[MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

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[MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

Powered Entities

Now with a custom entity and HD graphics*
*Totally made in paint

This mod will create power lines between most of the base game's entities that require power.
  • Creates an invisible power pole under most power requiring entities
  • The invisible power poles function just like normal power poles
  • Manual or Automatic modes
    • Manual mode requires a special entity be made for each machine
    • Automatic mode just functions as soon as the research is completed (NOTE: there is a slight lag when the technology is completed, depending on map size and computer)
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Last edited by DedlySpyder on Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:36 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities

Post by Thomasnotused »

I haven't downloaded it yet, but this could be a real gamechanger for making SUPER compressed setups!
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities

Post by Black Magix »

You beat me to it :(
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities

Post by Karptastic »

This is possibly the greatest quality of life mod ever. Thank you for making this magic happen! :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities

Post by Judqment8 »

Love the mod. By the way, would it be possible to do a standalone version with only small lamps acting as medium poles? Also could we get the electric range to show up when we are placing stuff?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities

Post by DedlySpyder »

Judqment8 wrote:Love the mod. By the way, would it be possible to do a standalone version with only small lamps acting as medium poles? Also could we get the electric range to show up when we are placing stuff?
Thanks :D

For the first part, the next version will allow you to edit which entities act as which poles, so you would be able to just remove them all from the lists and move the lamp over.

As for that second part, though, I don't have a way to do that at the moment. I may, in a future update (not 0.2.0), standardize the power ranges so that they are always 1 square past the powered entity.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.2.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

0.2.0 is now released! Patch notes below.
  • Manual Mode added to the mod
    • Requires that users now create a Power Antenna
  • Added Config
    • manual_mode to toggle on or off manual mode
    • Moved entities arrays to config, so that users can change at will
    • debug_mode added
  • Added technology for both manual and automatic modes
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.2.0)

Post by Judqment8 »

Thanks a lot for the update. Such a simple yet powerful mod :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.2.0)

Post by Ishbo »


I have a great idea regarding your mod which could also help me finding the mod i am looking for quite awhile and never tried to make it myself. => Powered Belts.

So each time you place a belt you will also place an invisible pole which has a wire reach of 1 and a 5x5 supply area. So a belt should supply the inserter and the working factory next to it.Also for me and as optional you could also add another entity which would have a small drain simulating the energy required for the belt to run. Should also be compatible with more mods and easier to adapt this way since belts are almost everywhere in your factory and......not many mods add new types.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.2.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

Ishbo wrote:Hello

I have a great idea regarding your mod which could also help me finding the mod i am looking for quite awhile and never tried to make it myself. => Powered Belts.

So each time you place a belt you will also place an invisible pole which has a wire reach of 1 and a 5x5 supply area. So a belt should supply the inserter and the working factory next to it.Also for me and as optional you could also add another entity which would have a small drain simulating the energy required for the belt to run. Should also be compatible with more mods and easier to adapt this way since belts are almost everywhere in your factory and......not many mods add new types.
I'm not going to directly add that, as it would defeat the purpose everything else in my mod. But, the next version will include a custom list where you can configure the wire reach and the radius of the entities in the list (so you could clear out the others lists and just have belts and splitters in the custom list).
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

  • Entities now all extend the power grid out by 1 square past where they end
  • Added command to help with changing between Manual or Automatic mods
  • Lowered the wire reach of most entities to 5 (it forms a nice looking grid now, instead of a giant tangle)
  • Automatic mode will now work on previously placed entities
  • Added a custom pole that can have a custom wire reach and power radius set by the player
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by Ishbo »

Thank you , this really makes my game more immersive and actually gives a reason for using trains even for transporting a few items if the distance is great. Also with this method my game will run smooth compared to some other mod "Powered belts" which was very script intensive.
I really hope they will add this powered belts thing later in the final version of the game at least as an optional settings for difficulty or so.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by Qon »

https://goo.gl/g6e5kQ – this goo.gl shortlink has been disabled. It was found to be violating our Terms of Service. Click here and here for more information about our terms and policies respectively.
Please use the forums "upload attachment" feature instead. It will never fail. Also works for embedding images. And you can give the file the correct name so I don't have to rename it, because GitHub messes up filenames :cry: .
Edit: Now I see that you also supplied a working download link. Didn't see it at first since you didn't place it inline at the "Download:"-text. You can place attachments inline instead of the bottom if you want to, FYI.

I would also use this for lamps, radars and other entities that are non-essential if I could decrease supply area so it can't power anything else. Don't want to accidentally power something critical with a lamp and then my mega factory build will stop completely when I try to load my save without the mod (It wouldn't stop them from being an essential wire link though so maybe it isn't worth it). But config doesn't allow me to do that :/

This seems really useful for my NESTT playthrough though, where I allow myself to cheat a bit more.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

Qon wrote:
https://goo.gl/g6e5kQ – this goo.gl shortlink has been disabled. It was found to be violating our Terms of Service. Click here and here for more information about our terms and policies respectively.
Please use the forums "upload attachment" feature instead. It will never fail. Also works for embedding images. And you can give the file the correct name so I don't have to rename it, because GitHub messes up filenames :cry: .
Edit: Now I see that you also supplied a working download link. Didn't see it at first since you didn't place it inline at the "Download:"-text. You can place attachments inline instead of the bottom if you want to, FYI.

I would also use this for lamps, radars and other entities that are non-essential if I could decrease supply area so it can't power anything else. Don't want to accidentally power something critical with a lamp and then my mega factory build will stop completely when I try to load my save without the mod (It wouldn't stop them from being an essential wire link though so maybe it isn't worth it). But config doesn't allow me to do that :/

This seems really useful for my NESTT playthrough though, where I allow myself to cheat a bit more.
Hm, you could use the entitiesCustom list and make the power radius small (like .5) and use that for lamps and other 1x1 small entities. As for radars or other larger ones, you can add it to any list that is smaller than it is (All lists have 1 square larger coverage than the entities). So radar being 3x3(?) would have a 3x3 power radius if put in the 2x2 list.

Does that make sense? You could even just add them all to the custom list with a tiny power radius.

Also, the link was my attempt to keep count on downloads from my site (I'm working on finding a better solution).
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by Qon »

DedlySpyder wrote:Hm, you could use the entitiesCustom list and make the power radius small (like .5) and use that for lamps and other 1x1 small entities. As for radars or other larger ones, you can add it to any list that is smaller than it is (All lists have 1 square larger coverage than the entities). So radar being 3x3(?) would have a 3x3 power radius if put in the 2x2 list.
Does that make sense? You could even just add them all to the custom list with a tiny power radius.

Also, the link was my attempt to keep count on downloads from my site (I'm working on finding a better solution).
Of course! Why didn't I think of that?

The forum attachment keeps track of downloads though.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

Qon wrote:The forum attachment keeps track of downloads though.
Yes, I know. Providing an external download is doing my part to help save Wube some bandwidth though (although, granted, not much).
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by Qon »

DedlySpyder wrote:
Qon wrote:The forum attachment keeps track of downloads though.
Yes, I know. Providing an external download is doing my part to help save Wube some bandwidth though (although, granted, not much).
Read somewhere that they now have unlimited hosting space from their provider. Bandwidth is probably not an issue either in that case q:
Wube doesn't care. 8-)

The wire transmitters makes the use of this mod optional for each entity. I don't even have to disable any entity in the config for it to work when I want it too and not when I prefer regular poles. That is fantastic! And it works with blueprints so I don't have to place lamps and transmitter as two steps.
Next time I'm in I'm going to try that custom pole creator, seems useful. I just didn't see it last try.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by Nebbeh »

I totally love this mod, but in .13 I encountered this error.
error.png (23.19 KiB) Viewed 12513 times
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by DedlySpyder »

Nebbeh wrote:I totally love this mod, but in .13 I encountered this error.
Ya I rushed to get my mods updated and missed something crucial. I forgot to update the thread just now (on my phone in bed), but the mod portal has an update to fix this. Sorry about that :oops:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Powered Entities (0.3.0)

Post by Nebbeh »

Awesome, thanks for super quick fix! <3
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