[Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

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[Mod 1.1] Factorio Bitumen 3.1.1

Post by Shenpen »

fff-162-marco-illustration-test 01.png
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Factorio Bitumen
Latest Release:
Factorio Version: 1.1
Factorio Bitumen version: 3.1.4

Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 1.1
Category: Gameplay, manufacturing
Tags: chemistry, petrochem, napalm

No dependencies (other than vanila factorio)
Incompatible with: RSO-mod!

Ads Peat & Tar primitive technologies
Ads Shalerock fracking technology
Ads Tarsands mining, bitumen production
Ads ethylene and propane plastics production
NGL, Natural gas, DeepDril mining, Synthetic crude, synthetic lubricant and other petrochem technologies.

3D entities courtesy of
YuokiTani and
Control coding by Yamagato
Korean translation by Xagros
German translation by Benjamin Filipiak
3D design for Napalm Flamethrower by Malo

Science modules / technologies

Ash production
To the casual observer ash is just a waste product. But in reality ash is a valuable chemical product as it can be processed into potassium. Potassium is our main base or akaline in both potassium-hydroxide and potassium-nitrate. At a more advanced stage this leads to production of the powerful oxidizer potassium permanganate (when combined with manganese products) using the more advanced technologies.

Drug furnace
The use of a specialized drug furnace makes the basis for akaline chemistry as it provides ash from burned wood. The process also yields charcoal which is used as an agent for water purification. The drug furnace also has functionality that lets your strip copper wire from wooden poles before burning them, making the process more friendly for the environment and more economic in terms of resources.

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Basic bitumen I

Adds the basic necessary technology for mining and processing tar sands into bitumen and various late stage products. The main attraction in bitumen technology is synthetic crude oil production, but there are many lesser uses too. The most important is simple use of bitumen as a fuel, but asphalt and pavement are other important uses in early stages of development.

Water purification
Different ways and methods for dealing with both natural sourced water and wastewater-product from a variety of production lines. Charcoal and activated charcoal forms the basis for these technologies.

Basic bitumen II
You probably mostly know about bitumen from its use in pavement. You always kinda knew that tar and asphalt had something to do with oil. Or more vaguely with carbohydrates from the underground.

Such resources are best understood and sorted out based on their density, viscocity or their "thickness". From the most dense and viscuous bitumen to gases like methane and ethane. And off couse all the better known liquid varieties in between. Like diesel, fuel oil, petroleum, gasoline. Perhaps lesser known is kerosine that is used as fuel in jet engines.
In essence bitumen is a segment of these carbohydrates in the lower, denser and more viscous part of the spectrum.

In nature you will find all of these as part of the same primordal soup that can be extracted from the underground. These carbohydrates originate from ancient organic material: Plant and animal remains exposed to high pressure and high temperatures deep in the underground beneth us. So petrochemical materials are not a singular distinct compound like iron or gold but a mix of hundreds or thousands different compounds that gets seperated out in the refining process and cleaned up according to use and need.

Besides the use of limestone in products like asphalt, the significance of limestone is again in akaline chemistry: Limedust act as a powerful agent in disolving organic matter and purifying chemical agents. The production of cocaine relies heavily on the supply of limedust as a reactant.

Basic technology for air compression is the basis for nitrogen extraction. While compressed air can be made in a standard chem-plant, this is a very poor use of expensive equipment. Both because the chem-plants are expensive and because they dont really deliver an adequate volume for most modern use. The Turbine compresser is a much prefered option and will cover your pneumatic needs with a stable, high volume supply of air. Might be a bit noisy, so please consider not to use this option in a recidential area.

Solid fuel
One of the benefits of bitumen technology is the option to make petrochemical products in a solid form. The longchain carbohydrates makes it possible to blend a product with the desired viscoucity be it fluid, semi fluid or solid. Solid fuel have application in high density storage, in the production of high energy fuels and as a precursor in production of plastic materials.

Chemistry I & II
These technologies gives you access to advanced chemical processing. By separating nitrogen from compressed air, a range of fertilizer products are made possible. This also has obvious implications for the production of gunpowder and explosives. The main use is however in supercharging plant production with fertilizing agents like ammonium-nitrate and ammonium-sulfate.

Deep well drilling
The use of advanced drilling technology opens the potential for extracting minerals from deep wells. The main uses are in sulfur chemistry and in the processing of rhodochrosite into manganese proper. The use of the deepdrill as a source of ground water is constricted by economic considerations, but still has use as a specialized niche production.

Electrolysis is the separation of elements by use of electrical forces. This is useful when elements are needed that are naturally occurring in a combined element like sodium chloride (NaCl aka table salt).

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Chemistry III
With advanced chemistry comes powerful oxidizers and the ability to crystalize cocaine hydrocloride from solution. Manganese is converted to manganese dioxide and later to potassium permanganate. The use of these oxidizers form the backbone of the advanced drug production.

Coca leaves
Coca leaves are harvested from the Erythroxylaceae plant, that is a native plant of the Andes region in South America. Pharmaceuticaly prepared cocaine is a refined version of what has traditionally been used by the native population as a mild stimulant. References to chewing coca-leaves goes back to ancient times, and seems to have been an ingrained part of Indian culture there.

Modern cocaine production is based on the same exact plant, the Erythroxylaceae. As the plant is adapted to high altitude, it is impossible to grow coca plants in normal fields. Our solution is to grow them in an artificial biosphere, where the high altitude dynamics are emulated by thinning the air. We simply add nitrogen to lower the oxygen percentage to 75 % of normal levels, so that oxygen is at just above 15% of the air inside the pods. This makes it possible to grow the Erythroxylaceae plant with acceptable results: Not the same yield of active ingredient as with the natural process at high altitude. But not hopelessly flawed either. The process does take a bit more care than when grown in nature, but with the latest pods, a lot of this is automated.

The big challenge lies in the post-harvesting process, but it might be less of a challenge if you have experience from either petrochemical or pharmaceutical production. There are numerous steps that are easy to get wrong and even when the setup and process is correct the yield is low for such a intricate production setup. If you follow the needed steps meticulously you will be rewarded with a fine product for sale or for personal consumption. As the process is a bit cumbersome and not entirely streamlined in the normal sense, scaling production can be a challenge. But with some trial and error it would seem entirely possible to scale the production to any desired throughput.

Petrochem synthetics
The pertrochem module builds on early experience with bitument processing: Using a blend of bitumen and light oil, artificial crude oil is produced. This will supplement your needs for oil based products like plastic, solid fuel and napalm.

Steam cracking
Key to the use of tar sand and bitumen products is the use of high temperature steam cracking and thus transforming long chain carbohydrates into a variety of shorter/lighter fractions. Steam cracking lets refine any mixed weight oil product into various fractions. This allows the production of kerosine (essential for drug production) as well as other petrochem products.

Napalm production
One of the benefits of securing a stable high yield energy production is the variety of synthetic materials and products that petrochemical processing can provide. One prime example is the gel like substance known as napalm. This is based on a mixture of naphthenic acid and palmitic acid that can both be derived from different oil fractions.


Napalm Fire Warfare
While the locals can be a bit of a nuisance, nothing calms them down like a generous dose of burning napalm. The napalm flamethrower is a specialized weapon that takes advantage of the unique benefits of napalm. This is a vast improvement over the standard issued flamethrower using light oil as best available fuel: Longer range, longer lasting fire and more damage. Avoid carelessly wandering into the inferno that you have created as the burning napalm has a long lasting and very damaging effect on organic tissue.

The module also makes the improved napalm fire turret available for those who need automated scorching of trespassers.

Bazoco is a crude version of cocaine that is traditionally used as in-part payment for the local mountain farmers that supply cocaleaves for large scale cocaine production. It has an effect on the dopaminergic systems of the brain that is analogue to that of cocaine, but not quite as intense.

Pharmaceutical assembler
The pharmaceutical assembler started out as a jerry-rigged adaptation of the standard assembler to the needs of laboratory production of drugs. It has since been developed into a altogether different beast that lets you do drug-fueled science pack production with an extremely high yield.

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Old change log:
1.1.1. Initial upload.
1.1.2. Changed homepage info in info.json
1.1.3. Resolved recipe conflict between vanilla and druglab sulfur production.
1.1.4. Added Simple Leaf Cooker for Ground Coca Leaves production using the Yoki Tani entity design.
1.1.5. Added Wooden Drug Cooker for Bazuco production using the Yoki Tani entity design.
1.1.6. Removed legacy graphic resources for leafwasher
1.1.7. Fixed Mod-tab name - changed to Factorio DdrugLab. Changed icon for druglab tab. Fixed player inventory size in data.lua Down to 220.
1.1.8. Fixed categories for production in leaf washers and leaf cookers.
1.1.9. Fixed research costs for unlocking technologies. Added realistic dependecies.
1.2.0. Fixed mining of advanced oil agitators. Added recipes for activated charcoal, purified water from steam and from using activated charcoal.
1.2.1. Garbage data discarded from files.
1.3.0. Major upgrade to research and science pack production. Added Pharmaceutical Assembler.
1.3.1. Changes to information in info.jason.
1.3.2. Minor changes to language.
1.3.3. Typos.
1.3.4. Mint included (Druglord request).
1.3.5. Graphics updates.
1.3.6. Fix of misnamed file "hr-advand/ced-furnace-working.png". Icons for minty wastewater, nitric wastewater and sufuric wastewater. Fix of double entry for mint oil research.
1.3.7. Recipe change: Green Coca Paste: yellow waste water changed to green waste water.
Inclusion of Korean translation in locale. Ammonium sulfate recipe unlock fixed.
1.3.8. Corrections to technology and recipes unlocked.
1.3.9. Added technology unlock for recipes for "rocket part parts" and satellites. Fixed errors caused by stack overflow when unpacking a 2000 g cocaine "brick". Changed ash stack size.
1.4.0. Solid Fuel from Fuel Oil, Kerrosine, Diesel. Napalm Flamethrower, Napalm Canister.
1.4.1. Napalm turret, Napalm damage research, Research requirements reorganized, Performance enhancement in production of potassium permanganate, cocaine extraction mix and coca-paste, plastic from propane recipe.
1.4.2 Attention: Updating to 1.4.2 will cause a lot of recipes to be reset. You will need to re-apply the recipe settings after updating. The update will improve compatibility with other mods.
1.4.3 Factorio 0.16 updates, German translation, [Hot-keys module-prep], Wax chemical, Ash/fc.
1.4.4 Technology: Napalm Fire Warfare, Graphics for manganese sediments,128-icon-prep, changes to research requirements.
1.4.5 Misnamed file reference corrected.
1.4.6 Manganese ore name fix.
1.4.7 Manganese processing and graphics changes.
1.4.8 Ore placement changes.
1.4.9 Petrochemical science 3
1.5.0 Stages for tar sands. Changes to research requirements. Basic bitumen technology added.
1.5.1 Resource spawning adjustments, added shale formation resource spawn.
1.5.2 High-res graphics fix.
1.5.3 Reheating boiler, landfill, solid fuel from bitumen.
1.6.1 Updated Factorio version number, added legacy graphics, changed science pack names.
1.6.2 Integrated thumbnail.
1.6.3 Thumbnail resized.
1.6.4 Name corrections for high science names. Tehchnology icons for coca slurry and ground coca leaves. Adjustments to recipes for synthetic crude and cocaine hydrocloride.
1.6.5 Fracking station fluidboxes fixed. Shale rock resource fixed.
1.6.6. Fracking technologies added. Added recipes for injection water, fracking fluid, natural gas and potassium carbonate.
1.6.7 Recipes for NGL, methane, ethane. Technology descriptions added.
1.6.8 Changes to graphics and sound of slurry cooker.
1.6.9 Added recipes for ethylene, plastic, wastewaterdisposal and synthetic crude oil.
1.7.0 Updates graphics for natural gas products.

Quotes from users:

"Given the present environment. Do we really need a game producing illicit drugs? I am no prude, but you know."

"From the mind of a child, supported by people with the mind of a child."

"As a chemistry student, I feel mildly triggered by some of your recipes."

"Love the snarky "user remarks" thing."


Logic controlled belt processess for png sequencing!
Compatibilities and dependencies:


Control.lua for drug effects on player.
New entity graphics for druglab, deepdrill, drug furnace, agitator, greeenhouse

Texture rendering workflow in blender
Use Battersea Plant as test object

Control.lua dive
Coffee mod for referernce


Tutorial script

text plates: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Earendel/textplates?
Build the factory to build the factory!
Cocaine facts - why so popular?
Suspension of disbelief + misaligned causality!
Dopamine and opportunity!
Learning what you need to learn with dopamine !
Delay Discounting!
Short term vs. long term
Stress and time focus
The ballance in the brain
Damages? Causes? Dunedin?
The long road back: Goals
The long road back: Methods

Ventromedial PFC, division of labor and "being social"
tit-for-tat, advanced sorting and conflicts
fear, avoidance and forging your way through
the aerodynamics of behavior

Blueprints and habits



Reference material:

Flamethrower Napalm vs. Liquid Fuel

High Sheer Mixers:

Boil graphics
https://www.cgstudio.com/3d-model/sci-f ... 501-834830


Item recipe

Moved to Oil Agitator

Agitation :
Kerosine = Naphtha + Fuel Oil
Naphthetic acid
Palmitic Acid

Wax and kerosine solution: destilation of kerosine: {wax, kerosine, Oil Residuals}

Wax done
Recipy: Palmitic Acid from Wax + Fuel Oil (Oil Residuals as waste).

Fuid recipe
* Erythroxylaceae Seed Fertilizer

Biter dynamics

Probable results:

Alternative routes:
Sodium Carbonate based coca slurry

Waste products:
Wax & Kerosine Solution (+Barrels)

Waste as source:
Palmitic acid from wax

Auxiliary & Production Tools:
Drug Lab
Cartel Lab
Waste treatment
Deviant Science Lab
Leaf Washer
Oil Agitator

Workflow graphics:

obj -> ae/pa -> png-sequence -> GluIT

("PA Note: The best formats to work with are Maya ".obj" and Lightwave ".lwo" formats.")


Precursor list:

Blender tut:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ySFm4 ... 078.229301
https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/co ... el/1063454
https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d ... del/647812

Blender tool:
https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Exte ... r/Spritify


Bubling from rotating stir-rods towards the bottom of the acid basin. Speed diff between emitter and rod.
Batches of reactants filling up and being slushed out.
Yellow vapor sucked out through flexi-pipes and blasted out through exhaust vents. Sounds vaguely like coming from a disgruntled horse.
shale, charge cartridge, shift station, shaledrill, sludge, emulsion, sand, compatibility, translations, padding, drilltubes, cement,
drilltubes, charge cartridge, emulsion, DOKK
https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/he ... del/702486





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Last edited by Shenpen on Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:06 pm, edited 281 times in total.
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Re: Pharma I

Post by steinio »

Nice graphics.

Have the drugs some effect on the player like these mods?
https://mods.factorio.com/mods/raudorn/ ... usCaffeine

Greetings steinio

Transport Belt Repair Man

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Re: Pharma I

Post by Shenpen »

steinio wrote:Nice graphics.

Have the drugs some effect on the player like these mods?
https://mods.factorio.com/mods/raudorn/ ... usCaffeine

Greetings steinio

As always there will be positive effects in the short term at a price payed in long term consequences. The specific effects of each drug or medicine will have a different profile that tracks (to a degree) what is know about the drug in real science.

My inspiration for the mod lies more in RimWorld drugs (Smokeleaf, Luciferium, etc.).
I have just installed the Caffeine mod and I'm curious about the methods and results.
The Meth Mod I find is very basic and left me craving for more. Unsurprising really, I might add! :)

I can also hint that the real value in drug production is the manufacturing of consent that can be achieved.


Last edited by Shenpen on Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pharma I

Post by Shenpen »

Fracking technology
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Re: Pharma I

Post by Shenpen »

Ethene to ethylene to plastics

natural-gas-to-plastics-manufacturing-1058px.png (518.26 KiB) Viewed 19681 times
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Re: Pharma I

Post by Shenpen »

And the first batch of coco slurry is flowing.... :D

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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

More riveting graphics....
Some brown fluid
Some brown fluid
brownfluid.png (87.44 KiB) Viewed 50416 times
with luma trackmatte
with luma trackmatte
water_cocaine_sulfate_solution.png (91.37 KiB) Viewed 50419 times
water_cocaine_sulfate_solution.png (66.96 KiB) Viewed 50468 times
Arch666Angel wrote:item/entity icons 32x32
group icons 64x64
tech icons 128x128 (or smaller if you set the matching value to icon_size)
For .15: group icons 128x128

http://www.stickpng.com/img/objects/buc ... sic-bucket

https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/indu ... ial-tank-8
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/indu ... bines-pack

https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exte ... 9de7781d51
I have no idea...   Edit: now palmitic acid
I have no idea... Edit: now palmitic acid
buckets_00000.png (80.31 KiB) Viewed 50416 times
Last edited by Shenpen on Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:25 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

Methylamine - CH5N

Methylamine is an organic compound with a formula of CH3NH2. This colorless gas is a derivative of ammonia, but with one hydrogen atom being replaced by a methyl group. It is the simplest primary amine.

In the laboratory methylamine hydrochloride is readily prepared by various other methods. One method entails treating formaldehyde with ammonium chloride.[7]

NH4Cl + H2CO → [CH2=NH2]Cl + H2O
[CH2=NH2]Cl + H2CO + H2O → [CH3NH3]Cl + HCO2H

The colorless hydrochloride salt can be converted to an amine by the addition of a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH):

[CH3NH3]Cl + NaOH → CH3NH2 + NaCl + H2O
Another method entails reducing nitromethane with zinc and hydrochloric acid.

The principal process used to manufacture cyanides is the Andrussow process in which gaseous hydrogen cyanide is produced from methane and ammonia in the presence of oxygen and a platinum catalyst.[16][17]

2 CH4 + 2 NH3 + 3 O2 → 2 HCN + 6 H2O

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Last edited by Shenpen on Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

Methanol carbonylation[edit]
Most acetic acid is produced by methanol carbonylation. In this process, methanol and carbon monoxide react to produce acetic acid according to the equation:

Methanol formylation.png
The process involves iodomethane as an intermediate, and occurs in three steps. A catalyst, metal carbonyl, is needed for the carbonylation (step 2).[30]

CH3OH + HI → CH3I + H2O
Two related processes for the carbonylation of methanol: the rhodium-catalyzed Monsanto process, and the iridium-catalyzed Cativa process. The latter process is greener and more efficient[31] and has largely supplanted the former process, often in the same production plants. Catalytic amounts of water are used in both processes, but the Cativa process requires less, so the water-gas shift reaction is suppressed, and fewer by-products are formed.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

Petrochem Pluss Additions:
-acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic. the next step from phenolic plastic and a drain for your hydrogen fluoride.
-polyvinyl chloride. alternative for polyethylene.
-polymethyl methacrylate. use for acetone and source of synthetic glass.
-Polycarbonate. advanced replacement for PMMA.
-nitrous oxide. used for the production of phenol.
-acetone, hydrogen cyanide, sodium nitrate etc. chemicals used in production.
-Cumene process. a simpler way of creating phenol, also produces acetone.
-water-gas shift reaction. goes in both ways. is used for production of either hydrogen or carbon monoxide.

Last edited by Shenpen on Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

Benzyl Cyanide [2]

6 kilos of potassium cyanide are dissolved in water in an enameled stirring vessel fitted with reflux condenser. There is then added slowly a solution of 10 kilos of benzyl chloride[3] in an equal weight of alcohol. When all has been added, the mixture is heated for three to four hours at the boil. The liquid separates into two layers, the upper one reddish brown, contains the benzyl cyanide, the lower aqueous layer the alcohol and potassium chloride (which is precipitated as a crust on the walls of the vessel on cooling). The brown oily layer is washed several times with water and then distilled at ordinary pressure. Traces of alcohol first come over and the temperature then rises quickly to 195ºC. The residual liquor is now cooled somewhat and the benzyl cyanide distilled off in vacuo without fractionation. The crude benzyl cyanide so obtained is used for the next operation.

Phenyl-2-Propanone can be made in a single step by a free-radical reaction between benzene and acetone. The reaction relies upon the special oxidative powers of manganese(III)acetate, a compound easily prepared from potassium permanganate. The yield is relatively low, and requires high dilution of the reactants, but this can be improved, and the reaction is also applicable for other substituted benzenes, as can be seen in the comprehensive Manganese(III)acetate catalyzed aromatic acetonylation document on this site.

A mixture of Manganese(III)acetate dihydrate (13.4g, 50 mmol), benzene (150ml), acetone (150ml) and glacial acetic acid (250ml) was refluxed under an inert atmosphere (argon, helium or nitrogen) until the dark brown color of manganese(III)acetate changed to the pale pink of manganese(II)acetate (about 90 min). The reaction mixture was partitioned between 400ml ether and 250ml water. The ether layer was separated and washed with 250ml water and with 2x250ml 5% Na2CO3 to remove any remaining acetic acid. The ether was then dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 (or MgSO4), the solvent evaporated and the residue fractionately distilled to recover unreacted benzene, and to give phenyl-2-propanone in 40% yield (1.34g) based on the reacted manganese(III)acetate, which is the limiting reagent in this reaction.

In another process manganese dioxide is carbothermically reduced to manganese(II) oxide which is dissolved in sulfuric acid.
=ca. sulfuric acid + crushed manganese

Ammonium carbonate is produced by combining carbon dioxide and aqueous ammonia. READY

The filtered solution is treated with ammonium carbonate to precipitate MnCO3. ( = Manganese(II) carbonate)

The carbonate is calcined in air to give a mixture of manganese(II) and manganese(IV) oxides.

To complete the process, a suspension of this material in sulfuric acid is treated with sodium chlorate.
Chloric acid, which forms in situ, converts any Mn(III) and Mn(II) oxides to the dioxide, releasing chlorine as a by-product.

http://www.evernote.com/l/AR_pZgrfUORPS ... hH1Jibkho/
Last edited by Shenpen on Tue May 16, 2017 9:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

cs icons.png
cs icons.png (1.29 MiB) Viewed 50372 times
pp icons.png
pp icons.png (1.48 MiB) Viewed 50372 times
A few graphics updates and a more streamlined look to things...
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by aklesey1 »

Some questions:
1) Why crushed manganese has icon from acid gas
2) How to get manganese from wood in real life? For now its very very easy if have many wood, are u kidding me :D and why we need nodule proccessing?
3) Where dependencies for angel's smelting, refining, bob's greenhouse and Bio Indusrtries? Will we have them in future?
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

aklesey1 wrote:Some questions:
1) Why crushed manganese has icon from acid gas
2) How to get manganese from wood in real life? For now its very very easy if have many wood, are u kidding me :D and why we need nodule proccessing?
3) Where dependencies for angel's smelting, refining, bob's greenhouse and Bio Indusrtries? Will we have them in future?

1. Im still sorting out a few icons. The acid gas icon is bad for manganese, but not as bad as the old rocket defense in vanilla :D

2. The mod is still very incomplete. There are a few "dummy" recipes:
Dummies: manganese ore from wood, coco leaves from wood. The more realistic version will be added soon for manganese (needed to update to latest version of Angels Smelting), but the coco leaves form wood will not be changed until I have figured out exactly how to do agriculture. The Caffeine mod has a very nice solution that I lean towards emulating, but it will take some trial and error.

3. You cant use the mod without Angels Smelting etc., but I think that Bob's Greenhouse is no longer relevant. I should update the info, but the issue of denpendencies is complex and changing, so it is apt to be out of date often and for long. I would tend to err on the over inclusive side as I feel more comfy with that.

I think we might mean two different things using the word "dependencies". I dont mean that you will necessarily use say a petrochem process in-game in precursor production, but that the digital resources needed for the mod to run will not be available if you have not those mods installed. The dependencies are subject to changes at any rate. You should read it as this: "Don't expect the mod to run unless you have xxx and yyy installed."

At the moment I'm back to sorting out fluid-box issues with the advanced leaf cooker, and as soon as that is sorted I want to make sure that the graphics are complete for what is implemented now.
Last edited by Shenpen on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »


processed_manganese.png vs. processed-manganese.png

fluid-box fix for Advanced Leaf Cooker

Removed dummy recipe for Crushed Manganse from wood.

Updated for .15: local.cfg, recipe, items, prototypes.

Added gunpowder, charcoal, palmitic acid, naphthec acid and napalm.
Last edited by Shenpen on Wed May 24, 2017 5:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

Crushed manganese should look like this:

Showing off my awesome graphics skilz...
Showing off my awesome graphics skilz...
manganese.png (1.44 MiB) Viewed 50275 times
Last edited by Shenpen on Wed May 10, 2017 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

What does Cocaine do to your Brain

Upgrades controlled in control.lua
Crafting speed
Running speed
Inventory size
Amour Grid Size
Battery drain

Dopamine brain systems:
Movement (as seen in Parkinsons disease where symptoms of uncontrolled movements can be (temporarily) reversed by giving l-dopa (dopamine precursor)).
Reward, motivation, opportunity, expectation (as seen in the "high" of drugs that affect the dopamine high frequency levels).
Risk, risk aversion, anticipated regret (as seen in the increased risk aversion as age dependent reduction in dopamine levels affect decision making and behavior).

Negative effects
High Blood pressure
Stroke risk (ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke)
Depletion (dopamine rebound)

C. S. Peirce and Cocaine:

"Because of his neurological and nervous disorders, his family, and particularly his father, indulged and protected him into his forties. I summarized Peirce's character by means of the poet Baudelaire's ideal of the Dandy, the modern hero who makes himself into a great man, according to his own standards....

He also suffered terribly from the pain of trigeminal neuralgia and took ether, opium and morphine, alcohol, and later cocaine to control it. He was addicted by thirty, if not before, and came to depend on these drugs to get his work done. "

MS 1644. Biographical sketch by Richard Cobb, Peirce's nephew Benjamin Peirce Ellis's brother-in-law, and considered by Ellis the best account then available.
Last edited by Shenpen on Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:14 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.22] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

Where Does Cocaine Come From?
Where Does Cocaine Come From.png
Where Does Cocaine Come From.png (90.05 KiB) Viewed 50222 times
Coco leaves are harvested from the Erythroxylaceae plant, that is a native plant of the Andes region in South America. Pharmaceuticaly prepared cocaine is a refined version of what has traditionally been used by the native population as a mild stimulant. References to chewing coco-leaves goes back to ancient times, and seems to have been an ingrained part of Indian culture there.

Modern cocaine production is based on the same exact plant, the Erythroxylaceae. As the plant is adapted to high altitude, it is impossible to grow coco plants in normal fields. Our solution is to grow them in an artificial biosphere, where the high altitude dynamics are emulated by thinning the air. We simply add nitrogen to lower the oxygen percentage to 75 % of normal levels, so that oxygen is at just above 15% of the air inside the pods. This makes it possible to grow the Erythroxylaceae plant with acceptable results: Not the same yield of active ingredient as with the natural process at high altitude. But not hopelessly flawed either. The process does take a bit more care than when grown in nature, but with the latest pods, a lot of this is automated.

The big challenge lies in the post harvesting process, which is a challenge if you dont have experienced from either petrochemical or pharmaceutical production. There are numerous steps that are easy to get wrong and even when the setup and process is correct the yield is low for such a intricate production setup. The following is a short introduction to the process. If you follow the steps meticulously you will be rewarded with a fine product for sale or for personal consumption. As the process is a bit cumbersome and not entirely streamline in the normal sense, scaling production can be a challenge. But with some trial and error it would seem entirely possible to scale the production to any desired throughput.

Grind up coco leaves to make ground coco leaves aka GCL

Disolve the ground coco leaves in a solution of lime dust and water

Lime dust is a simple product of grinding lime to lime pebbles and then to lime dust. Lime is extracted using the Washer - part of "the water treatment module in Angels Refining" https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Arch666A ... lsrefining

Make kerosine from naphtha and fuel oil. Naphtha and fuel oil are both products of Angels Petrochem: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Arch666A ... spetrochem.

The kerosine distilation is done in an old outdated refinery that is modified to do just that.
kerosine.png (82.85 KiB) Viewed 50213 times
Mix the coco slurry with kerosine to make coco extration mix aka CEM.
This will also give you a precipitate of wax which is a residue from the leaves.

You will then need to extract celulose residue from the slurry.

Disolve the mixture and some potassium permanganate in a water & sulfuric acid solution.

Neutralize the ph by adding sodium Hydroxide. You should now have a thick yellow-ish coco-paste.

The coca paste is then mixed with water, more sulfurid acid and potassium permanganate.

The product of this is mangenese dioxide, some sulfuric wastewater and an acidic cocaine solution.

The last step is to precipitate the pure cocaine crystrals - cocaine hydrocloride - by adding amonia.

The precipitate is a white crystaline powder, cocaine hydrocloride that is know and sold as cocaine, tik, blow or coke.

This is cocaine hydrocloride in 4 % solution:
Cocaine_hydrochloride_CII_for_medicinal_use.jpg (3.32 MiB) Viewed 49981 times
Last edited by Shenpen on Mon May 22, 2017 5:04 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [Mod 0.14.23] Pharma Precursors

Post by ZombieMooose »

Commenting to keep an eye on this. It's moral support lol
"men will literally learn everything about ancient Rome instead of going to therapy"
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Re: [Mod 0.14.23] Pharma Precursors

Post by Shenpen »

diongham wrote:Commenting to keep an eye on this. It's moral support lol

Thanks! Right now exactly nothing happens as I need to find out what is changed after .15 update.

Then I need to take the deep dive into Blender render stuff, to make the sprites.

Then there is the big white area of my map that says control.lua configurations. Basically this deals with drug-effects and and side effects.
So still a bit to go before anything really works.

Taking a look at animator pro that is a simple 3D editing plugin for after effects. For something that ends up as a 64x64 sprite-sheet, the plugin seems to be plenty powerful and a lot easier to learn. Also keeps things inside AE and runs on my trusted PentiumPro.

Observation: .14 feels quite dated after using .15 for a few days... Still waiting to get my ducks (Vanilla, Bobs, Angels...) in a row.

Edit 2:
Animator pro is a mess and wont let you control orthographic cameras, so not good. Back to doing all in Blender.
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