ATTN: Fellow Factorio Managers,
Life happened. Been loving and enjoying Factorio when I have had some time. Even came up with a few tweeks and changes for my mod to make it a little different. Going to take the time to get a full bug fix/feature update out. Again, apologies for being away for so long, here is a list of what is currently being worked on:
Next update changes:
-2 new Aircraft.
-Update to original aircraft.
-Possibly some additional building requirements/research.
-Each Aircraft will have a different role/use and (I hope) prove to be a little more useful into late game. Including unique weapon systems and speed/cargo opportunities.
-More soon.
Thank you to everyone who checked out the mod while I was away and for all the amazing and positive feedback. I will use this page as my primary source of updates while it is back in a [WiP] stage.
Kind regards,
7-31-2015: Mod released!
Weapon systems updated. Slight adjustment to a few things for first release. Today. Working on cleaning up this page and getting a download link posted.
Sorry for the delay in updates. Work continues! This is all I will share for now:

Graphics by YuokiTani.
Updated mod recipe, technology unlocks, and a few base changes for a more "user friendly" feel. Its close, but still needs a little something.
Hopefully we have an amazing graphics artist (YuokiTani) to take on the role of helping get this finished up soonish. I'll update when that is 100%.
Weapons systems will be tweaked early this upcoming week.
Initial code work is complete. Needs further testing to adjust controls to a better "feel". Still lacking proper graphics. Currently I have a flying tank.

Once I feel this is a bit more "polished" I'll get it pushed for downloads to get further testing and feedback on initial build.
Weapon system is currently the same as the tank. Both function. Once the controls are fixed, I'll move to the weapons.
The good news is, it has a light so you can see where you are going at night. That seemed important.
Initial Comments & Status:
I am currently finishing up an aircraft mod and wish to post its potential results for feed back and general need/want of the community once it is complete.
I apologize for the length and structure of this post, and promise it will be cleaned up/organized as progression/updates to the mod become viable for release.
As it stands, most of the structure of the mod is complete, I am only waiting to find a competent and interested graphics artist for the final touches.
Graphics request thread.
Should I fail to find one in a suitable amount of time, then I will do everything I can to create some form of stand-in/temp graphics to expedite release/testing.
Latest-Release: TBA
Required-Factorio-Version: 0.12.x
Licensing: TBA
Download-Url: TBA
Details/Proof of Concept:
-Mod completion will yield the ability for the player(s) to research, construct, and pilot aircraft!
-Main idea for the design of this mod is for personal use and further learning of skills needed for future modding/scripting, but I figured I would include the community as well if there was enough of an interest.
-Access to the flight system will require extensive research and crafting as the use/implementation of such a system should not overshadow or negate the current in game forms of transportation of the player or goods. Instead, I wish to use this as an endgame feature when base defense becomes intense for longer more hostile map settings and or for the movement of items long distances away from a player(s) current main base/factory. Ideally this would allow for transporting items needed for the setting up of new resource "outposts" without having to clear large areas of trees, and or bitter/spitter nests for ground vehicles. (but could still be done so after the "outpost" is set up to allow for connection to a train network.)
-After final testing and initial mod release, I will begin the process of adding additional aircraft to suit different needs/wants/desires for mainly myself but also could be open to suggestions from the community for items I can not think of personally or seem interesting enough that I would like to work on.
Current project and future ideas:
-Current: Single pilot scout/gunship capable of carrying a decent amount of items(no more then a iron/steel chest worth) with a reasonable weapon system(s) for basic defense/small skirmish actions.
Larger but slower drop-ship variant of the gunship with a larger cargo hold and equal or slightly upgraded weapon system capabilities of its predecessor.
-Ability to automate transportation of goods across large distances. This is meant to complement the current cargo transportation systems, not replace it.
Should it be possible with future updates, I would also like to implement a transport ship to accommodate the transportation of multiple players as well. (I'm sure you can come up with all kinds of amazing and horrible things to do with this)

Possibly an Air-to-Air fighter
-Because once we have aircraft, people will want to shoot each other down.
If and when it becomes viable to add equipment to vehicles, I will look into implementation of this feature as well.
Anyone with comments, concerns, ideas, or protest, feel free to post below as I will be actively monitoring this thread well after mod release and am eager to read feedback from the community.