Blueprints, having automated builders etc, YES.
RTS like, definitely NO.
It doesn't fit Factorio IMO, and I've bought the game for what it is atm. I don't want it to become another starcraft-like.
I prefer to run over creepers with my car or burn them with my flamethrower instead of sending units to somewhere.
The only thing i'd agree with is if you could make some sort of way to create an area (made by the player running around, not some sort of click there and there and voila), and then set an amount and a type of unit, and the units created go there and wait for enemies. Much like the little UFOs. That'd be interesting. But definitely no RTS for me.
On the other side, having a throne would be cool, and something even cooler would be the ability to add a sort of 3rd, layer based dimension.
I can explain in a new topic if it's needed