hardpoints against biters

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hardpoints against biters

Post by LoSboccacc »

I started off with a larger than normal safe zone in 0.7.1 and managed trough careful pollution to avoid creeper expanding near my area and to avoid triggering an attack

now I need to expand more to get more iron, and I am about to get close with pollution to one of the nearest bases

the fact is, I had never had an attack since the newer version so I have no idea what to expect or how to gauge defence effectiveness.

is something like this able to stop a starting wave? Those are 5 lasers.
what decide how big the enemy will be, just the average pollution over their spawner?
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Re: hardpoints against biters

Post by ficolas »

Thats more than enought for the first wave.
The first wave is easy, only small biters the problem is when there are bigger biters.
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Re: hardpoints against biters

Post by Psycho0124 »

Yeah, that'll be plenty of defense for a long while. You may want to double up on wall thickness for the top and bottom though. Big (and maybe even medium) biters can attack over single-thickness walls and chew your turrets.

8 turrets surrounded by a 2-layer wall were plenty for me until 15 hours in or so.
I use 12 turrets (with some damage and firing speed upgrades) surrounded by a 3-layer wall now for my mini-bases and they easily take down many waves of big biters without needing repairs 25+ hours in.

The trick is to connect multiple power lines to your little forts so they don't loose power when the biters inevitably chew down a pole or two.
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