[0.12.x] [kovarex]Can't change pollution_factor to 0. + MP Crash!

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[0.12.x] [kovarex]Can't change pollution_factor to 0. + MP Crash!

Post by StoneLegion »

I wanted to turn of evolution but rather just setting to false I went and changed the values to 0. Destroy and Time work fine but I found Pollution Factor will not go to 0.


Now using /c game.players[1].print(game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor) in MP Ended up causing the server to dysnc then the server left.. From there we could not connect again and I just ended up rebooting it.

Mods: http://stonelegion.com/kane/deathsoon.zip
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Re: [Oxyd] Can't change pollution_factor to 0. + MP Crash!

Post by Oxyd »

You're writing to enemy_expansion, but reading enemy_evolution. If I write 0 to game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor, I read 0 back.

Also, no desync in MP from running that command. Can I reproduce it somehow?
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Re: [Oxyd] Can't change pollution_factor to 0. + MP Crash!

Post by StoneLegion »

Clearly I derped up bad with those commands. Half a sleep is a bad time to play factorio.

I could repeat the crash/dsync using the following method:
/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 1.4e-005
/c game.players[1].print(game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor)

it seems to only dysnc the server (headless Linux) rather then the client. I tried in Single Player had no issues.

Fresh map no mods headless Linux Server still does it oddly enough but no one else can reproduce it.

http://stonelegion.com/kane/desync-repo ... -48-09.zip

I made a quick video of working and not working hehe:
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Re: [0.12.x] [kovarex]Can't change pollution_factor to 0. + MP Crash!

Post by kovarex »

I fixed this one, it is noted in the friday facts actually. (https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-108)

Just writing

Code: Select all

/c game.local_player.print(0.000001)
Is enough to desync the game.

The problem is solved for 0.12.13, but only the particular problem was solved, other values like

Code: Select all

/c game.local_player.print(0/1) -- inf
/c game.local_player.print(0/0) -- -nan
will desync the game, as these values are translated to different values on different platforms. It will be probably solved in 0.13, but it will require bigger changes.
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