We now have storehouses, thanks Hanniballo
We have:


Passive Provider

Active provider



That sadly needs to wait for devs update. Only way to get filters now is to pretend that your entity is a cargo wagon. And I think it had some other issues with placement - it needed rails under it I think.Rhym wrote:A filter which filters what items can go in or out of the storage warehouse would be awesome. For instance I use a lot of storage chests for the huge space, but the logistics robots tend to drop in random random stuff.
Hey!greywzz wrote:Thanks for the hard work and nice mod but is there any way you can set it so that you dont have use an inserter to put reso in to the warehouse that would be cool to use.
Again nice mod
Mee too!frenchiveruti wrote:..Btw I love the smaller warehouses.
Thanks for checking in the fix, i've released it in 0.0.9 ^.^frenchiveruti wrote:Also, you encoded it wrong, it has to be "UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM" otherwise it fails to load the mod.
Sorry about this, my translations messed up, but ...Mion wrote:WTF?
Added: the same error on 0.12.29_Steam
OMG Thank you!Oceanel wrote:Anoyomouse, Please update russian locale.
Code: Select all
warehouse-basic = Armazen
warehouse-passive-provider = Armazen Fornecedor Passivo
warehouse-storage = Aramazen Grande
warehouse-active-provider = Armazen Fornecedor Ativo
warehouse-requester = Armazen Solicitante
warehouse-smart = Armazen Inteligente
storehouse-basic = Estoque
storehouse-passive-provider = Estoque Fornecedor Passivo
storehouse-storage = Estoque de armazenamento
storehouse-active-provider = Estoque Fornecedor Ativo
storehouse-requester = Estoque Solicitante
storehouse-smart = Estoque Inteligente
warehouse-basic = Armazen
warehouse-passive-provider = Armazen Fornecedor Passivo
warehouse-storage = Aramazen Grande
warehouse-active-provider = Armazen Fornecedor Ativo
warehouse-requester = Armazen Solicitante
warehouse-smart = Armazen Inteligente
storehouse-basic = Estoque
storehouse-passive-provider = Estoque Fornecedor Passivo
storehouse-storage = Estoque de armazenamento
storehouse-active-provider = Estoque Fornecedor Ativo
storehouse-requester = Estoque Solicitante
storehouse-smart = Estoque Inteligente
warehouse-basic = Armazena muitos items
warehouse-passive-provider = Armazen Fornecedor Passivo
warehouse-storage = Armazen Grande
warehouse-active-provider = Armazen Fornecedor Ativo
warehouse-requester = Armazen Solicitante
warehouse-smart = Armazen Inteligente
storehouse-basic = Estoca alguns items
storehouse-passive-provider = Estoque Fornecedor Passivo
storehouse-storage = Estoque de armazenamento
storehouse-active-provider = Estoque Fornecedor Ativo
storehouse-requester = Estoque Solicitante
storehouse-smart = Estoque Inteligente
warehouse-research = Armazenamento Avancado
warehouse-logistics-research = Armazenamento Logistico
warehouse-smart-research = Armazenamento Inteligente
All works fine! ThanksAnoyomouse wrote:Sooo, Version 0.0.9 is out!
Fixes Spanish and Russian!
Thanks for checking in the fix, i've released it in 0.0.9 ^.^frenchiveruti wrote:Also, you encoded it wrong, it has to be "UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM" otherwise it fails to load the mod.
Sorry about this, my translations messed up, but ...Mion wrote:WTF?
Added: the same error on 0.12.29_SteamOMG Thank you!Oceanel wrote:Anoyomouse, Please update russian locale.![]()
I've released them in version 0.0.9!
Please update and give them a test!
Heylucasmontec wrote:Nice mod, here is a Portuguese-Brazilian translation for it:
I don't know if the game supports rendering of accents correctly so I left them out.
Well, it adds a large chest that you can put 3 inserters on every side, so you have 9 inserters around it!JasonC wrote:But I don't understand the storehouse. Does it add something else beyond using 9 chests? At least for logistics-based storage. I can see how it is handy to have one big chest for inserters (and also the warehouses / storehouses look really cool, so there's that).
Longer versions without rotation is going to be more painful then having weirdly shaped warehouses, so for now i'm not going to do this.SoulForge wrote:Would it be possible for you to add a longer version of the store house? I would like to be able to string together construction going into and out of the building.
Mostly to do with bobs complex module construction
Mining posts? I don't know if this is a mod, or if it's a default feature? But if it's a mod then they have to add in my warehouses in their mod.ahmut wrote:Hey can you change one of the blocks that the mining posts place down, instead of the passive supply chest can you make it the active so we can remove the items by inserters?
This was discussed earlier in the thread ... simple answer is NoPyromie wrote:Would it be possible to add a "Sort items" function to the warehouses?
Hey, Glad i could make this for youMalryn wrote:Best Mod ever!
I think I went overboard with using it though. My factory is very dependent on the warehouses for buffers, sorting, and mining to where I have around 500 warehouses. Unfortunately my game has gone down to 20 fps. I saw your post in viewtopic.php?f=49&t=20393&start=10 and was just wondering if its the movement of the materials through the warehouses causing the lag or if materials just sitting in warehouse would cause the load as well. If its the former then its a rather easy adjustment to buffer stations. which 90% of my warehouses are. It seemed like a good idea at the time to make a line of about 25 warehouses where materials are injected at the top warehouse and the materials flow to the bottom warehouse to be ejected to the assembly line.
Would switching to the same storage volume of 500 warehouses to X number of steel chests / rail cars even help with the load on the game client?
If you dont know any of these questions I shall be testing tonight!