I went through all item names in the game (version 0.11.22) while having the german locale enabled for this purpose.
In the following there is a list with all terms which are strange in my opinion as a German native speaker.
I would be interested in what other people think about my suggestions and critic.
- Plastic bar = Kunststoffstange
The English term "bar" translates to German into the word "Riegel" or "Barren". I think the term "Stange" (Stick, Pole) is not the appropriate term for this. The icon shows a small "Riegel", "Chip" or "Pellet", but no long stick or pole. - Advanced Circuit = Erweiterter elektronischer Schaltkreis
The translation is not wrong, but the word "erweitert" can also apply on the size of an object or the number of functions. As far as I can tell "fortschrittlich" would be a better translation for advanced, because the technology is more advanced, the size probably stays the same or it even shrinks. Also the "elektronisch" could be omitted. I think the majority of German speaking people will associate every "Schaltkreis" with an electronic one. - Flying robot frame = Flugrobotergestell
A "Gestell" can also be a rack or a shelf. So I would instantly think about flying robots waiting on their "Gestell" while not on duty. I think the word frame means the "Schale", "Fassung" or "Chassis" of the "Flugroboter. - Boiler = Befeuerter Dampfkessel
Seriously? The word Boiler is very commonly used in the German language. Nobody would use the word "Befeuerter Dampfkessel" although it gives an accuarte description of the item. So I suggest just using "Boiler" like in the English locale. - Burner Mining Drill = Befeuerter Erzförderer
Also an accurate term that describes what the result of the machine is. But I think judging from the look of the Burner Mining Drill and given the fact that drill means "Bohrer" in German, I would suggest something like "Befeuertes Bohrgerät". - Submachine gun = Machinengewehr
A Submachine gun is no machine gun. It is a level below (sub) a machine gun regarding range and the amount of ammunition. Like it is described in the factorio wiki it simply is a faster variant of a Pistol - Which is a "Maschinenpistole" although the icon looks more like an assault rifle ("Sturmgewehr"). - Personal Laser Defense = /
This item is not translated in the version 0.11.22 . An appropriate translate would be "Persönlicher Abwehrlaser". - Basic exoskeleton equipment = Standardexoskelett
I don't even find "Standard-" as translation for basic in the online dictionary of my choice (dict.leo.org). Basic means "grundlegend", "elementar". So I propose "elementare Exoskelettausrüstung" or "elementares Exoskelett" as a translation. But as there is only one tier of exoskeleton in the game, probably "Exoskelett(ausrüstung)" alone would be enough for now.
Kind regards,