Name: Robotic Combinators
Description: Adds combinators for reading Robotic statistics to circuit network.
License: The MIT License
Version: 0.3.6
Release: 2016-04-06
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.20
Category: New Item
Tags: circuit network, robots
Download-Url: ... ses/latest
Warning: Blueprints made in version 0.2.1 will not work with future versions. I performed a code re-write that changed entity names. Sorry for anyone this effects.
- GopherATL, for answering my questions at the start, and for making Nixie Tubes
- kovarex and the team, Both for their work on the game, and also for adding LuaLogisticNetwork out of the blue...
- waduk, for feedback on just how much script-update my additions had added... And for testing a pre-release... and general awesomeness.... can I fit anything else in h*cut*
- WaylandSmith, for the Global Init fix, as well as a little global->local cleanup