton of support, people make mods because they love the game and want to add to it, not because it sucks and they want to change it. So it really makes me feel good to see developers that understand this and possibly started out that way themselves.

Good job guys, you've earned your loyal fan base with a fun, unique experience!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Elementology »

I just wanted to add my thanks to the developers of this amazing game. I purchased this a year and a half ago just for the potential I saw and the hopes the goals the devs put out could be reached and my desire to support that.

The game so far is an amazing accomplishment and a wonderful example of a dev team that truly loves their product and wishes to see it succeed and I am still looking forward to seeing what they can do. My greatest wish is that people will still want to support future development and the dev team has the ability to continue working on it.

Thank you devs for your amazing work and thank you to the community for being an amazing and supporting group of people.


PS. Damn you dev team for you thread about factorio development explained in gifs, through such I was introduced to "the coding love" and my productivity has plummeted, *doom* to you all" =)
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by OoohShiny »

Alright, i got the game a while ago, and i have to admit...

It is awesome in every way possible. I can be creative, but still have to use some smartyness to get something done.
My playtime by now is round about 90 hours, and actually, i still learn something.

At first i was really sceptical, but now i have to say: Your game is awesome.
It is one of my personal favorites.

keep up the good work!

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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Locus »

Took a while off the game and came back... still brilliant.

There are so many small decisions and polish in how you interact with the world and how information is sent to you.

There are so many objects and interactions going on and yet it still runs silky smooth.

There's even those moments when the devs decided to step away from reality to make the game more fun (enormous resource scaling on higher tech levels).

Tomas, you posted on your Friday Facts about Big Pharma, Farlight Explorers, and Infinifactory. While you're right about them being in the same genre, I can say as a neutral gamer that I played them and they have nothing on what you've created. Whether or not there is competition coming up, you've made something beautiful that will stand up to the test of time.

Hats off to you!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Mwthorn »

I am so glad that I found this game, it reminds me much of that time when I was playing Minecraft with a ModPack called Tekkit (Classic) back in Minecraft 1.2
I had so much fun with those mods and the automation it brought to the game. Then about 3-5 years later, I saw Factorio! I played the demo and immediately brought the game the next day (in school even, lol)
Got together with a few close friends and we played in total 48 hours on one map. My singleplayer world is about to hit 100 hours, lol.
But anyway, thanks for re-making this experience! I must return once this game comes out!

"Everytime you do something manually: Can it be automated?"

Yeah, ummm... try automate the developing of factorio :D
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by kovarex »

Mwthorn wrote:"Everytime you do something manually: Can it be automated?"

Yeah, ummm... try automate the developing of factorio :D
That is the plan, but first I need to get a big budget to develop the AI.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Tontaube »

Hi Team,

I want to thank you very much for all the continued hard work you pour into the game - and for making such a great game!

And congrats because of the (well-deserved) 100.000 people who already bought it. May the number soar to 1 Mio!


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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by GewaltSam »

I just saw that you cracked the 100.000 - Congratulations, Wube!

I also wanted to wish you all the best for the upcoming Steam release. I am very curious how that will turn out (in a good sense - I am sure that those 100k are just the beginning when this awesome game hits Steam).
So, cheers to you guys, please continue that good work, and make this great game even better :) I'm anxious for some new content for a while now :mrgreen:
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Stormaker »

Thank you very much!

Factorio is a great game and I am very happy I bought it.

Thanks again!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Romz »

Congratulations on 100k sales to the devs, well earned. Imo, I've played all the big resource tycoon games for stupid amounts of hours and Factorio is easily among the elite. Good luck with the steam release and with Factorio going forward, you have my support.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Gusop »

Sorry I just strg+c -> strg+v
but the feels are right from my heart

Thank you for making such a lovely game!
Thank you for countless hours of pure gaming fun!
Thank you for making it so very customizable via mod support!
Thank you for not pushing things too fast!

Well, thank you and keep up the fantastic work!

AND please...don't sell your ass to the devil (€A)
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by eberkain »

I agree 1000% with this thread. Its a simple game concept with master level execution. You guys are awesome.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Xerrass »

Thx for this awsom Game i wish factorio luck @ the Steam release i hope you are prepaired for lots of people getting this game!

And actualy Factorio stands for its own!

Good game = Good Game Makers!

I'm proud to be a buyer!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Deadlock989 »

I really enjoyed this game when I first got it, although I wished it was a bit more like modded Minecraft. Now I wish that modded Minecraft was a bit more like Factorio.

Be careful with Steam. The kiddies there are as toxic as a swarm of biters.

Keep it up and thanks for hours of fascination.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by jacob021302 »

Thank you, keep doing great stuff and keep making the money! :)
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by kathrynbottrell »

I also love this game and make fun in spare time.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by themightygugi »

I love your game!

It has managed to keep my attention for 100+ hours now - a testament to the great work you are doing.

Keep up the good Work.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by VoraofFJ »

I'll skip the long story, but after major knee surgery on the 8th, Factorio is the sole reason being stuck in bed has not driven me mad.

Thank you for stealing December and here's to a lost half of January, and many weekends in the foreseeable future.
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