Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Koub »

Congratulations to Kovarex and the bride. I wish you to be overwhelmed with happiness.
And don't let the biters get you :).

And congratz to Factorio and its dev team too. There are zillions indie games developped by numerous small studios. Not so many get to the success state of Factorio, with the quality and polish Factorio already has. You definitely deserve props for that at Wube :).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Mendel »

I hope this marriage will be... Kovarex stable!

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Smarty »

Mendel wrote:I hope this marriage will be... Kovarex stable!

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Chaoseed »

Back in my day, we didn't have any newfangled Greenlight process, we had to wait for Valve to pick and choose...

Seriously though, seems like a good move by Valve. Factorio should be a good addition to Steam. Hearing "January" is a little disheartening, but, eh,, you know, you could do Early Access. In its current state the game is more complete than other Early Access titles I've played. Well, I'm sure you guys can figure out what's best for you. ;)

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by ShneekeyTheLost »

My sincere congratulations of upgrading to the multiplayer version of Life. Be careful when running the de-stress test during the honymoon module, it has a byproduct that can be a real resource sink.

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by mngrif »

slpwnd wrote:Whose wedding?
This turn of events is exactly what I expected, and am glad to finally witness. Without a doubt this has been the best thing I've ever crowdfunded :)
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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by kovarex »

Mendel wrote:I hope this marriage will be... Kovarex stable!
Nice one :)

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by ssilk »

I know how the marriage went:

Code: Select all

      __,-,        ____
    ,-'  \  \     _(    )   \ | /
  ,'   \  \  \   (__     ) --( )--
 /  \   \ _,==;     (___)   / | \
/ \  \.,="|  |
\  \ /'   | |
 \  /'--,_o_|         <- Kovarex, paragliding through the sky

Meanwhile, the bride. Waiting.

Code: Select all

           /(")\       . o O ( He is always too late )
        / /-~`~-\ \
        `/       \ ´

Code: Select all

       .-'   '-.
      /         \
       \   |   /
        \  |  /
         \ | /             ....  Jipppeeeee.... 
          \|/         /         ... ohhh.... is it so late????

Code: Select all

           /(")\     . o O ( ... oh god! When he crashed?
          //)^(\\                            .---.            E ! !
         /(/&@&\)\                          (_____)         E
        / /-~`~-\ \                          \   /      E E
        `/       \ ´                         _\o/_A I E
        `---------´                           //
                                             ( ) 
But what she doesn't know:

Code: Select all

                                                                /`--,__ ___---=~~
                                                                \      `--,__
                                                                 '--.__      ';
                                                                 '; ;  '--.__/
                                                                  ';;   ;  ,'
                 -______                 _ -                        ;o ; ,'
              /          ----- ___     /     \     __  ---__        '-','
            /                     -  /        \ --           __      |
  / \_--_ /                         /          \                    / \                  vvvvvv scroll down vvvvvv
/                                  /            \
              |                   /              --____
             -+-                 /                      \
             _|_                /                         \ __
            /___\                                              \
         .---'-'---.          /           _   .-.                 \
        /___________\                    <v> ((_))
         | A /^\ A |        /           ((_)) '-'__
         |   |"|   |     /               '-'___

Code: Select all

              |   (_)    |
             |    _)  |
         (       (     |
          (  _.-"""-._    )
         ( .'         `.   )
          /             \  )
          \  '       '  /
           \ `:     :' /
            \ `:   :' / _____
             \ `: :' / |WHEE!|
              \ `:  /  ;-----'
               \`o'/  '
                / \ 

Code: Select all

                     /    /
                 _[_]_  /
                  /_   /
            mMm  /(") /
           /(")\ //:\\
         /(/&@&\\ ///
        / /-~`~-\ | |
        `/       \- -

Code: Select all

            mMm  _[_]_
           /(")\  (")
        / /-~`~-\ |||
        `/       \|||
        `----------'--     <- not perfect Kovarex-stable-landing, but good enough

Code: Select all

 Nice, that you come. I had been beginning to fear, that you forgot it. Ready?
            mMm  _[_]_
           /(")\  (")
        / /-~`~-\ |||
        `/       \|||

Code: Select all

            | |    --- Of course. Let's go!
           @@@--                  Let's go into a bright future...
          (( }_`
          ``) (
         ``( \<\@@@
       ````) | |
      ~~~~~/ \`
          / ' \ `
         /  '  \  `
        /   '       _)
       /   _!____.-'\
      /_.-'/_/ ( \ \_\
      /,  '-.__ ` \ (_`__
      |`_         |`_

Many greetings. ;)

[I took this from here: ... arachuting

Thanks to the authors of the ascii-art: jgs, ejm, Jesper Varn, erf, pb and ejm97]
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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Smarty »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

SSilk that looks amazing

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Luofu »


happy wedding. and honeymoon? :D

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Drury »

<- not perfect Kovarex-stable-landing, but good enough

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Bunneeh »

first congratulations Kovarex :)

second: concerning promotion of the game, there is the twitch channel rocketbeans, a pioneerproject of a bunch of german gamejournalism veterans where your game would likely fit in very well. You should totally contact them about presenting your game/granting them some freebies/goodies or even an interview, if you don't I know I will contact them :P

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by SHiRKiT »

Congratulations to Kovarex and the 100k sales! I can't believe I bought this game when it had 7kish total sales. This game ROCKS.

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Drury »

With nobody eurosceptic enough to fend off Merkel, 4th reich takes over Prague.

Will kovarex arrive in time to stop corruption of his game company by totalitarian EU subsidies? Tune in next time to find out!

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by roman566 »

Come to think of it, what is the current plan for the very late game? Build space platform and a space ship to grab colonists or did something new came along?

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by voltaek »

Two points I'd like to make for the release and marketing:

1. If you're looking to do a big launch on Steam, consideration must be given to when the several Steam Sales are throughout the year. I'm not sure if launching during them, just before/after them, or as far from them as possible would be better for your goals; I just want to make sure you're taking them into consideration during your planning.

2. For marketing, I think Twitch would be a great avenue to get some exposure, especially around launch. There are people who work as community managers for large numbers of streamers that can make putting you in contact with the right streamers much easier. The one I hear about the most is @evl_bunny (Twitter) / evilbunny101 (Twitch).

And congrats, Kovarex!

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Re: Friday Facts #107 - The Wedding

Post by Holy-Fire »

Best wishes Kovarex. You deserve some happiness.

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