- Alters all modular armor equipment, adds multiple new generators, extra tiers of existing modules, and higher tier armor.
- Factorio Version: 0.17
- Released: August 15th 2015
- License: MIT License
- Tags: Modular Armor
- (3.3 MiB) Downloaded 316 times
This mod tweaks and rebalances pretty much everything connected to modular armor.
Simple changes
-All armor is fabricated used the previous tier of armor. WARNING- Remove All modules before upgrading to a higher armor tier. Any modules in the armor when upgrading are lost.
Quick Summery
-Adds new types of generator equipment that use fuel or take power from your electric network.
-Fusion reactor is renamed Fission Reactor, and uses Nuclear Fuel.
-Adds lower or higher tiers of some equipment
Code: Select all
-Solar (Adjusted)
As Vanilla, but larger and more powerful. 3x the size, 7.5x the power
Produces 75kW(525kW), takes up 3x1 space. 25kW(17.5kW)/tile.
Power Rating of 2.5(Day) or 1.75(Averaged)
Condition: sunlight - no player control; 70% averaged up-time
Just as efficient than Burners during the day, less efficient averaged out.
-Solar Mk2 (New)
Larger version, more efficient.
Can transfer 300kW(210kW), takes up 5x2 space. 30kW(21kW)/tile
Condition: sunlight - no player control; 70% averaged up-time
Power Rating of 3.0(Day) or 2.1(Averaged)
More efficient than Burners during the day. Less efficient averaged out.
-Semi-Conducting Conduit (New) -- Disabled, Probably forever.
Transfers power from your energy network. Reduced effectiveness when shield takes damage.
Can transfer 40kW (4kW), takes up 1x1 space. 40kW/tile (4kW/tile)
Power Rating of 4.0 (0.4 with shield damage)
Condition: must be near Pole grid/in base. When a shield takes damage, transfer rate drops to 10% for 5 seconds.
Powerful and space efficient, but doesn't work outside of a power field, and has reduced effect in combat.
This is because the power production is done outside of the armor.
[color=#FF0000]Nonfunctional in Non-player Grids[/color]
-Super-Conducting Conduit (New) -- Disabled, Probably forever.
Transfers large amounts of power from your energy network. Reduced effectiveness when shield takes damage.
Can transfer 720kW(72kW), takes up 3x3 space. 80kW/tile(8kW)
Power Rating of 8.0 (0.8 with shield damage)
Condition: must be near Pole grid/in base. When a shield takes damage, transfer rate drops to 10% for 5 seconds.
Massively and space efficient, but doesn't work outside of a power field, and has reduced effect in combat.
This is because the power production is done outside of the armor.
[color=#FF0000]Nonfunctional in Non-player Grids[/color]
-Burner (New)
Basic fuel-powered generator. Uses engines, steel, and advanced circuits to fabricate.
Produces 100kW, takes up 2x2 space. 25kW/tile
Power Rating of 2.5
Condition: fuel - is under player control
Consumes Chemical fuel to Run.
Miniaturization results in only 10% efficient, consuming solid fuel (25 MW) in 25 seconds instead of 4 minutes.
Fuel is easily available by cutting down trees, but logs only last 4 seconds each.
-Fission (Fusion) (Adjusted)
Advanced fuel-powered generator. Produces 0.96MW of power, or 960kW using Reactor Fuel
Produces 960kW, takes up 4x4 spaces. 60kW/tile. (Up from 750 and 46.875/tile)
Power Rating of 6
Condition: must have Esoteric fuel - somewhat expensive, but under player control.
Produces more power than any other generator
Uses several shield generators in it's construction for the containment field, resulting in a very steep price.
Only 5% efficiency, due to lack of bulky supporting infrastructure.
Nuclear Fuel with a 8GW only provide 400 mW, lasting just under 7 minutes, instead of the 2 hours and 30 minutes it would otherwise be.
-Conduits are intended for cheap and easy in-base usage. High efficiency, but only works in base. Limited utility when outside. Batteries generally required to supplement. Alternatively, drag power lines behind you.
-Solar Panels are good for combat or utility. No fuel requirement results in zero operating costs, and significant production, but they shut down at night and have the lowest sustained production.
-Generators are intended for combat. Fuel requirement makes it more costly to use, but the higher generation rate makes it good for fighting. The fuel is generally rather cheap and easy to obtain.
-Fusion reactors are dedicated to fighting. Massive power output away from base, but costs expensive fuel to run. Hence, using it at all times is inadvisable, unless you are willing to burn a lot of uranium.
Code: Select all
1x1, 10MJ capacity.
10 MJ/tile
2x1, 50MJ capacity.
25 MJ/tile
2x2, 200MJ capacity.
50 MJ/tile
4x2, 800MJ capacity.
100.0 MJ/tile
Code: Select all
-Basic Actuator Equipment (New)
Lower tier exoskeleton equipment.
25kW for 5% speed boost. 1x2
Cheaper and earlier available.
More energy efficient, but less space efficient.
Easier to fit in lower tier armor.
Uses normal engines and advanced circuits.
-Advanced Actuator Equipment (Renamed Exoskeleton Equipment)
200kW for 30% speed boost, 2x4, Same as Vanilla.
Uses Basic Actuator Equipment.
Code: Select all
-Basic shield generator (New)
5 Capacity, uses 10kj/shield point.
Cheap, 1x1, high efficiency, tiny capacity, slow recharge.
Not very strong, even in large numbers. 10 are required to match a vanilla Mk1, and that doesn't add up to much protection.
is built from Electrostatic shield generators, as well as a speed module.
-Shield Generator (Adjusted)
Same as current shield generator
Uses 10 basic shields, red circuits, steel, and some superconducting coil to produce.
-Shield Generator Mk2 (Adjusted)
Similar to old one, all stats scaled up ~2.25.
3x3 in size as well, which is also 2.25x larger.
Requires a T3 speed module.
Harder to fit, but much more impressive.
Code: Select all
-Heavy (Adjusted)
Requires Light armor, 10 less steel.
-Modular (Adjusted)
Requires Heavy Armor instead of steel
-Power Armor (Adjusted)
Requires Modular Armor instead of steel
Requires 10 speed modules.
-Power Armor Mk2 (Adjusted)
Requires Power Armor instead of steel
Requires 10 Mk2 Modules instead of 5 Mk3
Requires 50 Engine Units
-Power Armor Mk3 (New)
-Higher Tier Armor.
Easily an Order of Magnitude more expensive, in exchange for
44% more capacity. Well worth the price however.
Science 1 - 1x
Science 2 - 1x
Science 3 - 2x
Military - 3x
High Tech - 5x
Requires Power Armor Mk2
Effeciency, Speed, and Productivity Modules-3 x20
200 Electric Engine Units.
200 Processing Units.
200 low-density-structure
Physical (12,45%)
Acid (12,45%)
Fire (85%)
Explosion (25,55%)
12x12 Capacity
+40 Inventory Slots
-Power Armor Mk4 (New)
-Maximum Tier Armor.
More expensive still, even requiring Rocket Science.
56% more capacity, Overall about double that of Mk2.
Science 1 - 2x
Science 2 - 3x
Science 3 - 5x
Military - 5x
High Tech - 5x
Space - 5x
Power Armor Mk3
Effeciency, Speed, and Productivity Modules-3 x100
500 Electric Engine Units.
1000 Processing Units.
1000 low-density-structure.
Physical (15,50%)
Acid (15,50%)
Fire (90%)
Explosion (30,60%)
15x15 Capacity.
+50 Inventory Slots.

Charging Module Icon
Battery Icons
Burner Generator Icon
Artist: Arch666Angel
Battery Icons
Burner Generator Icon
Artist: Arch666Angel
Code: Select all
To Do
-Allow Script to run on all grids, not just players.
-Method to discharge energy into network
-Better energy distribution // No longer applicable due to burner generator implementation in vanilla.
-Integrate auto-update for other mods. / Appears to work.
Allow power Coef for Burner and Nuclear generations - change the 10% 5% to whatever%
Shield Power Share - Lets shields charge faster at all times when taking damage, but costs the power immediately.
Enable Size-shifting - Boring Vanilla sizes or interesting revamped sizes.
Mini-equipment - Enables/Disables T0 shield and leg pieces
Shield Decay - Forces shield upkeep
Fusion Reactor - Fission reactor, uses nuclear fuel, RTG generator, uses nuclear fuel in construction only.
Conduit Coef.
Alien Fuel - If alien artifacts added back in by a mod, let use to make alien fuel (maybe merged with nuclear fuel too)
Roboport Storage -- Cuts roboport storage down to a more reasonable, less power-eating insanity level.
Code: Select all
17.1.0: 8/19: Updated for Factorio 0.17, Disabled conduits again.
16.1.3: 5/19: Fixed Crash when player has no avatar.
16.1.2: 4/02: Fixed Crash when equipping non-modular armor
16.1.1: 3/18: Added Conduits back in
16.1.0: 12/20: Updated for Factorio 0.16
15.1.2: Removed Low-density Structure Cost.
15.1.1: Fixed Migration script
15.1.0: Fixed Processing Unit Cost
15.0.1: Updated for Factorio 0.15
Fusion reactor is now Fission Reactor
Burner generator and Fission Reactor use Burner Genertor Equipment Logic, use Chemical and Nuclear Fuel.
Conduits Disabled temperarally.
Removed Alien Fuel.
Updated Tech
Updated Some recipes. Alien Science changed to Military, occasionally High tech, and for Mk4 Armor, Space Science.
PowerScale removed. Now a 1:1 ratio. However, Burner Generators are only 10% efficient, and Fission reactors are 5% efficient.
14.1.1: Updated for Factorio 0.14
0.2.8: Added Generator cutoff threshhold.
0.2.7: Adjusted prices. Fixed Fuel Coef, Fixed T2 shield name.
0.2.6: Fixed Gameloop crash. Again. And loading issue. Again. Probably successful this time.
Power Conduit Shield Interference added.
0.2.4: Fixed Gameloop crash
0.2.3: Power Conduit migration Fixed.
0.2.2: Power Conduit Equipment Split into Semi-conductor Conduit Equipment and Super-Conductor Conduit Equipment.
Tried to Fix Migration scripts.. Again. (Tech research for pre-existing games)
Dummy Pole and Solar Panel removed. Workaround Workaround was found.
Burner Generator price increased.
Electrostatic shield price increased.
Armor recipes adjusted for assembler compatibility.
0.2.1: Added inventory size bonus to Mk3 and Mk4 Armor.
0.2.0: 0.13.0 Release
added fire resist to mk3 and mk4 Armor.
Increased battery capacity to compare to vanilla.
Cut Global power multiplier from 100x to 10x, due to vanilla's new 10x multiplier.
0.1.8: Added new graphics from Arch666Angel for Burner Generator
Altered prices again.
Reduces Productivity module requirements.
Re-buffed Conduit 400kW -> 600 kW.
0.1.7: Significant price and tech rebalance.
New Sprites for Conduit and Batteries.
Updated Icons and tech images.
0.1.5: Fusion reactor 10MW -> 9.6 MW
Conduit 800kW -> 400 kW
Solar Panel Mk2 Sprite Fixed.
0.1.4: Superconductor Coil stacks to 500 instead of 200
Alien Fuel stacks to 200 isntead of 50
Rocket fuel can be crafted into Alien Fuel more efficiently. It cannot be burned directly.
0.1.3: Updated Tech Icons
Updated Solar Equipment Icons
Updated Techtree
Altered Actuator Prices.
Altered Power Armor Prices
Added rocket fuel as a weak but valid Fusion Fuel.
Doubled Global power multiplier from 50x to 100x.
-Various Script Alterations
0.1.2: Laser upgrades
Solar Migration Fix
Prefusion Compatability fix
0.1.0: Bob's Mod Removed
Slight Solar Buff
0.0.22: Bob's Mod Compatability Prototype.
Added Solar panels back in
Removed shield pulse SFX
0.0.21: Added Config options
0.0.20: Removed Solar panels
Burner Generator to T3
Re-enabled Shield autobalance
Added Shield animation
0.0.19: Updated for 0.12.18
0.0.18: Updated for 0.12.11
0.0.17: Added mk3 and Mk4 Powered Armor
0.0.16: Fixed Actuator equipment icons.
Fixed orders for all items and techs.
Renamed shields from basic, Mk1, and Mk2 to Mk1, Mk2, Mk3
Fixed prerequisites for Mk1 Shield, Fusion Reactor, Advanced Actuator,
0.0.15: Conduits properly stack past 12 now.
0.0.14: Superconducting Cable stack size 50->200
Personal Roboport power values are no longer increased 50x like other modules.
Used table insert instead of overwrite for existing technology.
0.0.12:Buffed Solar panels, Nerfed Conduit.
0.0.11:Hopefully fixed migration issue.
0.0.10:Added experimental mod integration. Other mods that add equipment should also be scaled.
Reduced cost of producing Alien fuel again.
0.0.9: Removed built in Conduit from modular armor.
Increased cost of producing Alien Fuel
Fixed Night Vision goggle's scale.
Increased conduit transfer rate.
Removed Fusion reactor free power generation
Removed Battery requirement for fuel threshhold.
Enabled Depleted Fuel Indicator.
0.0.8: Removed experimental shield autobalance.
Increased fuel threshholds from 90% and 50% to 99% and 98%.
Fixed icons and localization, probably.
0.0.7: Fixed migration script, allowing crafting of alien fuel and superconductor in existing games.
Increased conduit transfer rate from 150 to 250
0.0.6: Added shield autobalance, albiet not an ideal one.
Fixed crash when character is invalid.
Added localization for all dummies, incase they show up.
0.0.5: Increased values an additional 5x. This ensures that energy costs are somewhat comparable with higher tier machines.
Added upgraded Batteries, and increased battery power.
0.0.4: Replaced Accumulator dummy with Laser turret dummy. Can get power from accumulators now.
Added Power pole and Solar panel dummies, which should entirely remove lightning bolt animation
Dummy units get removed if you remove the armor, the character is invalid, or you have old armor
Fixed fatal error when you equip armor with no grid.
0.0.3: Hopefully fixed power outage warning.