[MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.0.2

Post by MrDoomah »

I have posted a new update: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/dow ... hp?id=6642

This version should not have items run off the screen. Let me know what you think about it! :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.0.2

Post by Kadaban »

I was trying to recover my 0.12.14 savegame from the research window bug (mentioned in the 0.12.14 release thread) with bobs mods and other stuff installed.
Unfortunately installing your mod didn't help as I get the following error when trying to load any of my savegames:

Code: Select all

Error while running the on_configuration_changed: __research-queue__/functions/update_queue.lua:4 attempt to index local 'force' (a nil value)
Any possibility for a quick fix as long as 0.12.15 isn't out yet? Can't really do much without starting new research.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.0.2

Post by MrDoomah »

Very quick fix! So quick, its done already: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/dow ... hp?id=6651.

Also .15 is out now. :roll:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.1.1

Post by suprnova74 »

I'm not sure why, but "Alloy Processing I" in bob's mod does not show up at all. However, "Alloy Processing 2" does, so if you click on 2, it adds 1 to the list (along with all of the other prereqs for 2. Alloy Processing I only requires Red research so unsure as to why it would be filtered. I removed all filters just to see and it still did not show up.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.1.1

Post by MrDoomah »

Hmm, that's odd. Does it show up in extended view (first button, two arrows pointing down)?

Perhaps it has to do with the bug I've encountered today, that upgrade technologies don't show up if they don't have any prerequisites.

I'll look into it tomorrow.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.1.1

Post by MrDoomah »

I've looked at it and its the same issue. Bob flags all the technologies as upgrades. So electrolysis 1, chemical processing 1, alloy processing 1, air compressor 1 and water bore 1 all don't show up.

I'm quite busy right now so this won't be fixed today or tomorrow. These technologies do show up in extended view, so you can use that for now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.1.1

Post by Anomoly2012 »

This will be interesting when next i start a new save... completing the last of my science..

Hopefully .13 release finds this mod in good working order... depending on if i restart or continue my current save... I will be following this...
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.1.1

Post by suprnova74 »

MrDoomah wrote:I've looked at it and its the same issue. Bob flags all the technologies as upgrades. So electrolysis 1, chemical processing 1, alloy processing 1, air compressor 1 and water bore 1 all don't show up.
I thought i clicked the down arrow thingie and they didn't show but that does show them when restartitis attacked :) . It sounds more like those particular mods need to change the flag for the level 1 technologies to not be an "upgrade" more than you changing your mod to address it.

A future feature that would be nice is once an item is added, seeing the research cost (# of red/green etc) on the left. as it stands i have to open the regular "T" menu to review the actual cost .

Another perk would be a warning that if you click up when it's already at the top of the queue, it'll switch the training (and lose your progress). I was 90% done with a research and was mashing ^ to rearrange an item from the middle of the queue to the top and poof, technology changed. I like that feature, but just warn first .
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.1.1

Post by MrDoomah »

suprnova74 wrote:
MrDoomah wrote:I've looked at it and its the same issue. Bob flags all the technologies as upgrades. So electrolysis 1, chemical processing 1, alloy processing 1, air compressor 1 and water bore 1 all don't show up.
I thought i clicked the down arrow thingie and they didn't show but that does show them when restartitis attacked :) . It sounds more like those particular mods need to change the flag for the level 1 technologies to not be an "upgrade" more than you changing your mod to address it.
While you are right, this will probably an easy fix. I just need to find some time to fix it. I've just finished this quarter's tests so now i've finally got some time.
suprnova74 wrote: A future feature that would be nice is once an item is added, seeing the research cost (# of red/green etc) on the left. as it stands i have to open the regular "T" menu to review the actual cost .
This is indeed on my todo list.
suprnova74 wrote: Another perk would be a warning that if you click up when it's already at the top of the queue, it'll switch the training (and lose your progress). I was 90% done with a research and was mashing ^ to rearrange an item from the middle of the queue to the top and poof, technology changed. I like that feature, but just warn first .
That's a really good idea!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.0

Post by MrDoomah »

Ive updated this mod to version 1.2.0: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/dow ... hp?id=6789

Let me know what you think about it! :D

EDIT: Ofcourse. Create a new version. Play with it myself for a few days to check for bugs. Upload it to the forum for others to use. Launch Factorio. New update messes up all the vanilla technology icons. :evil: :cry:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.1

Post by MrDoomah »

New update: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/dow ... hp?id=7027! Now with big icons. Let me know what you think about it. Do they need to be larger or smaller?

Also, other mods can indicate they are using the new 128x128 icons by adding themselves in the rq.big_icons table (see change log). If you use a mod that uses the large icons but that mod doesn't indicate that, then you can manually add them to that table in the data.lua file. Or post it here and after a while I'll post an update containing these mods.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.1

Post by Evilness »

When i try to use your mod with orbital ion cannon mod i get error when i start the game. It would be nice if mods were compatible. I also posted this on orbital ion cannon thread.
error.png (6.04 KiB) Viewed 10544 times
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.2

Post by MrDoomah »

I've fixed it on my part. It was an issue that when detecting the mod, it didn't account for spaces in the name. The orbital ion cannon mod is the first mod I've encountered that used spaces.

Download here: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/downloa ... hp?id=7075
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.2

Post by Evilness »

Awesome, thanks for the quick update.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.2

Post by judos »

First: Great mod! I love it. :D :D

Now the bad news :D When using the smarter Circuit mod (see https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... er+circuit) I get an error when starting a new game. I found out:

Code: Select all

function init()
	if global.gateforce == nil then
		global.gateforce = game.create_force("gate")
For some reason they create a force during the on_init and on_load and your mod receives the event of this but you receive the event before your mod was initialized.

Code: Select all

script.on_event(defines.events.on_force_created, function(event)
	if global.researchQ[event.force.name] == nil then global.researchQ[event.force.name] = {} end
	if global.labs[event.force.name] == nil then global.labs[event.force.name] = find_labs(event.force) end
This crashes because the global.researchQ is nil.

I believe something like this might help: (At least that fixed the problem for me)

Code: Select all

script.on_event(defines.events.on_force_created, function(event)
	if not global.researchQ then
		global.researchQ = {}
	if global.researchQ[event.force.name] == nil then global.researchQ[event.force.name] = {} end
	if not global.labs then
		global.labs = {}
	if global.labs[event.force.name] == nil then global.labs[event.force.name] = find_labs(event.force) end
Thanks for keeping us up to date with your latest research ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.2

Post by MrDoomah »

Thank you for your post. I'll create an update soon, but since you did the bulk of the work already, this shouldn't take long.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.2

Post by judos »

It's been a pleasure. I was modding anyway and wanted to try out everything combined and play a bit :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.3

Post by MrDoomah »

So I posted the new update: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/downloa ... hp?id=7288.

I've decided just to initialise the mod when a force is created and global.researchQ doesn't exist. I can't think of any situation where global.researchQ does exist but global.labs does not.

Also, I've fixed the estimated time for the research. And adding this mod to an existing save will now add the current research to the top of the queue.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.3

Post by esotericist »

Hello, I wanted to let you know I've found this mod absolutely invaluable for planning and time management. However, I've run into a weird problem now that I've got it set not to pause on research completion: I hear the 'research finished' sound and often forget what exactly was most recently queued.

Is there any chance you could add a 'research history' list, showing the order things were researched? Or failing that, notify via text announcement when a research is completed (and which one)?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.3

Post by MrDoomah »

esotericist wrote:Hello, I wanted to let you know I've found this mod absolutely invaluable for planning and time management. However, I've run into a weird problem now that I've got it set not to pause on research completion: I hear the 'research finished' sound and often forget what exactly was most recently queued.

Is there any chance you could add a 'research history' list, showing the order things were researched? Or failing that, notify via text announcement when a research is completed (and which one)?

Ask and you shall receive: I've added a text notification on what research was finished: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/downloa ... hp?id=7479.

I didn't add a research history list as this would (in my opinion) be to much work for the little use you get from it. However, now the completed research is posted in chat, you can scroll up chat for some kind of rudimentary history list.
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