Too jerky biters?

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Too jerky biters?

Post by ficolas »

In the last attack, biters finally destroyed a wall D:

They came into my mining area, and they started destroying random things, they destroyed a belt, and another belt like... 15 tiles further? and a pole even further... So random things, not attacking nearby things, is that suposed to happen? Because is even more annoying than having a bigger place destroyed.
The destruction is scattered and its harder to find where stuff is destructed and where not
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Re: Too jerky biters?

Post by metzyn »

That has certainly happened to me as well, but I much prefer rather than have a huge chunk of my base wiped out and having to rebuild that. Recently, there was a part of my wall that was unguarded and biters got in... if they had attacked what was closest after getting inside my base would have been demolished, but instead a few inserters, belts, and drills were taken out and those are much easier to replace. I could not imagine if they got to my blue science pack sector.
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Re: Too jerky biters?

Post by ficolas »

but they seem retard xD

Like... Hey! lets go to another part of the factory to see if there are turrets that can kill us :D
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Re: Too jerky biters?

Post by rk84 »

For me the destruction they make is almoust direct line towards their main target. Which is some polluting entity mayby?
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Re: Too jerky biters?

Post by ficolas »

yea maybe they were going to get the boilers...
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Re: Too jerky biters?

Post by kovarex »

They go for the center of the pollution (the chunk with the highest pollution in the local area).

So it is ok strategy at the start of the game, to build defenses nearby the most polluting parts of the factory in the start (I do it that way).
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