[0.11.22] locale de (several item names)

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[0.11.22] locale de (several item names)

Post by Krayt »

I went through all item names in the game (version 0.11.22) while having the german locale enabled for this purpose.
In the following there is a list with all terms which are strange in my opinion as a German native speaker.
I would be interested in what other people think about my suggestions and critic.
  • Plastic bar = Kunststoffstange
    The English term "bar" translates to German into the word "Riegel" or "Barren". I think the term "Stange" (Stick, Pole) is not the appropriate term for this. The icon shows a small "Riegel", "Chip" or "Pellet", but no long stick or pole.
  • Advanced Circuit = Erweiterter elektronischer Schaltkreis
    The translation is not wrong, but the word "erweitert" can also apply on the size of an object or the number of functions. As far as I can tell "fortschrittlich" would be a better translation for advanced, because the technology is more advanced, the size probably stays the same or it even shrinks. Also the "elektronisch" could be omitted. I think the majority of German speaking people will associate every "Schaltkreis" with an electronic one.
  • Flying robot frame = Flugrobotergestell
    A "Gestell" can also be a rack or a shelf. So I would instantly think about flying robots waiting on their "Gestell" while not on duty. I think the word frame means the "Schale", "Fassung" or "Chassis" of the "Flugroboter.
  • Boiler = Befeuerter Dampfkessel
    Seriously? The word Boiler is very commonly used in the German language. Nobody would use the word "Befeuerter Dampfkessel" although it gives an accuarte description of the item. So I suggest just using "Boiler" like in the English locale.
  • Burner Mining Drill = Befeuerter Erzförderer
    Also an accurate term that describes what the result of the machine is. But I think judging from the look of the Burner Mining Drill and given the fact that drill means "Bohrer" in German, I would suggest something like "Befeuertes Bohrgerät".
  • Submachine gun = Machinengewehr
    A Submachine gun is no machine gun. It is a level below (sub) a machine gun regarding range and the amount of ammunition. Like it is described in the factorio wiki it simply is a faster variant of a Pistol - Which is a "Maschinenpistole" although the icon looks more like an assault rifle ("Sturmgewehr").
  • Personal Laser Defense = /
    This item is not translated in the version 0.11.22 . An appropriate translate would be "Persönlicher Abwehrlaser".
  • Basic exoskeleton equipment = Standardexoskelett
    I don't even find "Standard-" as translation for basic in the online dictionary of my choice (dict.leo.org). Basic means "grundlegend", "elementar". So I propose "elementare Exoskelettausrüstung" or "elementares Exoskelett" as a translation. But as there is only one tier of exoskeleton in the game, probably "Exoskelett(ausrüstung)" alone would be enough for now.
So I am eager to see your opinion on my changing proposals. Feel free to discuss about items on this list or post items which are missing on this list in your opinion. Then I will add them to the list for further discussion and evaluation for the best solution.

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Re: [0.11.22] locale de (several item names)

Post by daniel34 »

Translations have moved to crowdin (https://crowdin.com/project/factorio), so you should make your suggestions there.

That said, I've noticed that on crowdin many terms have only one translation which is already rated very high.
Terms that have two or more translations usually have one very highly rated (in most cases the one used before crowdin) and all the others are 0 or less.
So it might be difficult to make changes in translation on crowdin.

To address your suggestions:
  • Plastic bar
    I would keep the plastic in the word and make it a Plastikbarren, or simply Plastik. Kunststoff just makes it more difficult to understand in a german/english mixed environment.
  • Advanced Circuit
    I would keep it as Elektronischer Schaltkreis (as it is currently) and translate the advanced circuit as Erweiterter Schaltkreis. Erweitert (extended) does apply to the number of functions here, and advanced circuits have more/higher functions than electric ones.
  • Flying robot frame
  • Boiler
    Of the three translations on crowdin I would prefer Heizkessel (or maybe just Dampfkessel), but it's not the favourite:
  • Burner Mining Drill
    Maybe name them Befeuerter Bohrer and Elektrischer Bohrer?
  • Submachine gun (SMG)
    According to Wikipedia it should be Maschinenpistole.
  • Personal Laser Defense
    In consistence with the personal roboport (Mobiler Drohnenhangar) it should be called Mobile Laserabwehr or Mobiler Abwehrlaser
  • Basic exoskeleton equipment
    I also prefer the simple Exoskelett. Should they add another tier of exoskeletons, I'd still keep that and name the new one Exoskelett MK2 / Erweitertes Exoskelett / Verbessertes Exoskelett / Fortschrittliches Exoskelett / ...
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Re: [0.11.22] locale de (several item names)

Post by Krayt »

daniel34 wrote:Translations have moved to crowdin (https://crowdin.com/project/factorio), so you should make your suggestions there.

That said, I've noticed that on crowdin many terms have only one translation which is already rated very high.
Terms that have two or more translations usually have one very highly rated (in most cases the one used before crowdin) and all the others are 0 or less.
So it might be difficult to make changes in translation on crowdin.

Yes, I read about it. It sounds really stupid to only vote the existing terms up. There should be a discussion, arguments and references to evaluate the most suitable terms. :shock:
So I will look into the platform and will try to move / change something. But as you said, it probably won't be easy. As we can at the translation for "Boiler" the most simple translation into "Boiler" even gets downvoted :o
Really everybody knows the word boiler and uses it like a German word although it probably is not originally German. Just yesterday before I wrote the starting post of the topic the word "Boiler" was used in the German locale of an American tv series...

Yes I agree with the translation from plastic to "Plastik". All German speaking people use it far more often than "Kunststoff". One reason may be that it has less syllables.

If you see an Advanced Circuit as a higher tier circuit "fortschrittlich" would fit better, otherwise "erweitert" fits as well. But if you use "elektronischer Schaltkreis" consequently "Electronic circuit" should be used in English. The English word circuit is not only used for electronic circuits.

As to the Electric Mining Drill it shouldn't be called "Bohrer", because doesn't look like a drill in my opinion. It uses another method of getting to the ore I think.

Yes "mobiler Laser" is better than "persönlicher Laser". I just translated "personal" to "persönlich" and did not think of alternatives.
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