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Yes, the plans currently call for several configurable filters and better feedback through some kind of alert system. When I pick this up again, that'll be one of the first things I'll do.imajor wrote:This mod is a must have, I really like it. One suggestion: when the list is not expanded, I only see those sites which are close to deplete. It would be cool if the list would also contains sites which still has plenty of resources, but the mining rate is low. Usually that indicates something wrong with the site, electric wires broke, trains stuck, anything.
The more resource tiles (not sites, but actual in-world ore entities) you're tracking, the longer it'll take for Factorio to reload the save as it will need to re-establish the connection between the stored entity references and the ones existing in the world. There are some options I might try to mitigate this, but all it would do is shift the delay from load-time to later -- meaning you'd then have good reason complain that, for the first few minutes after loading a save, you get unpredictable lag spikes.SpeedDaemon wrote:I added YARM to an existing game (12.17), and can't load a save created with YARM active. The previous save (no YARM) is fine, but the current one gets to end of the loading progress bar and hangs.
UPDATE: I left it sit, and after about five minutes, it finally loaded... any ideas why it takes so long?[...]
The forum probably needs you to have made a minimum number of useful posts, as an anti-spam measure.Cyber_Garret wrote:Hi again Narc, i can't write PM
Thanks! I'll wait a few more days, then, while you consider whether to change the item graphic and how.Cyber_Garret wrote:I thinking about better icon for item "Resource Monitor" later i show you another version.
Ah... Bob's Mods + RSO = Problems, then.Narc wrote:The more resource tiles (not sites, but actual in-world ore entities) you're tracking, the longer it'll take for Factorio to reload the save as it will need to re-establish the connection between the stored entity references and the ones existing in the world. There are some options I might try to mitigate this, but all it would do is shift the delay from load-time to later -- meaning you'd then have good reason complain that, for the first few minutes after loading a save, you get unpredictable lag spikes.SpeedDaemon wrote:I added YARM to an existing game (12.17), and can't load a save created with YARM active. The previous save (no YARM) is fine, but the current one gets to end of the loading progress bar and hangs.
UPDATE: I left it sit, and after about five minutes, it finally loaded... any ideas why it takes so long?[...]
The best workaround I can offer is to only keep sites you're actually mining, or are about to mine. Be wary of large-area ore patches (the bigger they are, the more impact they have). If using endless resources, remove sites that have reached minimum output, as their entities will keep existing (consuming resources at load-time) but will never change (i.e., no useful feedback).
When you view a site, you can rename it. To merge different deposits (of the same resource!) into a single site, tap each deposit (e.g., oil spouts) in turn before the ten second countdown elapses and the site is created. The countdown resets every time you tap a new deposit. Site addition will be cancelled if you tap the ground, so be precise.bushbaby1234 wrote:hello i was trying to figure out how to name a resource or combine oil spouts and all i can find on the monitor is the view and delete button. is there something im doing wrong? im playing multiplayer on a local connection and im the host
Thanks thats exactly what i needed. loving the mod btwNarc wrote:When you view a site, you can rename it. To merge different deposits (of the same resource!) into a single site, tap each deposit (e.g., oil spouts) in turn before the ten second countdown elapses and the site is created. The countdown resets every time you tap a new deposit. Site addition will be cancelled if you tap the ground, so be precise.bushbaby1234 wrote:hello i was trying to figure out how to name a resource or combine oil spouts and all i can find on the monitor is the view and delete button. is there something im doing wrong? im playing multiplayer on a local connection and im the host
It's not quite an official release yet, as I'm still thinking of whether there's a way to avoid checking for that stuff every time, but if anyone had a problem (especially if you like to play multi-force games), that should fix it right up for you.Kane wrote:Narc has been busy.
Update 7.16 is now out:
https://github.com/narc0tiq/YARM/releas ... 0.7.16.zip
Ensure force_data is available when it should be, even if it wasn't created at game init. Which it really should have been.
Code: Select all
if player.character.name ~= "player" then
Code: Select all
if player.character == nil then
elseif player.character.name ~= "player" then
There's no way to obtain the yield percent from the oil patch (or there wasn't when I wrote it), so you get a count calibrated to the oil resource's `minimum_resource_amount`.binbinhfr wrote:I just wonder if it works correctly to keep track of crude oil. Because when I record a new crude oil, it shows percentages well over 100%...
This is one of the failings of using YARM for monitoring oil (or hot springs) -- it's tedious to select the individual patches (small mouse targets) and any misclick will normally cancel the new site creation. Unfortunately, I don't see how adding a sound would improve this; what's needed is a way to do an area select or similar.binbinhfr wrote:By the way, for crude oil that already has a pumpjack on it, it's not very easy to click on the crude oil below (you can't see it).
So maybe it could be nice to have a little sound also at the beginning of a scan, showing that you correctly selected the "invisible" crude oil.
Thank you, noted.binbinhfr wrote:I saw that before accepting a "eye" on a ressource (and a character change), you check if you are in your body. But the check is an error if the player is in god mod (character = nill), so you could add this simple check also before.
The settings screen has yet to be implemented; I only had the button there as a placeholder for the first short while. The rename icon was hidden away inside the site view, because there were getting to be too many site-specific buttons otherwise. Incidentally, thanks for reminding me of that -- it means that I really do need to make sure the site view works while you're in God mode.binbinhfr wrote:By the way, is there something I'm missing ? because I do not have the settings icon, nor the renames icons... (as shown in your main post)
This is with YARM v0.7.15, I imagine? Try the v0.7.16 beta (direct download) and let me know if that clears it up for you.SgtKamato wrote:I have a small error with the mod. I can not enter any more resources. It is always an error. In fact 2 different.