I agree a milliwatt range of panels would be realistic. I question the usefullness of the 6 mW version, though.Airat9000 wrote:...
6 mw
60 mw
600 mw

Moderator: bobingabout
I agree a milliwatt range of panels would be realistic. I question the usefullness of the 6 mW version, though.Airat9000 wrote:...
6 mw
60 mw
600 mw
I support this. +1djnekkid wrote:Hi Bob!
Thanx for an awesome mod!
I got a question for a possible minor tweak.
Many of the new items, but especially the power ones, have the same icon as the base game.
i.e. an mk2 medium pole have the same as the mk1/standard/vanilla pole.
Would it be possible to add a small 2-sign or II-sign or something to that icon?
Especially usefull when you have a robonetwork, and the "you lack something"-icon in the bottom
Although pretty much everything is theoretically possible with scripting, everything you have sugested is beyond the scope of modding without scripts. (Bob's mods is in part a challenge to see what can be made without using scripts at all, the clock is the only exception so far, and was originally written by a friend.)seronis wrote:I would like a series of solar water boilers added. Could easily be a small field of dark pipes for lower tier and higher tier could be a large dish that focuses all light into a given point. I would imagine the cheap pipe setup to require a pair of 2x2 or a single 3x3 structure to heat as much water as the basic boiler, and even then it would only function during daylight. The dish version would require more expensive / reflective materials and obviously produce more heat in the same building size as the pipes, but neither would produce as much heat in the same building space as a fuel boiler.
Also is it possible to have the steam generators have an upgrade branch for closed loop? By that I mean allow for a water output connection where the cooled water can be recollected.
And now for what they mean.bobmods.config.power.boiler1.energy_consumption = "390kW"
bobmods.config.power.boiler2.energy_consumption = "520kW"
bobmods.config.power.boiler3.energy_consumption = "700kW"
bobmods.config.power.boiler4.energy_consumption = "1.1MW"
bobmods.config.power.boiler1.effectivity = 0.5
bobmods.config.power.boiler2.effectivity = 0.75
bobmods.config.power.boiler3.effectivity = 1
bobmods.config.power.boiler4.effectivity = 1.5
bobmods.config.power.steamengine1.effectivity = 1
bobmods.config.power.steamengine2.effectivity = 2
bobmods.config.power.steamengine3.effectivity = 4
bobmods.config.power.steamengine1.fluid_usage_per_tick = 0.1
bobmods.config.power.steamengine2.fluid_usage_per_tick = 0.075
bobmods.config.power.steamengine3.fluid_usage_per_tick = 0.05
This also shows that, with a value of fluid_usage_per_tick = 0.1 on the base game steam engine power generator, 1 pump can support upto 10 steam engines.water = 100(max_temperature) - 15(default_temperature) = 85(Temperature range).
85(Temperature range) * 1kJ(heat_capacity) per degree = 85kJ per 1 unit of water.
85kJ * 60(Ticks) = 5100kW
This combined with the fact that the game tells us that it produces 510kW of electricity, the maths is proven.generator = 5100kW * 1(effectivity) * 0.1(fluid_usage_per_tick) = 510kW
At least these changes arn't turned on by default. The only actual change in this mod is that it allows the config mod to overide the stats, so not only do you need config mod, but you need to turn on the option to change to these stats.orzelek wrote:Seems like heavy nerf to steam engines - and it heavily changes the ratio downard so will be tricky to upgrade
I guess solar will be only good way again. Those a op steam engines made steam power actually useful. Maybe they were to op - might need to figure out some more tame stats for my own config.
Are you sure the mod is actually loaded? it sounds more like you don't have the mod installed.Tindrith wrote:After updating to 0.12.7 the game removed all my boiler-2 and steam-engine-2 entities and items. I also can't find any technologies related to these items in the tech-tree.